Heros that are bad for the health of game and need rework


Hog: look he is just a fat dps with a gimmicky easy one shot on cooldown, once you bait hook he is just ult battery for enemy team. Is not useful to team, pain to play with as teammate.

Sigma: His kit is overloaded Cc shield dm ranged dmg that can two shot squishies without much aim, cree needs two headshots to kill sigma just chuck twice.
Something has to be removed if he has to keep this dmg either cc or dm or shield.

Bastion : He is bad for the game by being bad, just like lord tachanka is being reworked in r6, bastion needs to be make him a slow moving turret, sentry hero’s don’t work in games not even slow games like r6.

Sombra : she is not fun in ladder and boring to play, she is used in owl for emp and basically wall hacks as spy cam.

Sym : don’t make her healer but do something else. I don’t even know what this hero is supposed to be.

Pharah : bad design, counters most non hitscan heros and gets destroyed by hitscan, she is one of the reason hitscans are very essential, when hitscans were banned it was pharmercy week on owl.

Also pharmercy is such yuck combo, its practically like a budget nanoblade.

The only reason it’s not abused is cause of hitscans.

Genji : His mobility is what caused release brig, reduce his 3 dimensional mobility and Buff dmg. Dash should travel in one direction like tracer blink.
Also double jump should be like hanzo dash one directional and on a 2 sec cooldown.
Blade hitbox is a joke but whatever other heros press q this hero atleast swipes right and left.

Tracer: The poster child problem that caused brig even more than genji. Reduce her fall off, take away one blink, dont kid yourself she is balanced, only reason she was out of meta was you powercreeped others.

Doomfist : bugfist, fix them if you can.
Give audio ques on rooftop gliding.
He shouldn’t have 3 chain Cc remove CC of punch and make it mobility tool.

Hanzo : Remove one shot, buff arrow speed.
Its cheap spam now.

Widowmaker:Ya she is skilled, but its not just one shot potential but the way she makes every other hero play helplessly, ya there’s counters but overall unfun.

The red line should always be visible when she is scoped.

Her grapple should not be instant it should be like batman grapple something should go first attach were she shoots it then pull her.

And if somebody shoots the round stuff grapple head that went attached on a point her grapple should break.

Other hitscans like cree soldier ashe are easily balanceable with just number tweaks once the power level of widow and mobility heros are determined.


Brig : ya she has good design likeable, but she does everything too much, she needs hard rework.
Either single target or aoe heal, also with my other suggestions to nerf mobile heros she doesn’t require 2CC.
Remove one.

Bap: His imf is and ranged aoe heals are extremely bad for the game.

Moira is a aoe healer but has to be in the fight to heal, this dude can hide in some spot and keep bunker alive and has mobility better than ana.

Many people only talk of imf or his recent window but his aoe is one of the most unbalanced stuff in this game, ranged aoe heal as primary is plain bad.

Increase his projectile speed make it single target heal.

Reduce the Size of that windw.

Remove imf or make it a ultimate.
A team would throw two hard earned ultimates only to be made a joke by this dude pressing E.

Do these fix your game, im not some elitist trying to push any meta, what i have said will improve the game for every one and every rank and mostly new commers who you will be getting for ow2.
Last thing you want is new and returning players turned away due to bad experiences of these overturned bad designs.

Git Gud blizzard.


His mobility isn’t even good but okay

How to kill a hero 101

Makes the hero clunky(nerf that’s not needed)

Lol blade is probably the third hardest ult in the game mechanically

Makes sense




Why are you guys responding to an obvious troll?

The only thing worse then this dude’s “balancing” ideas is encouraging it.


Now this is how you troll, with effort.


Oh i know these forums won’t like this thread why cause im not a biased main like you trying to get ganji meta or brickita meta.

I have listed every one of you broken mains.
Every one of you need to line up and walk to the nerf guillotine for the better of the game.

