Hog is bad,very bad

Fixed a bug that prevented Roadhog’s alternate fire now calculates falloff damage correctly

Basically his RMB now has falloff, but nobody knows why, since it’s a projectile, and no other projectiles have falloff now. He’s significantly worse at killing Pharahs and breaking shields as a result.

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The main thing I find that determines how good a Hog can carry is how bad your enemies are, or how good the main tank is. If you have an Orisa and and a shield you can stay behind most of the time Roadhog can do some work. Keeping people from closing the distance and just walking through the shield.

In turn the shield helps prevent Roadhog from feeding so much. If you don’t have a good shield to hide behind (or the enemy dmg is so high it keeps getting destroyed) the other aspect that matters is your enemies. Simply put a good Roadhog who doesn’t die will feed a lot. This means his ability to really carry is hurt by how good the enemy is with their ultimate, and what they have.

Feeding a soldier or Symetra doesn’t really matter, their ultimate won’t mean anything in most situations. However if there is a Hanzo, Junkrat,Dva those ults can and will wipe out your team fairly easily when they are spammed twice a minute.


only 210 damage if ALL his pellets hit, which they don’t… thanks to a small hitbox.


How would you buff him?

Today on things that never happened. Also if you have potato computer and internet connection, Hog mechanics do not need buffing.

A complete l2p issue here. IF you know there is an Ana maybe, just maybe don’t go after her, since you know her nade blocks your heal and it is not your job to kill her.
IF you are in a team fight and Ana is focusing you with her nade, then change your positioning.

Yet 1 dps composition has been king for almost 2 years now…

hog’s a little bad because he’s reeeeaaaalll big and very tough to kill so it’s easy for him to be an ult battery but other than that is really is just scrap gun consistency. I don’t even know if Tracer’s going to die when I land the hook anymore.

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And if you think Sombra is in a good spot right now, you are either:

  1. High Ranked, where no one picks her anyways
  2. Main Genji
  3. Main Tracer
  4. Anti-Sombra

Wait, totally missed the point of the thread… forget I said anything.

I mean, just to be clear here, if he had consistent damage and hooks not breaking…I’m not worried about being an ult battery.

Enemy can’t use you as a battery all the time if you can actually kill them.


One of these two design approaches:

🐖 [Roadhog] Changes I want
🐖 Hog fix, without buffing shotgun

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Cool, gotta land every pellet on the head. Also depending on server lag, the melee might not connect.

Very cool.

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I’m gold. I don’t even have huge time on Hog. I can OS Tracer after hook 9 times out of 10.
He’s not bad because of his follow up, he’s bad because right click does low dmg, Brigs armour ruins him and he feeds too much.

nah both you and SPACE are garbage, git gud…(not actually serious)


Aww yea, its the buff hog leader.

So as a fellow man of grace and hooks, when do you think symmetra will be played more than hog?

I love GOATS as a concept because it shortcuts the biggest problem people have in this game: pressing W.

The reason Dive works so well in higher ranks because it’s very hard to deal with focused aggression. You go in and you commit hard. GOATS is similar, but it works for teams that don’t understand it because it’s just raw, blind aggression. You press W and you don’t stop until you’re past the enemy team and suddenly you’re on the defensive instead. Now the enemy has to attack, and they likely have the same issue with committing to aggression.

Of course this reasoning all falls apart when you get to people who actually know what they’re doing, but people calling the strategy “cheese” always amuses me.

Tracer was used over Doomfist before Brigitte was released even though DM was still there.

Current Dives are a lot more commital (you commit to the Hacked Target) so Tracer’s extra survivability is unnecessary and thus she doesn’t get played as often.

Not to mention Doomfist is 100x better against Brigitte.

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Against a disorganised team hog is decent since heals are few and far between for his victims, shields aren’t used effectively and he can self heal.

Add any form of teamwork and hog quickly becomes an ult battery.

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Pretty soon tbh pros actually used her successfully once

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There’s a few really big issues with hog. First is consistency as many people have pointed out. That seems to have gotten worse recently with the hook becoming more finicky than ever.

Second is his propensity to feed, which is the same issue he’s already had. Not a deal breaker in itself, but a flaw that does demand he have something good enough to bring to the table to justify it.

Third is that his rework put a lot more emphasis on his ability to use a channeled ability in a game where CC has become more prevalent. Not only is Ana big right now, but brig is fairly common as well, and doomfist is more popular than ever. Between the three of them (and various other characters to a lesser degree) it’s gotten much harder to take advantage of his damage resistance and high health pool. If you can’t take advantage of that, and his kill potential is so unreliable than why play him?

On top of all that, he has to compete with dva for a spot on the team and she happens to be one of the strongest and most versatile characters in the game. With all of that said, I don’t think it’s any exaggeration to say he’s in a really bad spot.

Im very happy you talking like an adult instead of trash talking my comment. <3
Btw its not 7 mins only thats just qp only.
But yea your right I’m not a real main of him.

You being crap at Hog doesn’t make Hog bad.

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