Mass rez is extremely strong and can turn fights immediately when used properly. Add in that to mercy’s already great mobility and passive regen and you got yourself a fantastic support with decent healing that cant miss or run out and now has a fantastic ult which can undo combos and ults.
You might get a buff out of them, or even a rework. They might admit the new thing they created isn’t great. But they can’t go back.
They gave a nice, detailed explanation of why it was bad, and they weren’t wrong. Giving in to pressure is just weak. They can’t do that.
I mean, it wouldn’t even clear the brigading. They’d just get counter-brigaded by people who hate mass rez.
exactly! an IMPACTFUL hero
what we have now is not this, we have a support with great mobility, second worst single target healing that is on a channelled beam, meaning she cannot do anything else without stopping her healing. and yet she has the second slowest.
she has the overpowered ability to negate a pick every 30 seconds, regardless of how well you’re playing, wheras old ressurect required proficiency in the rest of her kit to generate consitently and quickly.
so, she cannot miss her healing or run out of rescource and as a tradoff it’s trash tier - she cannot do anything but heal/damageboost/shoot wheras ana has major utility and moira can secure kills + picks on her own whilst also still healing.
and she has a gross conglomeration of everyone elses abilities as an ultimate.
she feels bad to play, yet has the same winrate she did prior to invulnerability. what do they have to lose by going back.
that already happened, and she got bent over because of it lmao.
honestly, sticking with a fundamentally bad design looks worse for them ¯\(ツ)/¯
hopefully it comes soon, cos this current mercy is garbage.
Heroes I have been chased off of by balance changes or remakes:
Junkrat (Grenade size nerf)
Orisa (introduction of Brigitte makes Rein the one true tank)
Ana (Mercy 2.0)
Lucio (Mercy 2.0)
Dva (most recent damage nerf)
Symmetra (introduction of Doomfist, returned with Sym 3.0)
Reaper (introduction of Brigitte)
McCree (Hanzo megabuff)
I mean… you can’t get attached to any one hero in this game. You gotta be ready to move on.
Theres impactful and overly strong. There are other ways to make mercy fun without having rez. Stop thinking in the term of must have rez and youll come up with a million different things. Overheals, Burst heals, shooting and healing at the same time, immunities, in-vulnerabilities, buffs, boosts, better flying and delayed healing traps. Theres a million different things besides something that didnt work once
isnt that the selling point of the game? although when i bought it fun was also a priority of the devs.
if you think i only play mercy, im not going to do that to my team, when i could play moira who is much better design wise, plays well is way too good for the effort put in, or ana who at a basic level is very easy to play.
ive mained all roles, and i like all roles, im a flex player by nature.
we have been brainstorming for a year around about.
Well, in that case I’d just let Mercy take a little rest and play something else. They’ll probably fix her eventually. But it could be ages - I mean, Ana was dead so long that I picked her up, played her in QP long enough to make her my most played hero, gave up all hope that she’d ever be fixed or useful, dropped her, and moved on to the point of not even wanting to play her again, between the two points in the game she was actually viable in competitive. That’s how long she was bad. My entire play cycle happened while she was allowed to be useless.
Also, I’d expect they to do something totally different from player suggestions if they do remake her. Devs almost always avoid following player suggestions because they don’t want the players hounding them for credit or accusing them of being unoriginal.
it did work… no one gave a damn about it untill it got invul, everyone loves to just forget about the 6 month period ana dominated the meta, everyone loves to forget no one complained at beta (when it was even more OP) everyone seems to forget that it had a negative winrate untill it got invulnerability. they could have kept res and tweaked it, removed invuln added LoS, a cast time. literally anything. but people got there way and now we have Valkyrie.
someone made a concept for that was literally moira a good while before her release. i didnt once see them “hounding them for credit.”
core concept is literally the same
I’ll be honest, I don’t think most of the remakes people suggest would actually be fun.
The only reason I can see anyone liked Mercy 1.0 was that she had a ridiculously overpowered ult (on an otherwise underpowered hero that balanced out to average overall) that gave people a power rush. The rest of the character is either unchanged or improved (ignoring the 50 hp/s nerf for now). Either the new ult has to be similar, in which case it’ll just make everyone else angry (overpowered ults are no fun to play into and are really hard to balance) or it has to be weak and her power has to be redistributed, in which case she’ll be basically the same as she is now.
