My Take On Brigitte

Hello There! This is a thread about Brigitte(obviously). She has been a very controversial character for her entire existence. She has mostly been considered OP and just recently people are still calling her OP while others are calling her trash.

Honestly after playing her alot this season I can admit she actually isn’t trash. It’s that the playerbase hasn’t adapted yet and in fact they may be trash.

You see Brigitte takes a good ton of team work to get the best value out of.

That isn’t a bad thing either.
She is kinda a kinda a character that will always be revived OP or Trash because no one wants to adapt to her playstyles or adapt against it.

Now with that said there is an 100% bias with and against Brigitte. Pro Players either want her to be bad no matter what or take more skill.

I feel like in her current state once players involve and get better she will most likely get nerfed again because if her crazy potential.

But it will take a while for this because pro players greatly undersold how much skill she actually takes. Like it is so bizarre how much controversy the character has but it’s needed.

However in Brig’s Current State Almost No One Is Happy. A lot of Brigitte Players think she is boring which I personally don’t but yeah and a lot of Brigitte hatera think she is too strong and overall most people think she is too strong and boring to play against and boring to play with.

So let’s give her a power shift or a Rework ok.

theres rly nothing to talk about, either undo everything that she currently is, or delete her.

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how would your change her? It seems people complain about every aspect of brig. I have heard of people wanting to remove every part of her kit to the point where she would be a back line bot who heals team mates occasionally.

This is why there’s no way to fix her. People complain about one thing about her, then blizz changes it and they complain about something else.


That right there? That actually does make her trash in the vast majority of ranks.

What I’d love for them to do is to actually test the Brigitte we had right before 2-2-2 dropped in 2-2-2. Yeah she had low healing, but her personal resilience and peel power made up for it. The rework gave her a lot more healing power and shafted her personal resilience which means yeah she can heal but she has to rely on having good teammates to not die terribly.

However… the OWL meta is broken so badly that its actually comical. I’m pretty sure the only way to make Brigitte not always either a must pick or absolute garbage for OWL is to make her an off tank.

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She’s literally a non issue at the moment.

People are just salty at the moment as shes riding a meta made by Baptiste. She is back in the state she was when she was barely picked at all.

The moment Bap is addressed? Her pick-rate will drop again, just gotta wait for that meta shift.


Brig is fine, there is too much mobility in this game (Tracer and Genji), and instead of nerfing it they added Brig

She can be balanced easily once we nerf all the cast accordingly.

Right now a brig can 1v1 a dva in isolation don’t know if it says more about the state of brig or dva :roll_eyes:

To be fair, her issue is that she’s WAY too team-oriented. She literally requires GM/Contenders-level teamwork to be even playable.

Than zen ana mercy, mercy literally is only good if the team is good.

Even lucio is unless you go solo yolo.

But Mercy is still usable. She can work as long as the person she’s working with knows how to play the game.

Brig is not without stupidly high coordination and a very rigid team composition. She physically cannot work anywhere else. Not even in low ranks.

Mercy doesn’t at lower ranks too unless there’s a good dps, ml7 had to fps battle mercy in metal ranks to climb.

Brig as healer won’t work at lower ranks, to get picks solo funnily she would require more skill than the enemy in terms of movement ability positioning for metal rank players to get those picks despite easy mechancs. That doesn’t mean she is weak.
Just badly designed.

Eh fair. I mean, tho, to be fair, I have a friend who mains Mercy. She’s probably upper goldish.

She does OK with her 100+ hours on mercy. Idk lol

hero has lucio AoE power heal + mercy directional heal with 3 charges, + boop + stun + shield +ShieldBash mobility, no aim requirement with all of that, how can this hero be considered as trash even? It is old hanzo in supports cathegory.