How is Hanzo a balanced hero?

Hero skill floors mean nothing once you get above them.
Both of them have a sub-50% WR below diamond, and in diamond+ Widow has a higher WR.

Death is the ultimate CC.

Skill floor and skill ceiling.
Storm arrow is so obnoxious, it’s like a panic button on which you press your fat finger when you want you problems to disappear.

The worst thing is that this crap can even headshot, you can have a Hanzo legit missing you 3 times in a row and then bodyshot-headshot-dead. With projectiles the size of a sequoia trunk.


The skill ceiling of either of them is also irrelevant as both of them are very high.

And that’s the part that needs heavy nerfs.

Since people spew this sh*t everywhere I’ll just quote this:

Some dumbass on the forums also started spreading the rumor that they have a really long hitbox, which is also false since the actual projectile is about half-way back on the arrow and the rest is just visual (as far as the game is concerned, the front half of the arrow doesn’t exist). Afaik the actual projectile goes from the middle of the arrow back to the start of the fins, which is about 10-20% of the length of the actual arrow.

Tanks don’t even have DPS ults (you could argue dva but that’s about it). All the ultimates of tanks are CC abilities, or playmaking abilities that need a DPS ult to follow up on. Shatter, Graviton Surge, Gravitic Flux,… Those are usually only good when combined with another ult. Tanks have the best ultimates in the game, I agree, but only when there’s follow up.

They also don’t have the kill potential of a DPS aside from maybe Roadhog and a highly charged Zarya. Sigma does damage but only has real kill potential in his optimal range, too close and the hyperspheres miss and too far they won’t even reach the target. All those aren’t even close to Widowmaker, DF or Hanzo.

You should compare DPS to DPS, if you do that you might see where OP is coming from. Seeing they buffed McCree and 76 to a state that was overpowered a year or 2 years ago, but now because of Hanzo and Widowmaker they barely even get played anymore.

I agree Hanzo is overtuned. Often no point in picking McCree or 76 since Hanzo breaks barriers better, can OHK and does more damage. He has a wall hack on cooldown and far better mobility.

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Well if we are comparing with other heroes - Reaper is he balanced? Silent, high dmg, no aim required, barely needs to make any decisions.(zerging on) :smiley:

He cant rely on his shots as hitscan can do. no cc his burst is 350 damage with projectile, any dps can do around 300 burst, my Ashe can do 1k damage with TnT to whole team, mcree can rightclick 300 damage, junk can 240 with mines, sigma can do oneshot 120+80, hog can oneshot etcetc.

How would you call that, skill steps, skill curve ? Hanzo has a lot more aspects to his kit that can be trained to better your gameplay. While widow has very few, and that makes her skill curve much steeper to climb.

Don’t worry that’s no news to me, I overexagerated for the memes.

What matters is that, as a projectile, it has a fairly big hitbox (even if it’s the smallest, all projectiles do), coupled with an insanely fast projectile speed (100m/s… only second to Mei’s RMB at 115m/s… WTF MEI ?), and the fact that his increased mobility and storm-arrow made him a lot more confortable as a low/mid-ranged hero.

His primary fire having this kind of speed-hitbox-distance ratio is definitely okay as it slows him and takes long to charge, but imo storm-arrow doesn’t deserve the same stats.

He is good on almost all ranges to xd

He’s not balanced, he is too mobile for the damage he does.


Is fine when this hero have other weakness… like low movility or bad self defense on close range.

But you know, hanzo is perfect.

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So again, it mostly boils down to Storm Arrows, which has been in need of some pretty hefty nerfs for a while now.
The -1 arrow makes a fairly big difference against dive tanks, but nothing else. Should probably be reduced to 1-3 arrows or removed.

Oh, I completely agree with that.
When Hanzo still had scatter, his main problem was either being dove too easily or deleting instantly whatever dove him (yeah, scatter really was obnoxious).

They gave him a dash, which is amazing, but I think storm arrow should have only complemented that, not become a better scatter. Sure, he needs an easier/faster way to deal damage so he can defend himself when dove, but imo that should have never become such a powerhouse.

Should replace it with one of those funny-looking arrows with a big ball as a tip to knock people back instead :^)

How is Hanzo a balanced hero?

He is not. He is made for people, for who this games was geniunely was made - underagers. Hold LMB to win. That is hanzo. that is sigma, that is moira, that is genji, that is brig. Zero skill needed. Maximum impact.


Storm arrows should have reverse damage fallout. Then hanzo cant use those arrows to delete enemys on close range

At which point you might as well remove it since his primary fire would be more reliable.

I barely see Hanzo on my team/enemy team. I’m surprised there are any who play him into the current “meta”.

do you really think that people play a shooter to shoot at barriers and constantly have kills stolen from them?

a lot of y’all have forgotten what it was like to actually play this game

this ain’t it

nano boost
amplification matrix
graviton surge

congratulations on being wrong

hanzo needs nerfs

but not until every support and tank is nerfed

what’s more likely to cause a team wipe, Tactical Visor or Earhshatter? Grav? Tac visor only caused the teamwipe if it was combo’d with AM, Nano or Supercharger.

DPS ults are trash on their own. Tank and Support ultimates are not and allow everyone to do better DPS or to be more aggressive than they normally would be.

Therefore they do better DPS and are DPS ults.

He’s the third most picked DPS up to master, second most picked in master, and most picked DPS in GM.

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