Hero With Best Feet

Now that i have your attention
Has there been any confirmed new characters besides sourjorn? Everything I read or see is just a “possible” new hero


Flats has been confirmed as an upcoming Support


No, but why do you want something else than this black woman with a railgun?!

Sigma’s feet looking good though.

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Hamster. When he is out of mech.

sole reason to play Torb is to tailgate your Sig and have them caress your face


I got jebaited… :frowning:

To answer: not that I have heard of, but I hope the next char is anything but a DPS.

Sigma has best feet, those toes :hot_face:


I tried looking who that is but i get a neckbeard youtube?

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They had us in the first half not gonna lie.meme
Sigma do got them nice toes tho

I think Mauga and the Junker Queen were confirmed characters, but confirmed basically means anything at this point. They backpedal and obfuscate and use such vague terminology so much, literally anything and nothing is possible.

Established patterns of behavior indicate you shouldn’t get your hopes up, though.

what’s this some kind of sick perversion? pixel feet is a thing now?
you get turned on by pixel feet?

the bottom line is, pixel feet looks ugly

Paladins does a better feet fan service go there instead.


Short answer, Dva. Long answer, Dva, but only when shes in mech

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Mercy :heart_eyes:


I can’t find where Mauga has been confirmed

I knew I recognised the title :joy:

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Pharah has the best feet.

As for confirmed new heroes: Junker Queen new tank, Sojourn new dps, and “Kanezaka Fox Girl” is a confirmed support who we’ll learn more about later.

Mauga has not been confirmed, we have confirmed a new tank coming in OW2 season 2 which starts in early December if I remember correctly.

A French blogger did an interview where he asked if it was Mauga, and he got a slightly cheeky response and so a bunch of clickbait websites have been saying Mauga is “basically confirmed” and it’s been repeated around the forums a lot.

He is in no way officially confirmed. I think he’s the odds on favorite choice choice, but it’s not at all confirmed.

Outside of that we have confirmed that 2 of 3 heroes we’ll be getting in 2023 are support, but we don’t know what order/anything else about them.

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First point: Demented foot lust.

Second point: As long as we even out tanks, and supports. Dps have enough heroes.

DPS used to be even on numbers until blizzard combined dps with defense.

They still need to keep jangling the new dps keys infront of the children if they want people to spend money, seeing as dps is the most populated role.

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Mauga was confirmed back in 2019. He was actually supposed to release instead of Sigma but the dev felt the kit didn’t align with his personality, so they gave it to Sig instead and began reworking Mauga.

Sigma has the best feet in the game. And the best butt. Widow is a close second, but Sojourn is a contender. I wonder if fox girl will have a nice butt…

Now this thread has baited me twice!!!

It’s almost certainly Sombra or Tracer. We just haven’t seen them yet.