How to Be Trusted by the Forum: An Educated Guess

Again, I have no idea. RichC is a very positive member of our community and would deserve such privileges in my opinion.

Thanks for answering my questions, this helps a lot! :smiley:

Yeah, just my thoughts.

Thanks for sharing though.

A collection of links to examples of what you can do with trust privilages would be nice. Edit: if you are up for it, I don’t want to ask you something that is a waste of time

Myself and a user named @Doc did a lot of testing which was cool, but our methods were more or less workarounds.

It’d be nice to have something to look forward to for some of the users here.

All evidence indicate to exactly that.

Oop one more question just came to me - Are these forms a clean slate? I’m asking because you stated we have to not have any code violations for the trust, and while I haven’t since these new forms came out, I may have messed up a bit on the old ones (and learned my lession) would be a bummer if I’m just stuck at level 1 forever because of the old forms, I’m a changed person!

I understand though if that is the case. :frowning:

I can accommodate that. Check out these other guides I have created that uses the features of this forum:

I have more creative content in the works as well.

I have no answer for sure, but I know Blizzard knows people learn from mistakes and can earn their trust.


I’m level 2 and I still cant post links yet :frowning:

I think RichC is also level 2.

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Bookmarked, and thanks again.

Alright well that’s good news. I was given a chance to change and I hope I’ve followed through on it and am back on the good list!

Thanks again for answering my questions. I love seeing good Blizz associates like yourself staying active and helpful within the community. :slight_smile:

would be cool if we got an official blue post in this thread to clear things up

Just to clarify, MVPs DO NOT represent Blizzard. I have great friendships with many Blizzard representatives, but I am just a player like you. We should be considered “trusted” sources of knowledge who actively participate in the community. Remember, a Blizzard representative speaking on their behalf will always be in Blue text (or in this forum, Orange if they are a developer).

Yeah I agree that’d be great, or an open Q & A with a blue about the system. Y’know if they have time for that because I understand they are busy. I also understand why they haven’t said anything yet with the information I have about this still being in development and not really “officially” implemented yet.

Oh! That’s interesting, I thought you guys were like unpaid intern kinda deals or something… How does one go about being an MVP then? hahah :wink:

Either way though I consider MVPs and up all a part of Blizzard since you guys seem to have inside information to a degree. I hold y’all on the same level as mods/admins and stuff, which I don’t think is a bad thing, don’t you agree? You were very helpful to all of us here regardless though, can’t thank you enough!

It’s a pretty dangerous assertion.

Okay, explain why? I’m willing to be corrected if that’s a problem view i have.

It’s not a “problem view” if it’s a means of respect but if it’s a means of authority that’s something entirely different.

This post explains more in detail, though note it is mostly focused toward the World of Warcraft community.

Yes and no. I can’t and won’t detail such information.

I do not have moderator privileges and have to flag posts here on the forums and report using the report form in-game just like you all do. The only time I will escalate directly to my contacts if it severely violates CoC where the content needs to be removed as soon as possible.

This is the role of the MVP, to help and encourage others. Even before I joined the ranks I participated in their Twitter CROWDS program (now defunct) and that was due to my positive experience working with Blizzard as they helped me resolve a critical game crash issue with my installation of Overwatch back in the fall of 2016.

It’s not easy, and believe me I do have my personal opinions for Overwatch. For example, I wish Competitive Matchmaking didn’t work to pair groups of the same quantity together as much as possible, as it de-incentivizes teamwork and makes grouping up an unrewarding experience across all ranks.

I meant in means of respect for sure, and also that like obviously I’d take what a MVP says for being more truthful over just a standard user on my level. I mean I wouldn’t quote an MVP for supporting something rumored to happen in the game or anything official.

Right, that’s all. I just dodn’t know which you meant.

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I’m at level 2, nice.

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