How do you justify widowmaker still existing in the game?

I feel same way, either genji or widow/Hanzo should be the counter to widow. Sombra is lame af. Widow can’t exist when sombra is invisible at all times.

High ground, where you have to grapple to. So that she has to use translocate to reach you.
So you should see it when she’s going to dive you.
And you should definitely hear it when she does.

Undertale name?

If keeping the Widow stuck in spawn is winning your team fights on the objective or is increasing their odds. Then you are actually playing the objective. You have to ask the question. It is essentially a consistent 1 for 1 trade. Which if the enemy you are trading with would have a bigger impact than you during a fight, is a net positive.

Would I recommend this play style. Probably not. I´d recommend trying to get some more value in between the spawn camps. You can harass the back line or something and be back in time to still kill the Widow coming from spawn on most maps. But would not call it grieving.

The Widowmaker who knows the Sombra is waiting and killing them over and over from spawn and who still decides to attempt the same strat after dying 10 times… This player might be considered to be intentionally feeding or grieving at that point.

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Going dva into her face and deleting her.

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there must be at least 1 hero going against the rules.

the counterplay is another widow. It’s completely fair.

it’s not griefing. 1 player spawnscamp the other. now it’s a 4v4. If you want to throw blame do it on blizzard for creating a hero that can stay perma invis.

That means you left 6 games out of the last 20. That’s 30% of your games. Leaver penalty workign as intended.



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If I didn’t have to play against mouse Widows, I would be fine with Widow buffs. Since I can’t out aim you PC guys I have to play Sombra or the like otherwise it’s miserable. That’s what you get for picking Widow on attack maps or maps where the sight lines are bad. Deal with it.

Hanzo can rapid fire ten arrows in your skull. Take away that and we’ll talk about more headshot damage.

If widow was more fun to play against, people wouldnt see the need to counterswap and hard punish them.

The problem is Widow AND Sombra, and for kinda the same reasons.



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just go widow when they have widow. You’ll love it.


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I can be cute too…UwU

Still no

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if you do that again i’m ddos ing you.

just do it. You don’t have anything else to do in this game anyway. Might as well have some fun for the first time.


Notices your bulgy wulgy

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…why are you like this D:

Nuzzles your necky wecky

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