Brig has become the baby of Overwatch

As an actual Brig main, I want her to actually be able to frontline and heal. Most fellow Brig one-tricks and mains say that the thing they enjoy most about her playstyle is being that paladin, front-line, healer. Like a healer version of Rein (which makes sense to her character).

Take away/replace her CC to make her a low damage, low heals but durable support and I’m game. But I refuse to play much 200HP Brig despite her being my favorite hero, until Blizzard fixes that.
Some people say, “wait until OW, they might rework/rebalance her for that release”. I’m not too optimistic considering this is Blizzard we are talking about.

TL;DR - I, and many Brig mains, want a frontline, low damage, lower heals, durable Brig. Sacrifice her CC if needed.


Brig main here. And not only is she not great stats wise, she doesn’t feel great to play either (both are equally important).

Please don’t just use GM, where she is used to work in a specific niche that 99% of the playerbase don’t use or see.

Across all ranks on PC, for this week, she has the lowest pickrate of the supports. Lucio pumps out more heals and damage than her.

And equally important, she doesn’t feel good to play. She feels like a frontline hero that can’t enter the frontlines without getting destroyed, her barrier is tissue paper, her bash is used mostly as a movement ability than a CC, her RPs feel hallow and empty, and feels like Lucio is just a better pick all around.

Yes, I know how to play her and be effective. But for many Brig mains, being a Whipshot/RP bot isn’t fun.

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I mean I’m only going to use GM stats to talk about balance considering the Devs balance around OWL and GM and OWL isn’t happening rn…

Hence why I said her kit is fundamentally broken and she needs a rework ASAP

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Yea I would just spam random attacks lol.

Yeah it’s literally this for me. Which is why i’ve advocated for a revert to just before her rework for 222. But somehow with lower heals or something.

Yeah you can play her now. But you lose so much of what made her…her. The playstyle/character she was sold as.

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Healer and peeler.

I know why people want durability above all else, but Moira, Lucio, and Bap have that covered. Brig brings a heavy CC option to the support class; disregarding the fact that I literally started maining Brig for it, the game needs a heavy CC support and a vacancy there is dangerous.

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Well, then you got the status quo, right now.

Explains why I’m also the only person that mostly likes current Brig.

She has. At ultimates launch she was absolutely awful.

hol’up…ain’t lucio all 3? :thinking:

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If Lucio had stuns and 70hps through barriers, then that might actually be a problem.

but he IS a healer, a peeler (boop and his ult) and IS durable due to his self heal alongside his mobility.

Realistically, if Lucio is close enough to attempt to save another healer from death, he’s probably dead himself.

Heck, if Lucio had 200hp+50armor, he’d be too strong

I mean… 1st result on youtube:


not sure why you’re bringing that up…

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More like the red-headed stepchild.

No, the issues is that she is blamed for anything some players dont like, while missing the real issues.

The devs have talked about this, how “forum Brig” is a version of her that is not in the game, and that she countered popular heroes and that is not allowed to some.

So what you’re saying is… Blizzard yet again is ignoring the obvious issue of cramming so much healing into one boring and easy to use ability instead of balancing her based on her actual design?

(Yes that was a rhetorical question this is what we’re all saying)

Brig has never been weak, her play style changes with every nerf, but she is not weak.

And no before you bring your mace to my face im not a dps main, i play everything

Who the heck is Bayo?