Hero With Best Feet

I’m aware of all of that. I meant specifically as to being the December tank.

That said, Jeff never actually said “he’ll definitely be a playable hero.” All he said was they have “big plans,” which could mean anything.

Is Mauga going to be a playable hero one day? It’s super likely.

Is he going to be the December tank? It’s fairly likely.

Is any of this confirmed? No.

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That’s a let down. Definitely going to be another tank:/

Manga - Tank
Fox Gurl - Support

A lot of people do. Nothing wrong with it honestly. I think I am going to go with dva followed by mercy.

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I am very disappointed.

Was prepared to wrote a whole paragraph about Symmetra.
You know its true


after fox girl there will be a tank which my guess it will be mauga. after that two supports and im taking at a guess on those too. helio and rashi two concept healer heroes from a concept photo pitch a long time ago (2016)

probably will be wrong on all of them tho