How is Hanzo a balanced hero?

Someone for the love of God tell me. One shotting, extremely high burst damage, mobility. What can’t he do?


He can’t self heal, shield himself or use CC.


Heal, Tank any significant damage, shoot hitscan shots

See why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.


So one shotting and having extreme damage is fine?

But why are they called Apple Jacks if they don’t taste like apples?


Hanzo is Magic.


As to OP- I don’t know.

I don’t particularly like hanzo design either. I don’t find him necessarily OP. But I also feel he lacks any appreciable weakness in regards to the strength his kit has.

A long range burst hero with untelegraphed OHKO potential on their primary. I’ll just peek and oh. I died because he can see me through walls. No worries- just dive them. Oh he lunged away. Just chase him down. Oh he climbed a wall. Just follow him one last time. He fires slowly- he should be weak. Oh. Machine gun arrows.


What does trix even mean?

Fix power creep
Get the dev team to revert a change


I had to edit this 3 times to get it right and now I’m sad


as much as I cry when I get 1 shot by a hanzo, I don’t have that much of an issue with him.

i’d say chill since he’s a beginner character but he does seem a bit overtuned with having storm arrows, sonic arrows, and 250 dmg at mid-long range

So how is a hero one shotting whilst also burst damaging balanced?

Because one hit kills are burst damage.


Hanzo is not really appreciated, since the fall of GOAT, double sniper bunker became the actual meta.
And Hanzo is not an exception, his high burst damage, one shot potential and great mobility make him really dangerous in the hand of a good players.

Compared to Soldier Hanzo can use all of his ability to counter another, when Soldier just do Soldier things.

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someone tell me how tank and support heroes in this game are balanced.

they have better DPS ults than the DPS heroes, do damage that is competitive with DPS heroes, have better utility than DPS heroes and all have more survivability than DPS heroes.

yet all people can do is cry about doomfist, hanzo and widowmaker.

like ahmg dude

i am sorry no one wants to play turtlewatch with you

just because 3 heroes don’t have to play into all 50 of these painfully contrived contrived tripwire minefield oonga boonga ping pong bunker fiestas doesn’t make a hero OP, especially when every other hero below them is considered unviable due to the strength of tanks and supports as a whole

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It’s mainly just Storm Arrow’s ridiculous damage output tbh. He’s already got one of the most powerful primary fires out there, giving him strong shield break and consistent DPS with Storm Arrows was overboard. It at least shouldn’t be able to headshot, or at least give him better audio/ visual indicators on his Sonic Arrow and Storm Arrows. Hanzo is ridiculously quiet in a game where louder enemies are supposedly “more dangerous” according to the tips (Even Though You Can Hear Mercy Walking Around in Stiletto Heels and She’s Highly Unlikely to Kill You)


you can hear hanzo just fine if you spent 6 seasons getting okie doked by scatter arrow as tracer