šŸ‘æ Hero 29 Hint is late...... or not coming?

Wait till January for that

Itā€™s Jeff Kaplanā€™s pet rock.


Wonder if he or any the Devs actually did have a pet rockā€¦

I had a pet pencil.

You know whatā€™s weird, both the blizzcon heroes were Talon agents.


Remember DF is the head of Talon and he was released in the summer.


Thereā€™s a green safe in the secret room in the attackers spawn, and though itā€™s always been there, only since last patch did it become lit up, cleaned, and almost shiny to an extent

I checked on my sisters console version, i checked on PC low and high settings. This is something new that no one is talking about (The safe has always been there, but it was cleaned and lightened up)


The new hero is obviously Goku

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Iā€™m kind of hoping itā€™s Emre for Hero 29 because It would be nice to have more lore about Operation: White Dome & hear his interactions with Ana, Reinhardt, & Torbjorn. Also, they could possibly be the unknown man in the Original Overwatch Strike Team photo. It would be great to know one of the identities of the two unknown Overwatch members ever since they were revealed two years ago.


Itā€™ll be Liao, JQ, or Harold for sure

I really am amazed there has only been one comic this whole year.


Also, please, donā€™t bring that cancerous meme here. Iā€™d rather have the hamster.

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Well, there actually is a new-ish voice line between Roadhog and Junkrat, with Junkrat mentioning how the Queen seems ā€œawfully interested in himā€ and how maybe sheā€™s into him, to which Roadhog laughs his belly off.

Could that be the hint weā€™re looking for in this case?

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Bowsette or riot.

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I feel like theyve been hinting at junker queen a LOT
She appeared is art in the game mulitple times, vocal appearence in a (sort of) short, vocal appearence in a map, and in a comic.
Max was also hinted at, similar to Moira


I hope itā€™s pickle rick

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Bowsette ooooooo gachiBASS Clap

Clues are found everywhereā€¦ if you can find it


Donā€™t forget about the Meka Heros.

(Though 3 of 4 are unlikely.)

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We already have Bowsette here:


Blizzard tends to release Heroes of different nationalities also for whatever reason, so Junker Queen is actually not likely (coz we have 2 characters from Aus already). They may consider adding an omnic coz we have no new omnic characters since Orisa.

I wanted the new Hero to be named ā€œOkraā€ like the vegetable, Please blizz!