Heroes' Birthdays & Ages Are Now Official

It doesn’t change my mind that Kiriko at least is way too young for her art featuring the Shimada Brothers.

That’s fine. I wasn’t arguing against that.

I’ve only ever heard Capricorn and Scorpio.

I’m still gonna suspiciously side-eye the Pharah and Mercy age difference but.

Jesus Christ there is no way Kiriko is only 21.
She has to be late 20s… 28 minimum to not look weird. Maybe 30 at max.

Oh yeah absolutely. She has to be at least 24 according to her lore (Her bio says she was 12 when Sojiro was assassinated, which was 12 years ago at the time Asa’s letter was written)

26 would be a good age for her.

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Overwatch writers forgetting their own lore?

Couldn’t be. :thinking:

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Oh, I guess I got these things mixed up. Lol

Capricornus usually refers to the constellation, and Capricorn usually refers to the astrological sign.

Even prodigies would need to go to medical school before being allowed to practice medicine. At most, all being a prodigy would do is shave off the 2 - 3 year apprenticeship. And that still would not account for however longer the introduction of nanotechnology and how to use it without killing your patient would make medical school. And even if she were just visiting, she would’ve been visiting AFTER she’d been recognize as a doctor, and probably AFTER she became a world renowned doctor, which, even if you shave off the apprenticeship, puts her at 24+ in that picture.

You’re applying real world logic too strictly methinks. I don’t even think she was actually a doctor at the time.

ZERO August representation.

We August babies never get any love.


Thank you for that cancrinous factoid. RIP Lernean Hydra and his malacostracan pal. :pray: :headstone:

You were born in the worst month of the year, I’m so sorry.


Wait Orisa is a year old?

Im going to jail

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cant wait lol

(20 char)

Do hamsters even live that long? Or is his age in hamster years?

You can google hamster lifespan, but actually, you should know, that Hammond and Winston are from the Lunar Colony and were genetically modified :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:.

Blizzard severely needs an astrologer on staff because there ain’t no way our boy Winton is a Gemini. Nor is Ashe a Libra.

As a Gemini myself, I must ask why not? He’s friendly, chatty, nerdy, messy, is quick to anger but just as quickly forgets what he was angry about.

He’s extremely intelligent, I’ll give you that, but he also seems way too methodical and deliberate in his thinking and doing. On top of that, he’s not as charming and socially graced (despite a secret introversion) as many of you tend to naturally be (though I guess he’s a big ape and human social structures might be a bit elusive). The way I see it, the biggest issue is he isn’t a constant sh*t disturber. You guys should have Sombra :purple_heart: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is like the telltale fire sign trait… but we got no August Leos so maybe the big oaf who indulges in more PB than he should might fit in there.

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Oh wow dva almost has the same birthday and age as me

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