Heroes' Birthdays & Ages Are Now Official

On the OW website, you can now see the individual heroes’ birthdays and ages.

Ana - Jan 1 (Age 62)
Sojourn - Jan 12 (age 47)
Soldier - Jan 27 (age 58)

Echo - Feb 5 (age 14)
Tracer - Feb 17 (age 28)
Junkrat - Feb 29 (age 27)

Baptiste - Mar 12 (age 38)
Sigma - Mar 15 (age 64)
Lucio - Mar 20 (age 28)
Ram - Mar 29 (age 28)

Moira - Apr 4 (age 50)
Pharah - Apr 15 (age 34)
LifeWeaver - Apr 28 (age 31)

Orisa - May 9 (age 1)
Mercy - May 13 (age 39)
Doom - May 25 (age 47)

Winston - Jun 6 (age 31)
JunkerQueen - Jun 14 (age 31)
Dva - Jun 22 (age 21)
Rein - Jun 26 (age 63)

Kiriko - Jul 7 (age 21)
Zen - Jul 14 (age 33)
McCree - Jul 31 (age 39)

Mei - Sep 5 (age 33)
Hog - Sep 12 (age 50)
Torb - Sep 21 (age 59)
Brig - Sep 22 (age 25)

Ashe - Oct 1 (age 41)
Sym - Oct 2 (age 30)
Ball - Oct 15 (age 16)
Genji - Oct 28 (age 37)

Hanzo - Nov 3 (age 40)
Widow - Nov 19 (age 35)

Zarya - Dec 4 (age 30)
Reaper - Dec 14 (age 60)
Illari - Dec 21 (age 18)
Sombra - Dec 31 (age 32)

Bastion - Unknown (age 32)

Love that Junkrat was born on leap year, totally fitting. Still weird they’re sticking to that huge age gap between Kiriko and the Shimada brothers; it doesn’t really fit with the lore.

Also love that Brig was born a day after Torb’s birthday. Nice b-day present from Momma Lindholm.


does Mei’s age include the really long cryo sleep (wasnt it years long?) or not?


Of course Sombra was born on New Year’s Eve, totally fitting.


I think they’re ignoring the 9 year gap.


Didn’t Zenyatta used to be 20…???

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That photo with Kiriko, Genji and Hanzo training doesn’t make sense then, because no way in that photo the age diff is 16 years for Kiriko and Genji.

Well, there are a lot of more past photo examples where age doesn’t make sense.


Yep, they super aged him. Also Ball apparently stayed 14.

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Also :skull: Winston is 31, and avrg lifespan for gorillas is 35.


Nooo, Winston… :sob: :sob: :sob:

But it’s the future, right?.. They can prolong his life, right??? :pray:t4: :pleading_face:


Well that’s interesting!
I definitely do not get the massive age gap between Kiri and the Shimada bros though.
Ana’s officially the oldest strike commander, with only Rein and Sig surpassing her in overall age. Kinda pegged Reyes as the oldest strike commander, with Jack being the youngblood. The feud of youthful idealism and journeyed nihilism is kinda a classic trope, so I’m not surprised 76 is the youngest.
I did not expect Brig to be mid 20s, early 20s late teens was my guess.
I thought Illari was like 27-32, oof. Trauma ages.

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D.Va: “From now on, you will refer to me as 'noona” :triumph:

Illari: *looking down with edgy disdain


Trauma ages?

Bruh, everyone in this game has a pixar/disney face and could be easily 24 and I would buy it. (well not Ana of course, and maybe sigma)


think thats bad, the original lore for mercy implied she would be easily 50-60 years old and looked so young because of her healing tech.

but after years of retcons (she wasnt always a child prodigy) shes now 39 years old XD

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too bad they didnt include official heights but cant have everything… also weight, cup size, waist size… err nvm


I mean, yea they all look pretty young, but Illari’s face is closer to Mercy’s or Pharah’s then D.Va’s, Kiri’s or Brig’s.

Like, there are four brackets I have for age assumptions based on just face: Late teens-20s, 30s-50s, 50+, bot/animal, Illari imo would have gone in 30s-50s, I’m surprised to find she does not canonically fit there. Most of my other guesses were pretty close, she’s the outlier.


Don’t deny it, you wanted to be stomped by JQ, that’s why. :eyes:


Not a SINGLE August…

The ONLY month excluded…
Mauga… please…


YESSSSSS I love it so much when characters have canon birthdays :sparkling_heart:

It’s coming up~ :partying_face:

Oh snap I share my birthday with Symm :eyes:

I’m totally cool with this


D.Va (송하나)

  • Height: short
  • Weight: 570.8 kg (it’s all those ultimates)
  • Cup size: dishwasher-safe
  • Waist size: Pixar mom
  • Shoe size (just for you): 5 (US/CAN)

Kiriko (家守霧子)

  • Height: high school
  • Weight: 1.2 kg (try throwing her; it’s fun)
  • Cup size: TV tray
  • Waist size: two hands
  • Shoe size: BIG 'OL STOMPERS (all the cool kids are wearing 'em)

I think our favorite scientist is good.