Heroes' Birthdays & Ages Are Now Official

Yeah, no kidding.

My better, “fanon” age for Kiriko is between 27 and 30 since Blizzard seems to pull stuff out of their backside.

And Pharah is not only 5 years younger than Mercy… she is a literal child (looking 8-12) in a picture where she is clearly like, maybe in her 20s.

Ain’t no way they aged her up just so shippers wouldn’t feel weird…

Since when do shippers feel weird about age gaps?

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Especially considering that in Kiriko’s origin video she’s shown as a child alongside a slightly older Genji and Hanzo. I always thought she was like 5 or something years younger.

Ana, Jan. 1 (age 62), Capricorn

Sojourn, Jan. 12 (age 47), Capricorn

Soldier, Jan. 27 (age 58), Aquarius

Echo, Feb. 5 (age 14), Aquarius

Tracer, Feb. 17 (age 28), Aquarius

Junkrat, Feb. 29 (age 27), Pisces

Baptiste, Mar. 12 (age 38), Pisces

Sigma, Mar. 15 (age 64), Pisces

Lucio, Mar. 20 (age 28), Pisces

Ram, Mar. 29 (age 28) Aries

Moira, April. 4 (age 50), Aries

Pharah, April. 15 (age 34), Aries

LifeWeaver, April. 28 (age 31), Taurus

Orisa, May. 9 (age 1), Taurus

Mercy, May. 13 (age 39), Taurus

Doom: May. 25 (age 47), Gemini

Winston, June. 6 (age 31), Gemini

JunkerQueen, June. 14 (age 31), Gemini

Dva, June 22. (age 21), Cancer

Rein, June 26. (age 63), Cancer

Kiriko, July 7. (age 21), Cancer

Zen, July 14. (age 33), Cancer

McCree, July. 31 (age 39), Leo

Mei, Sep. 5 (age 33), Virgo

Hog, Sep. 12 (age 50), Virgo

Torb, Sep.21 (age 59), Virgo

Brig, Sep. 22 (age 25), Virgo

Ashe, Oct. 1 (age 41), Libra

Sym, Oct. 2 (age 30), Libra

Ball, Oct. 15 (age 16), Libra

Genji, Oct. 28 (age 37), Scorpio

Hanzo, Nov. 3 (age 40), Scorpio

Widow, Nov. 19 (age 35), Scorpio

Zarya, Dec. 4 (age 30), Sagittarius

Reaper, Dec. 14 (age 60), Sagittarius

Illari, Dec. 21 (age 18), Sagittarius

Sombra, Dec. 31 (age 32, Capricorn

Bastion: Unknown. (age 32), Unicorn

I threw in the zodiac things out of boredom. If I messed any of them up, please correct me, and I’ll fix it. :upside_down_face:

Yeah, I don’t know why I said Kiriko, mind was on something else.

I mean we’ve known that Pharah and Mercy are only 5 years apart for a long time, not recently.

In that photo with young pharah and the first OW1 team, I mean, Cassidy looks about the same age than Ana and Soldier, so Cassidy should have grey hair now like them, but no, Cassidy now looks pretty much the same, like time didn’t make any changes to him.

I don’t know why people NOW suddenly say “oh no they changed Pharah and Mercy’s gap for only 5 years it was higher”, like we did know they were only 5 years apart since ages ago.

Well yeah, because they didn’t. They’ve always been 5 years apart (Yes, even in that Ana photo)

Orisa, a Taurus? Makes sense.

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U rite

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Where is the written lore of that for proof?

Because there is only speculation from what I’m aware.

Mercy was invited to join Overwatch as the head of surgery.
So if this is when she was invited, she was either a prodigy or just looks younger than she is. (Which I think is actually something that’s canon anyway.)

The OW1 bios had their ages lol

All it takes is a simple Google search.

Edit: Here’s a thread from 2018 corroborating it (It’s also topical lol) Pharah is too old canonically

Correct. She was a child prodigy. Says so in her bio on the website.

Have never heard them called Capricornus and Scorpius before, but sound kinda cool.

I’m a Taurus too, though. :thinking:

And Mercy is as well.

Wha… what are you trying to say here? D:

Day after Day seems like I push against the clouds
They just keep blocking out the sun
It seems since I was born
I’ve wakened every blessed morning
Down on my luck and up against the wind


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Hey, I’m a Taurus too, but look: :rabbit: :fox_face: both of my mains are Cancer!

Because the forums didn’t have enough ammunition against them… :sob:

I’m sorry, but it’s been ten years since Overwatch was disbanded, meaning Genji was 27 when Overwatch was disbanded and Kiriko was 11.

Genji also spent several years in Overwatch, so let’s say Hanzo tried killing Genji when he was roughly 21-23, meaning Kiriko was 5-7 when this happened, which is also roughly the prime child bowl cut age.

It’s entirely possible and even likely that Genji’s last days as an unaugmented human were spent with a bowl cut.

Does his hair still grow? Is that why he styles his hair like he does the way we see in his Blackwatch/Sparrow outfits? Is he hiding a bowl cut?

Just food for thought.

Unfortunately, that still doesn’t really prove much of anything considering the stupidly vast age difference between the Shimada brothers and Kiriko. And they have a picture as well, where they look nothing like the age difference suggested.

What? The OW1 bios don’t prove that they’ve always been 5 years apart?

Not when art and repeated mistakes make you go :thinking:

They have a tendency to forget they made art I suppose.

Wait, what do you normally call them, then?

Well, achtuallhly see, the Zodiac sign for cancer is not referring to the disease: “slurps intensely.” It’s referring to this. :crab:

Latin cancer is the generic word for ‘crab’.[16] According to Greek myth, the symbol of Cancer—often a crab, though sometimes a lobster—is based on the Karkinos (Greek: “Cancer”), a crab crushed under the foot of Heracles, and whose remains were placed in the sky by Hera, forming the Cancer constellation.


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Read the first reply in that thread I linked.