I think the ultimate core problem of Mercy is that her basic gameplay model of heal-beaming is just really boring. It can’t be fixed. Giving her really lopsided mechanics, like her previous overpowered ult, isn’t a good design either, it’s just a design that’s unpleasant to play into rather than play.
all other healers play the same way tbh, also name me 1 ultimate that is genuinely enjoyable to play agains.
not “rdiculously overpowered” but game changing. it actually felt like you were doing something, that’s valkyries isssue, it might aswell be renamed.
all other healers play the same way tbh, also name me 1 ultimate that is genuinely enjoyable to play agains.
not “rdiculously overpowered” but game changing. it actually felt like you were doing something, that’s valkyries isssue, it might aswell be renamed.
her ult contributes nothing but a bad orisa ult, unless she whips out that pistol, which for some reason gets buffed, although she’s a pacifist combat medic.
also valkyrie strips her of all of her weaknesses, removing the challenge involved with dicipline and prioritization. mercy was fun, because it was a hustle that led to a glory moment, try to stay alive wiht a target on your back, and if you succeed you’re rewarded by bringing maybe 2-3 people back… let’s be honest, when we say that mass res is op, we think of a 5 man res, but how many did you ever see? honestly?
mass-riptire is so OP its unfair that it can just wipe 6 people in a 10m radius!!! rawr! unfair! anti-fun! some nice buzzwords that peopel like to use for mass res, but really. when did you ever see a 5 man res, cos i saw maybe 4.
this is what it feels like the devs are doing to mercy, sombra, reinhard, and ana players
it’s timestamped btw.
that scene displays 2 things
“welcome to hell, it’s not as hot as you thought it’d be, ha!”
“becase im smoking, and i dont do one without the other”
drinking while pregnant is proven to be a bad for the baby, the baby being the aformentioned heros and drinking being nerfs/bad choices, and the smoking is leaving them all in the dark. they arent Just nerfing the wrong aspects of these heroes, they’re ignoring allmost all discussion that goes on about them.
both are bad ideas and hurt the baby/playerbase.
“welcome to hell” because that’s the forums right now.
What? No, they don’t. Healing with Ana requires aim and is a constant exercise of skill. Moira has to juggle healing, orbs, and damage. Lucio, Brigitte, and Zenyatta heal passively, but they’re always engaging the enemy.
As far as playing into ultimate, most of them are fine to play into. There are only a few that feel really cheap to me. Dragonblade is too good, Meteor punch is a totally free kill on some heroes, EMP is probably also too strong. But mass rez was much worse than any of them. I remember how I felt about it at the time… it always felt spectacularly cheap.
its a battle of prioritizing who to heal and when. ana can just shoot tanks all day, but if she doesnt take a break from healing the almost full hp tank a low hp squishy might die, it’s the same for the other main healers, especially mercy, who heals the slowest out of them all.
i should clarify, i meant to say main healers.
to have 1 2, or 3 people come back? i can imagine, but she doesnt do much for the rest of the game no doubt. her heals have always been slower than any of the other main healers, and ressurect balanced that out. same goes for ana having an amazing kit and an ult entirely for someone else, and moira having an ult that gives her the prospect of an amazing impact.
sure it felt cheap, but her heals arent as good as ana, who can pocket someone at infinite range for something like 85 hp/s or moira’s crazy amounts of AOE heals and dmg potential.
Or they are making a few area denial ults because it’s something OW doesn’t really have yet.
Sure they have zoning ults like DVa bomb, HighNoon, Torbs ult now etc. but not really an are denial ultimate. Hammond was the first hero to have an ult that literally blocks off a certain area and makes it unpassable. Torb now going to be the second hero.
My guess is, that they are adding new stuff OW doesn’t have yet. Torbs ultimate also works like an AOE damage area, which is very common for heroes to have in MOBAs. Plus it really fits the character very well, I always thought it’s weird that Torb can drink lava, shoot lava in his gun but not directly spill lava on the floor!
Mass rez is highly unlikely to come back. They would never make a decision which would get the rage of most of the community (everyone who doesn’t play Mercy) against them. It would be business-wise very unclever and unprofitable if they do so. Many people would stop playing. Yes you’d have the Mercy mains coming back to play, but it’s still a vast minority if you’d compare it against everyone who would leave (lots of people who don’t play Mercy).
