How do you justify widowmaker still existing in the game?

Irony. Literally not a single argument

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No more than widow might by killing things coming back from spawn. Which means killing your opponents is not ignoring the objective. It is making it easier for your team to secure it.

By keeping an enemy out of the fight you are helping your team. Especially if it’s a support.

Irritation isn’t a qualifier for griefing.
You also can draw a second enemy to spawn in order to prevent the camp. Meaning you just turned the fight on objective into 4v3 in your teams favor.

Being near the objective is not a qualifier for playing the objective. In fact, people only play the objective during a fight in order to force their opponent to give up good positions in order to prevent progress.

Winning fights on any part of a board is playing the objective as the rest period is used to progress the objective. You still hold as much space as you can forward of said objective to make it harder.

More mobile characters excel at this. Sombra even more so.


The real question is how you justify having a character with an overbloated toolkit, to be able to get away with free afk elims in low ranks, because players in low ranks stuggle at killing eachother; and with such a high rate of activity

But hey, some noobs think Moira is a problem
A gold moira beats rank 1 genji? - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

Anyways, enjoy the spawncamp xD

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They should buff widowmaker to one shot with bodyshots as long as pharah exists.

So you don’t have to pick 48547857 hitscans just because someone picks pharah.

How do you justify widowmaker still existing in the game ?

Because, thank God, the OW team doesn’t listen to users with more than 50-70k posts on this forum that have been advocating and raising propaganda against an original hero from Overwatch for years.

Because she’s awesome, powerful and very easy to counter. Only a problem for bronze players running around like headless chickens.

I am a Widow main. I find Sombra annoying sometimes, but I don’t let that derail what I am playing the game for; to have a good time (even if I am not currently playing the game as much as I used to).

If Sombra is being a nuisance, adjust your strategy or switch to a different hero. Widowmaker having counters is perfectly fine. The ability to swap mid-match is the core of Overcharge’s gameplay identity.

that’s a W from the sombra player tbh the less widowmaker server admins in the game the better


It’s the same deal with Pharah players

“why do they always swap to hitscan every game?”

uhh maybe because she can easily dominate a lobby if not countered?

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Because the devs don’t do a good job at factoring “Time”, into their “Time-Weighted-Winrates”, which makes it so that Attack-preferred heroes have an artificially low winrate.

Because they spend less time on Attack, are faster on Attack, generally either don’t get picked on Defense, or if they do get picked on Defense they usually lose.

And the winrates are weighted by TIME spent on the hero, relative to the entire duration of the match. So Defense counts for more, attack counts for less. And doing good on attack means less time on attack.

So the devs keep reacting to Widow’s CRAZY low winrate, and keep trying to push it to 50%, when the really should not be doing that at all in the first place.

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If you are spawn camping and your team is losing the game then yes I would agree it is an issue. If you are spawn camping and your team is still winning then it is just smart game play to keep the game effectively 5x4.

If the definition of griefing is intentionally killing players until it irritates them what do you do with normal gameplay. Oh no, that player killed me 5 times in a row on the point, I am irritated and need to report! If that was the case I would report every widow that one shots my head when I am just trying to get back to the fight

No 4v4. Spawn camping means you’re not returning to the objective. You’re camping the spawn. So at most it’s a 4v4. If it’s a 5v4 they’re going back to the objective and now the player killed in spawn can come back. Spawn camping means she isn’t fighting with the team she’s basically established a 1v1 all game until someone dies to help or peels upwards of 50-60 meters. So peel for 10s.

you chosen the most anti fun hero ever to play against and you’re mad that someone wants you to counter you?

Snipers do not belong in multiplayer games as they are inherently anti fun.
If you want to play the no fun allowed character, then you don’t get to have fun, either.


widow needs to bring back one shot in the head kill and the rework from mirrorwatch, the ow1 team who was making skill trees sure had something amazing on their hands, who would have guess new abilities were fun? shocking

BEcause the team balance are controlling widow on almost all ranks with another stupid hero like sombra.

they instead balance the game, just let some heros to hardcounter other heros.

then balance the game properly?

hitscan doesn’t hard counter pharah like sombra does to windows 10.

I’ve never seen a problem widowmaker in game, at least not as described by most anti widow people. And I see clear and egregious anti sniper bias against her and snipers in other games. Including games where there’s easier and cheaper ways to kill your enemies or weapons that give you an unfair advantage, but people ignore them for no justifiable reasons.

For that reason, I not only think Widowmaker is fine, I think most people against her are coming at her in bad faith. When they say “She’s bad design” they really mean “I don’t want to have to counter her, so remove her”.

At least your hero can still one shot, hanzo is beyond the most useless hero in the game lol