High end PC - Game doesn't feel smooth?

This will break parts of Windows

Media software will usually use the HPET for various things; software that isn’t designed to handle the fault will cause a memory leak waiting for the register to update but it never does

Maybe on a rig that is strictly games only but be aware, disabling HPET WILL cause issues with the OS


Except the GPU.

Try posting this over in the tech support forums as you may get some really good help there as there are some pretty tech savvy people who are there that help a lot of people out with many issues.

Idk why anyone would buy an i9 but ok. It’s probably just lag. If I had to guess I’d say it’s the rtx seeing how new it is.

All that juice and you play at 75% scale?


Less input lag. I play at higher level so everything I can get helps.

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Same. Get 300 fps easily but the game feels/looks really stuttery or choppy. Gsync doesn’t fix it. Or Fast Sync or anything in the Nvidia settings.

It only feels REALLY smooth and perfect if i enable Vsync in game but the input lag is too much. (Why doesn’t GSYNC feel this way?)

And yeah it definitely helps when i turn my settings from low to high but again… input lag

I’m going crazy trying to find a happy place between unbearable tearing/choppy gameplay/no input lag and perfectly smooth game but tons of input lag.

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I just gave up awhile back and set all my graphics settings to low for Overwatch (except render scale obviously). Smooth gameplay > graphics.

I posted over there a couple of days ago myself when this happened. GENERALLY the Blizzard team responds quickly. I dont know where they are at, AT ALL. It’s like NOBODY is even online.

I mean normally I report TOXIC players in the late evening and early morning. I receive the “THANK YOU FOR CONTRIBUTING” etc etc message. Not lately…

Really? I mean if OP’s Vsync is at 240 FPS, that should be more than enough fps to reduce any input lag.

Agree, not to mention that the graphics really create visual clutter when set to higher levels.

cries in 75hz

Generally u shouldn’t need any sync in 240hz, check with your net connection, if wifi has jitter for example

Yeah lol right like get two 1080 ti’s or get out am i right? lololol


what if you cap it at 240?

tbh i really don’t think you’d notice the difference between 200 and 300 unless you have some prior fighter jet pilot training or something :wink:

what about fullscreen windowed? that should just use your monitors rate i think?

Still feels bad at 240. The solution for now is just leave it on epic settings. I’ve tried pretty much everything inside and outside of the game.

try turning on Vsync in game

With these specs and game settings only 300 fps… just what ?

disable core parking
