Clickbait tips?

In my experience all my post that aren’t a complaint or somehow salty
or something bold like “how to make rein feel like a warrior” get ignored.
how do i make people click on post like this? Is this why you hate support?

“support is garbage, here’s why”


You don’t need clickbait. Just ask a relevant question, or make a notable obvservation. Most of my posts are literally just me asking “why”, and people seem to respond.

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This one got me to click in a heartbeat twice:

But really clickbait isn’t what you should be striving for. All that matters is:

1.Does your post interest people? This can be interesting in a good way or a bad way.
2.What time of day do you post? I suggest not posting anything after 6pm.

And even then you’ll have some posts that don’t get people. It happens to everyone from time to time.

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The thing is, tanks are small population, making topic for them specify is not going to work, and yes most dps dont care much if rein is “warrior” unless you give him a gun and make heavy dependent on aim.

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Don’t do clickbait and don’t chase for approval.
The internet is like a collection of cats, you can’t make them come to you and they’ll hang around you when you’re clearly busy. Just look internal into yourself and write what you internally can relate to and then throw it into the ether and forget about it.

I mean, you’re ironically doing it now. You are asking a genuine question that you feel strong about and people are replying to.


Buzzfeed editor spotted

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7 Ways REINHARDT eats sourkraut. Number 6 will AMAZE you.


Off topic but can u spell the swedish dwarf man OW character name again? :sweat_smile:

Most people ignore lore related posts like speculations so I gave up on doing those. All I post now are replies or links to news posts.

Any post criticising mercy, battlepasses, “rigged game,” get good posts, role q vs open q, etc

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Like some people said, there are trigger words that help get more clicks.

You can also transform your “scientific and neutral” title into a provocative one.
Example: “Reinhardt feels so boring/weak rn” then you start your post explaining why you think so.

Also titles are not the whole story.
Try to be edgy in your post by adding few sentences that will make both ends of the spectrum fight forever, and that will keep your thread on top.

So you need to trigger the Andys and Timmys both in the title and in the post itself.
Most users are not here for science, they’re here to fight (or spectate fights).


My fault for not phrasing it right. But that was supposed to be an example of a post that got interactions

I mean the post that get ignored the most in my experience are the ones I post while calm that are purposely made to not be as abrasive as my normal post.
Maybe I just need to find a better balance between being analitical, and inquisitive. And actually triggering a response from people.
My concern lies in wanting detailed answers of my questions which I won’t get from angry people.

Yeah that makes sense guess I just need to strike a balance

I believe his name is Turnburn

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Your title should be selling something or pretend to sell in case of bait for a particular topic.
You need to know where the most point of interest are meeting and use that as your title. Title should be either popular and controversial or flaming someone. Ppl are looking for drama and easy solutions in the net.
5 tips to improve your potato aim/rank up to any rank
How to climb to GM as mercy OTP
How to beat smurfs
How to smurf the easiest way
I am smurf and I have 200 accounts AMA
How to lvl up 12 accounts to lvl25 in 20 hours
Those 5 are just blessed to be viewed at.

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Take whatever is trending and s—t on it. Like really go to town on it.

Like, if Genji is trending for whatever reason, say things like: “Genji is a noob enabler.”

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If people don’t care about what you have to say, it doesn’t matter what “clickbait” you use. Come up with better topics if you want people to respond, lol.

And don’t take this advice, lol. I think that’s called something like trolling. And it’s just people that get no attention from anyone in real life, so they do whatever they can to hear from strangers on the internet, for some reason.

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It worked. :rofl:
I got the response almost instantly just by my example. You even proved my point: just s—t on something and you will get a passionate response. :rofl:

Reinhardt win rate EXPLODES after taking this new product!


that seems like precisely the right amount of lewd.