People are anyways leaving this game so it makes no sense for them to revert Mercy when the vast majority of the playerbase wanted mass-rez gone. The same way they will never bring back scatter or Hog 1.0.
What I see them do is maybe rework Mercys ultimate in the future, because believe it or not, they actually listen to their playerbase. While it may take a while (they are working on Hog rn), they will do it eventually. I think heroes like Torb, Sombra and Hog are a bit higher up their priority right now, which is good. They have been trash since over 1 year now, Torb since forever.
the whole reason i bought this game was because they had simple heroes for people who’d never played FPS games to pick up and be good at. seriously. the allure was heroes like mercy pharah and soldier. mercy specifically as it required minial aim, having that hero be boring is not a good move. they need to do something.
not everyone who didnt play mercy hated mass res, it was honestly fine, no one cared about it untill it got invuln when ana was added.
those 2 things were genuinely unbalanced and unhealthy and offerend minimal counterplay.
and instead of tweaking and adding counterplay back they removed mass res lmao
highly debatable. they listen when high level players whine about “hide and res” resulting in gutting mercy’s kit
Torb’s rework is literally on the PTR, playable right now. Sombra is a new issue, and roadhog is being looked at right now.
mercy has been a problem for 12 months. and they think they were “successfull” in making mercy the only negative winrate healer. nothing is being done, they only chose to respond to thank you posts, or posts of accusations. a mercy post is the number 1 most liked post right now, and it’s still not had any dev activity same for a 1 and a half year old bastion post.
Not really the first two. Just the first two that do it in prolonged periods. ult can be seen as area denial and a well timed one used to make mass rez useless back in the day
Depending on circumstances, mass rez could be made useless, if players died in graviton combo: almost any ult(even tracer’s bomb) would re-wipe them again.
This. This couldve been a cool change to mass rez wherein rezzed teammates would respawn where mercy is standing allowing more counterplay and what not
Mercy still is a simple hero to play, the rework didn’t change that. The only rework that made a simple hero a bit harder to play was Symm because they removed the lock on. Dva, Winston, Rein, Soldier, Brigitte and Moira are unchanged in terms of easiness.
Plus the fun thing you cannot just say as a fact. Fun is always subjective, while you had fun with mass-rez, I only felt stress and anxiety with it.
That might be true, but those people also didn’t mind it gone. Mass-rez was abused by a lot of players and I understand the frustration non-Mercy players felt.
Saying “no one cared until the invul.” is quite an understatement. I know a lot of people who hated Mercys ult since beta. I know a lot of people who say mass-rez has no place in a hero shooter and MOBA and no other game of that type has something similar like mass-rez.
while scatter was per-se not unbalanced, many people abused it’s mechanics to play cheap like many people did with Mercy. Scatter got removed because people didn’t use it as intended, to finish low HP enemies behind corners. Hanzos shot at the feet to get a cheap kill. They coul’ve tweaked it in a lot of ways too, like making it deal damage only after it has bounced off somewhere, doesn’t apply to feet hitboxes etc.
Maybe they tried balancing it. Maybe they tried all the suggestions that were written here and their data showed that Mercy was underperforming, died too often etc.
Mass-rez had also not a lot of counterplay when you were plaing a mediocre DPS/Tank. Did I kill a Mercy who flew in for a rez a couple of times? Yes, but out of pure luck.
Just see how many times you get away with the aweful slow rez nowadays while literally standing infront of someone. They seldom manage to kill you in time, miss shots, or simply don’t notice you. That’s the average player for you. So how on earth should these people be able to counter something like a mass-rez, even with slow, casttime etc, if you now already get away with the most stupid and suicidal rezzes? Jeff posted a while back that the median is at 2300SR, these people just lack basic teamwork and gamesense to focus and kill Mercy reliably. Plus let’s not forget our console friends where Mercy still remains now the strongest healer, because it’s so darn hard to aim with a controller and kill Mercy with her fast movement and small hitbox.
It hit a few days ago, which means they were working on it since Symms rework. Reworks take time, balancing takes time. They do a lot of internal testing before anything hits PTR. Programming is hard and takes time.
