đź›° Sanjay chance to be Hero 29 highlight

K, I chosen Sanjay to be the next hero to Hype about.

Reasons why he is a good candidate.

  1. He has been mostly in the background like all Heroes before their release. (plus he doesn’t have a spray) (why it’s not Max)

  2. The other likely candidate, the Queen, is likely not next because we just got a junker hero. (She might be release next summer.) (Plus I think she will be a Dps… which we really don’t need right now.) Plus there is always someone in front to hype about who is really not next.

  3. Recent Sombra and Sym interactions hint towards him. (plus Sym and Lucio interactions about Lucio father was sort of out of no where in the lore, likely about to get an expansion on though a new hero.)

  4. We just had our Surprise hero with 28, so how these things go, it’s gonna be someone we already be introduced with this release. (So basically people we know what they look like, which ends the possibility of a lot of other candidates like Liao.)

  5. The last candidate who fits the bills but hasn’t been ever talked about is Leonora but I have given up on her possibility. Because she never really been talked about… at all or hinted at.

extra… Talon Tank has been asked about for a real long time now. (Though unlike the video, I think he will be a Peeler/DPS Tank with the return of Sym’s summonable shield.)