No? Brig was released to counter dive by denying the power of focus fire, not because of mobility

Absolutely not, making Genji more clunky then he already is would be a stupid idea

Why? its mostly just used to access highground, your more likely to die USING it

True, its very inconsistent and the no-regs are a constant

Dive caused Brig, not 1 hero

Do you just not like flankers? NO!

Hanzo is a sniper, one of the few heroes that can ACTUALLY contest Widow BECAUSE of the oneshot.

All these changes are bad. all of them

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Ohh if i wanted to troll it would be so easy just make two separate threads just containing glenji changes and buckitta chamges sit back with popcorn.

What is happening now is glenji mains start reading when they reach genji they stop hit reply and start muh muh precy lil geeengu.

Support mains reading oh oh nice oooh yess yess yess, then reach Baptiste

Hmmmmm hmmmmm

Then Buckitta

There’s a silence then they GA away from the thread.

That’s how ow forums are far more tunnel visioned than a scoped in ana.

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Maybe to you, she is my favorite hero to play.

You stay away from the queen.


Why was dive meta don’t joke by saying winston dva. It was poster child genji enabling them along with widowmaker taking a swap to either of these.

I like them balanced

If you think current hanzo is a sniper lol, he either gets high arrow speed and becomes broken hitscan like before or stays like now being a spammer, he Cannot contest widow the only real sniper, if he did people wouldn’t mald about window.

So make him consistent by taking one shot away.

Hanzo mains are people who can’t play widow but want that cheap one shot without aim.

D.va and tracer were the reason why dive was a thing. Genji was literally the most swapped out hero in dive.

You made a thread about unhealthy heroes and didn’t include Mei?



Mainly cause with her current state everything cheese about her is gone, wall is easy to break, her cc is weak, no more healing stacking while she is in cryo.
Reduced ammo so she can’t abuse primary.
I don’t think she is a problem, last year she would have been the first hero on this thread.

Would still probably remove multifreeze on her primary now that you mention it.

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Delete awful infinite stealth and translocator and everyone will be happy

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I mean for the most part I don’t agree with every single suggestion everyone has but this guy is mostly right

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Incorrect, Dive was META because of the combined movement capabilities of the heroes, Dive was a good counter to deathball (The Meta at the time) because it could easily spam out tanks while keeping a distance, not allowing for them to get value off of there extremely close ranged comp, I recommend actually learning about Dive.

Clearly not, considering you suggested changes that would make Tracer F tier and you would have to create an entire tier below F to place Genji.

Long Range, High Damage, Small healthpool and Burst Damage are all traits of a Sniper, He’s a sniper and its not debatable.

He can better than anyone else though, Give him just his arrow speed back and he becomes balanced again.

Hanzo takes more aim then Widowmaker, Its Projectile with fall of and no scope.

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You can kud yourself all you want but the dev team spent two new heros to shutdown tracer and genji.

Winston had reaper and dva was nerfed.

They didn’t want to nerf poster child and genji instead spent time making brig the monster.

Ofcourse you can telll yourself anything you want.

My suggestions would make them absolutely balanced cause guess what if you stop tunnel visioning you will know im not suggesting nerfs to your love childs only but to a whole set of problematic heros.

Junkrat long-range dmg small health pool burst dmg all traits of a sniper not debatable, junk the sniper.
Gawd please grow up and don’t debate for browny points.

You are as boring as the other genji apologist, this is not some conspiracy to nerf your dive heros.

The answer is none


PD: You mentioned like half the cast as bad for the game’s health , you are the problem


Aren’t they let’s be clear here i have no problem dealing with any of the hero i mentioned, but here’s the thing while i can kill sigma orissa ds, it’s not a healthy format in the game, and its not caused by orisa certainly so we look at sigma and his overloaded kit.

Bye anyways if you are going to be this touchy feely.

Im not touchy feely, but when you consider almost half of the entire cast to be unhealthy i question your judgment

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You do realize this is about problematic heros, do you think bastion should stay in f tier, so sigma should force ds, sym being without identity.