How do you justify widowmaker still existing in the game?

like why even have her as selectable as a dps if you’re literally at the mercy of the enemy team going sombra? i headshot a guy once. ONCE. he just swapped sombra and spawncamped me.

like i’ve never been more honest about a thing ever. explain to me how this is a thing. how this is balanced. some schmuck playing on a mousepad decides he doesn’t like you and he just swaps to sombra. that’s it. you literally have to pray the enemy doesn’t have a sombra. otherwise there’s just no possible scenario where you want to go widow. it’s insanity.

day after day, i ask myself more and more how i even try to play this game. like, every hero i try, there’s just always some bs involved. always. it’s insane.

edit: while typing this, i just got suspend for 2h from qp because i’m listening to music. you can’t make this up. this is not a game. this is worse than a chore. i’d rather work overtime than go home and play this crap. no words can describe how much of a failure this “game” is.


they are really strange imo when it comes to nerfs and adjustments of widowmaker.

Players ask for 1-shots to be removed. They leave 1-shots and nerf her HP.

Very clear their only intentions are to make players irate.


They don’t want to outright remove heroes, so they have to design around the turd that the OW1 team left them.


Well if they spawn camp you all game you report them for griefing.

That’s not griefing lmfao


The real question is how you can justify Widow existing when her kit straight up goes against what the game is supposed to be


Imagine being do arrogant that you know what the game is “supposed to be”. Internet game designers, I swear…almost as irritating as armchair psychologists.

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Look up “griefing in gaming definition” and compare it to spawn camping sombra and then tell me it’s not griefing.

Definitions are not laws. Language is not dictated by definitions. Meaning is contextually based and changes with time.

Nuance is the key to communicating.


Great so your point is it’s a case by case situation. And in this case it’s griefing. You’re ignoring the objective. You’re ignoring your team. You’re ignoring most the enemy team. And you’re killing one player over and over in spawn which irritates them. And it’s clearly intentional because you’re not going near the objective.


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Instead of getting spawncamped by Sombra you can… switch and not throw the game? As bad as Sombra is, nobody wants to 4v5 because their deadbeat Widow wont switch

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Core design of the game is against solo carrying. It’s a game reliant on TEAMWORK to function.

Widow is a solo hero. Worse, she’s one with no counterplay. She shouldn’t exist.

It’s objectively not griefing


You can’t grief enemy team because literally your goal is to win against them, lol. What a delusion

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I get it, but also… it’s widow. If they’re going to keep her that egregiously game-warping, the counter to her should be decisive and oppressive. :woman_shrugging:


She’s got a big bass probably. Gotta have the fan service around or the game truly is dead.
Welcome to Sombra world. She dominates and conquers what she wants.

if they delete widow then all the simps who bought skins for her would be very angry

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Based on what objective fact? I literally looked up hat griefing in gaming is. And sombra spawn camping fits it perfectly. So not sure what objective facts you’re using but maybe you need to not only look up griefing in gaming but also look up objective while you’re at it.

Of course you can grief the enemy team.


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