Here are my specs:
RTX 2070
G. Skill TridentZ 16GB (2 x 8GB) 3600 MHz
I play with a 240hz and maintain a constant 300fps but the game doesn’t feel “smooth” and feels super choppy. The only thing that makes it feel smooth is when I cap the fps at 200 - which doesn’t make sense to me if I maintain the 300fps.
Everything is on low at 75% render scale. It’s 3 day old PC, it should be able to do this very easily.
**Weirdly it feels more smooth on epic settings lol
First of all, grats on the machine, it’s a beast. Sounds like to me your experiencing ‘screen tearing’. A easy fix to that is to enable vsync in the game options. You may have to enable vsync in the GeForce experience as well. Good luck.
Does the monitor have Gsync/Freesync, and is it enabled?
If not, your refresh rate has to be a x0.5, x1, x1.5, or x2 multiple of your framerate
(so on your 240hz monitor your fps options are 240, 160, or 120.)
I’m not exactly sure why, it has something to do with the way screens refresh itself. It can cause some strange phenomena were 72fps can actually feel smoother than 100fps on a 144hz monitor.
I am experiencing the same issues since the last 2 “micro patches” and the last major update from Mid December. I even made a MAJOR post on it. The game does NOT feel smooth at all. Playing widowmaker right now is just a total pain. Most of my shots are missing now, and I am getting alot of “non registration” shots happening.
I am just going to casually play now, until they fix it. (750 hours on WM)
It just occurred to me that Gsync doesn’t actually do anything if your framerate is over your refresh rate. (It tries to keep your monitor in time with the frames after all, and it can’t go over its limit.)
This^ should pretty much be your first step… if you’re troubleshooting other aspects and haven’t first checked if this “choppy” play you mention is happening in other games then you could potentially be wasting a lot of time.
Are you familiar with the ctrl+shift+N console in game? It shows your input lag… check and see how much that value changes between low/high end graphics settings… if the difference is negligible than it’s probably worth just leaving the settings on high, especially if you’re still getting consistent frames
I think your pc is sooo good none of us can relate:(
After this last patch I had to stop overclocking my gpu (980ti) the game would just keep crashing.
I have my cpu (i7 5820K) overclocked though and I can run 300fps steady.
I have to make sure Dynamic reflections are off
Local fog detail low
render scale 75
Here is an old article that has some good info and detailed explanations on settings. Logical Increments