Hog is bad,very bad

This is the most accurate representation of Roadhog’s pellet spread I could find. Just pretend that’s an Overwatch hero in the middle.

This would represent his damage but Roadhog’s is even worse since his spread is so terrible even at hooked enemy range.


Enemies still wind up living 50-75% of the time.

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It’s not always easy to do that against heroes that can instantly prevent you from doing more dmg like tracer, genji, moira etc


You don’t have time to do that against tracer.


Idk, I always thought rpadhog was an carry hero.
I always hear if u want to be effective u can play roadhog.
After the last nerf/bug fix people came randomly that he is very bad.
But I rly think he isnt bad.

He can carry, but that is as random as his spread, damage and hook hit detection.


I think Hog, Reaper, Soldier are all just suffering from Barriers. They arent that good against Barriers with Brigitte added with another 600 barrier. It wouldnt be that bad if they had some long range or assassinate possibility like Widowmaker but the flanking of these guys fail a lot. They are good when they success though.
If they are to be more flanker then Roadhog needs more hook range, Soldier needs more damage, Reaper needs shorter cooldown of shadowstep

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The cooldown on Shadow-Step is not the issue, it’s to clunky and slow to use


Any skill is better with shorter CD. As a Flanking Skill SS can be a better skill then widowmaker 8sec hook which is 10 now

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first of all its your not ur and secondly one of the best roadhog’s on the planet SPACE has had similar issues, you know SPACE? like the vacant space between your(oh i mean ur) ears?


Yeah right…


And the animation isn’t even really finished.


Back in the days of triple/quad tank I used to HATE Hog with a passion. I miss him being meta, I miss him being decent :frowning:
I do think before he was nerfed, he was a bit over the top, but now hes just a marshmellow
Edit: Also wanna add, I would play D.Va and I could counter hog perfectly with every DM, and turning away to avoid headshots etc. Its was so fun and so fulfilling to know that I am outplaying a hard to kill character, when really theyre supposed to counter me. Now when I see a hog, all I can think is “yum ult charge”. Hogs dont scare me at all, I get ult like every 8 seconds lmao

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People who have no idea how to be effective with hog complaining about hog not being effective.

Dunno, have not failed to OS a Tracer with Hog for ages.


wait what?
what nerf is on the ptr?

i’ve hit rank 11 on overbuff with oldHog and rank 3 on overbuff with new hog.
trust me, i’m effective with Roadhog.
the hero is hot garbage right now, i’ve hit 4400 by playing mainly hog in one season but now i can barely hit 4200.

if you really think Roadhog is in a good spot right now, you’re either:

  1. delusional
  2. low ranked
  3. anti-hog

Never said it was in a good spot.
Just said that the huge majority of people whining about him are people that can’t hit constently with him because they have no idea what’s the good way to do so.
Don’t care if you’re part of that majority or not.

But not being able to OS a Tracer when hook succeeded is just : not knowing how to do. You should be able to relate.

Before you reply :
I’m just claiming that his weaknesses do not reside in his ability to kill after hooks. It just resides somewhere else.

go with a headshot then. if aimed right it kills her b4 her recall

You also think you can just walk closer to the hooked enemy without letting them escape, maybe you should improve your view of the game?


I think you have no idea what you’re talking about. When I was still playing this game it happened to me as well that I couldn’t combo tracer. I mean I was only Master and not GM or Top whatever, but I think being Master with Roadhog is not that bad either.


Roadhog 1.0 was.

It used to be that way.

Anyone who actually played him thought he was bad the very second he got nerfed the first time, which he was. It’s just that everytime we spoke up about it back then we were met with backlash.

Now that more people have been playing Road, and with the release of Brig, people are finally seeing how bad of a place he’s in.

Of course you don’t, you only have a whopping 7 minutes of playtime on him. Probably just enjoy the free ult charge he gives out.