A gold moira beats rank 1 genji?

Timestamp: TIMESTAMP


CHERRY ON TOP: Timestamp 2 gold dps players chase a genji and are unable to kill him close range, yet a SUPPORT called moira can easily kill the best genji in close range while being out of position?

Before you reply with non-arguments, answer this one question:
1) Why is moira the only hero that a gold player can beat rank 1 players on?

In no competitive game, should a player of lower skill be able to consistently kill a player that has 10,000 hours on a hero and probably the best accuracy on a hero out of any player to ever touch overwatch.

If blizzard is going to battlepass lock heroes, maybe it should also make it so that you can actually outskill one another instead of low-skill counterwatching.

In no other game that has a “competitive” mode, will a low rank player be able to consistently out do a one of the highest rank player, in fact, arguably the best genji.

Overwatch has done all of its old players extremely dirty. There is a reason why agilities, seagull, shadowburn, shadder2k have completely abandoned the game and no longer even stream it.

If overwatch is going to keep killing high-skill fun heroes and allowing no skill easy heroes to ruin the game, it will never grow. Just imagine if blizzard allowed game reviews like steam. It would be overwhelmingly negative (just like how it is on steam currently).

Overwatch 2 devs need to pick a lane, a competitive game that requires skill or a game where low skill players are allowed to compete through the abuse of no skill heroes.

Stop allowing lower rank players to swap to a hero and be able to climb way above their actual rank level. This is a COMPETITIVE mode for a reason, people who improve should be able to climb not people who are actually not improving but just pick the easiest lowest skill heroes.


I’ll save you a click. A genji dashes straight into Moira next to her healing orb, lands a few bodyshots, and dies. Gets upset because they’re smurfing and think they should win despite their dumb play.


He said it himself, season 9 was the problem. Not necessarily Moira. But, like, sure, Moira got easier along with literally every hero in the game including Genji.


I thought the moira was gold? shouldn’t the moira be GM.


I watched that U2G. You forgot to mention all the other gazillion times he killed a Moira in those low ranks after she used fade and said how you need to focus her after she uses fade and how many metal rank Moiras just use their fade aggressively plus how you need to have good mechanics.

He stressed that in his U2GM a lot. Give a full picture. Dying once to a Moira as a high elo player happens, but it does not happen nearly as much as a Gold Genji dying to a Gold Moira. Just because you are GM does not mean you are immortal in metal ranks.
Krrandrop in his latest Youtube video lost in Silver with a 50-3 stats. Still made it to T500. So did Necros. You failed to mention that. You also failed to mention how in every other game he completely dumbstered the metal rank players, metal rank Moiras included.

  1. That was not a dumb play
  2. That’s the JOB OF GENJI

Here is an accurate reframe: Genji dives a support character (literally his role), lands all of his shots and still dies because moira does not actually need to be accurate to play the game.

Of course a moira player that would have 0.2% headshot accuracy is calling the literal rank 1 genji a bad player… These forum replies are not real.

And 3. the MOIRA made the bad play here. A support hero is frontlining out of position yet the flanker dps gets punished?

This just goes to show that you will defend your hero because it allows you to be horrible at the game but get rewarded.


If you watch the replay he clearly misses twice.


All of the things you want me to mention will change absolutely nothing.

My point still stands, a low rank moira should almost never be able to 1v1 and win against the literal rank 1 players of the game (unless the moira actually aimed and hit all her beam) but no gold player will be more accurate than a rank 1, seems like they need to play a hero that doesn’t require mechanics to beat them

but moira doesn’t need to be accurate since shes a no skill hero, but you forgot to mention that and completely ignored the point

These forum people are missing the whole point.

The point is that a bad player should be in a bad elo, the bad player shouldn’t be getting rewarded for being bad.

Moira rewards bad players and all the bad players are on the forums defending her.


That is most definitely not what he said. Once again, this about the skill it takes to play a hero. Stop making it about balance and continuously ignoring the point

The clip is right there. Anyone can watch it…


I killed a top 25 Tracer as a Gold Kiri. It happens. They were on me the entire game. Very hard for me to hit with such good blink management.


He was overconfident with his engage, misplayed and died for it. To duel a counter you can’t afford either of those.

It’s bizarre how many people think everyone in gm+ are Gods who never make mistakes. Watch any unranked to gm and you’ll see them lose the occasional duel. It happens and doesn’t matter.


Even a bronze widow will kill a rank1 genji if he puts his head in the crosshair.

Rank1 doesn’t make you immortal

Also btw revert season 9 I know all you genju kept mum cause it felt nice to hit those big projectiles but the game became trash cause everyone kept :shushing_face:


That happens when the player makes the wrong play.

He also made the correct play, there was nothing overconfident about diving a moira when up in numbers. You should be able to out DPS a support regardless of whether u are up numbers or not.

And again, that was not the point of this post. There has not been a single reply to this post that addressed the argument I actually made, maybe because they don’t have one.

But this is also my fault, I am trying to engage with moira players in good faith but they don’t actually care or have any understanding of how anything works which is why they play moira to begin with.

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The game is not a competitive game. There is your counter argument.


It’s why Pharah is seeing more play now. People are realising her splash damage is easier to land than before.

Besides Moira isn’t a threat anymore with her post season 9 nerfs. Look how they massacred Illari too.


Exactly, they should release a competitive mode without moira brig mercy junk and some reworks to pharah!

Glad we finally agreed on something!

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Or you can find a different game. You going to take this game seriously with the other cheese heroes in it too?


That Genji clearly misses a lot of shots, and would have won had he not missed the last headshot, firing it too high even for the forgiving hitboxes this game now has. His biggest mistake was guessing wrong the direction the Moira faded giving the Moira a lot of time to take a good chunk of health.