Heros that are bad for the health of game and need rework

i dont think that any hero is inherently unhealthy for the game

but i do agree with the fact that certain heroes are Problematic like with sigma or brig.

and i do agree certain heroes need a lot more work to well be good without causing problems like bastion and sym

but no hero is inherently unhealthy for the game

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sorry but thats straight up wrong. he has the best mobility in the game out of every hero.

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If you dont have fun playing Sombra you do something wrong tbh

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How can anyone say this about Genji with a straight face?

i dont think anyone, even the devs know |:


Not the hardest, but still this post doesnt make sense, and not only with Genji. Itā€™s like he said 80% of the gameā€™s characters when only 6 or 7 need rework

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Okay, Iā€™ll bite. Genjiā€™s mobility is largely predictable and in fact, makes him easy to shoot. The only form of burst mobility that he has is when he dashes, which is every 8 seconds or whenever he gets a kill. From what Iā€™ve seen you donā€™t understand the character.

This is funny, how dismissive you become after not making a single valid point, almost like you know how easily your argument can be broken apart.

Genji WAS nerfed

  • Double jump no longer resets when wall climbing
  • Swift Strike
    • No longer deals damage to traps like Widowmakerā€™s Venom Mine or Junkratā€™s Steel Trap
    • No longer bypasses Junkratā€™s Steel Trap
    • No longer interrupts quick melee attacks
  • Dragonblade
    • Duration of Genjiā€™s ultimate has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds


  • Hitbox size has been reduced


  • Damage decreased from 30 to 28

Secondary Fire

  • Recovery increased from 0.65 to 0.75

So no, they arent afraid to nerf the ā€œposter childā€

No, To shutdown dive, no one or two characters creates a Meta, like in Goats, you could easily take any one character out and still run it with the same playstyle

No, Genji is already struggling in high ranked play the only thing he has going for him is his constant access to highground, this would nerf it significantly, I dont think you understand what balanced means.

Junkrat doesnt have long range damage, it has extreme dropoff and no need for crosshair placement

Make a half decent point, and iā€™ll shut up, There is a reason nobody is agreeing with you.

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Uh itā€™s easy to have more mobility than ana. Only characters with negative mobility has less mobility.

Also his healing has an arc. High ground makes it easier to aim.


you do realise its tracer on the poster right ?

im not saying genji is op now please take that in.

But his design is a problem, cause it causes secondary meta like brig bap.

When you are going to rebalnce overall all the problamatic kit has to be looked at.

Just nerfing the current problem will cause previous problem to come back.

Many characters have been on the Poster also it seemed like you were referring to Genji.

Genji never caused a Meta besides his insane buffs, its not his design at all, hes so insignificant right now because of Supports, and all you have suggested were nerfs

yep cause i have mentioned everyone, no one likes their mains nerfed.
The few sane ones have liked though.


i should have put ā€˜andā€™ there i meant tracer and genji.

Yeah no. These are terrible balance changes. Coming from a part time game dev.

6 people have disagreed with you
2 others called you a troll

still nobody agreeing with you

But the thing is Genji doesnt need a nerf, and what you are suggestingā€¦ is a nerf

People dislike bunker comps very much too.

Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t mention reworking Orisa.

im not running a popularity contest like i said everyone will hate the guy calling out everyone, if i wanted likes, i would have split it into 3-4 threads and enjoyed.

Think there is 4 likes whatever i will take that.

i thought reworking sigma would be enough.

Likes doesnā€™t always mean they agree.

Game balance is supposed to make the game more enjoyable and fair, nobody thinks what your suggesting will do any of that.

why is it bad ? please do explain.

I will when I am on my PC to type it up. Iā€™d rather not write a paragraph on my phone lol. Thatā€™d take forever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also apologies if I sounded rude last post. Didnā€™t mean it to be rude. I can be a little blunt sometimes.

maybe not you can feel free to have your own take? This is what i think will make the game better obviously you dont have to agree with it.