Mercy having a negative winrate is a problem that hasn’t been here for 12 months, only since the latest support changes. That also only on PC, not console…
If the stats on overbuff are the same than their stats, she will get a buff or a rework.
Yeah the devs choices of where to respond is a bit iffy, you’re right on that point. Bastion being blatantly ignored is just insane.
But I also understand them not making any statements towards Mercy. Like Jeff said in his recent dev update: " We can’t just go somewhere and say something. People will take those words very seriously and if we don’t deliver or make changes, we are getting a lot of harsh feedback and hate". So understandably they don’t say A when they after a while end up deciding B.
thats where it comes from, and i hope you didnt feel actual stress/anxiety jc
it’s evident that mercy players who’ve played both iterations, the majority feel mass res was more rewarding/fun/impactful whilst also being less overpowered that release valk.
if you mean the SR exploit it was removed
i managed to convince a few of my friends that it’s on par with impact with a lot of other ults (pre invuln) its never going to be fun to have your play erased, but its about ult economy and hero prioritisation.
intended deign ould’ve been achieved with ressurect, add LoS so hiding wasnt as effective, and tempo ressing wouldve (even more than it already was) the dominant way to play mercy effictively.
well, the way mass res is always descrbed, after a fight you’ve kileld everyone else, she flies in, THE ONLY TARGET and you dont kill her, that’s on you, you had that second to stun, boop, or kill her but you didnt.
I actually did, so did my friends, 2 of which are Mercy mains. Maybe it comes with our age (we’re late 20s, early 30s) and having stress at work, managing a household and finances is already pressuring enough, so when I want to relax, I don’t want to feel pressured. Which I always did as Mercy, it surely comes from people actually being fing toxic towards old Mercy and putting pressure on Mercy players to not die with rez (that’s where the hiding mentality comes from) and to pull an epic rez off. I never felt that stress/anxiety when I played any other hero. Not Zen, not Ana, not Lucio, not Rein, not Dva. I always felt like it was no biggie when you shattered into the enemy shield, when you tranced to save the tanks (instead waiting for blade), when you accidentially nanoe’d Lucio (BOSTIOOO) and killed nobody with HighNoon (was a miracle when you did). But it was always flame city when you died with rez as Mercy, even if you got solo ulted or spawntrapped. And since she got reworked, I don’t receive a fraction of the abuse I did before. Sure the occasional “0 heals, our Mercy sucks” or the “I need healing” spam after they die, but you always get those people. Now I always get a “thank you” when I rez someone. I don’t feel pressured into rezzing someone either, I don’t feel the pressure to hide away and wait until the ultspam is over.
That’s why I hated it, that’s why my friends hated it.
But where do you take the numbers from? From this forum? It’s evident that this forum is crawling with Mercy mains, always the same making the same topics and always the same 200 upvoting them. The ones who are happy with her don’t come here to debate over her (except a few), they just play the game and enjoy it.
It’s called an echo chamber, where the same few people say the same thing over and over again, upvote eachothers posts and reconfirm their viewpoint. In a forum where there are a lot of them, and the ones not being them not even clicking on the topic and going into the discussion. The forum represents a very, very small portion of the playerbase.
Nope, I am pretty sure if they woul’ve removed it while mass-rez was there, it would’ve not stopped the fact that Mercy players would have gone hiding. I was told constantly to go hide while I played Mercy, even if I didn’t want to. If I didn’t and I’d die, I’d get flamed. If I only got a 1-2 man rez off, I’d get flamed by my teammates. The whole hide mentality didn’t necesseraly originate with Mercy players, rather the majority of players (below diamond) realized that if your Mercy hides in Overtime, your chances of winning increase, as she can swoop in and “reset” by a simple button press.
If it wouldn’t be so effective, how come I managed to climb to the top 10% of the playerbase while hiding? That was before she got the invul. buff btw, before the SR exploit was there, where you actually got less SR when playing Mercy compared to playing Ana.
Like I said before, gamesense is nearly 0 present in ranks below plat (remider: 2300 is the median, 50% of the playerbase is below), only a little present in plat (30% of playerbase). Constant C9, overulting, no target priority, 4DPS, PoTG chasing, Overextending, 2v6ing is normal there. Plus add an average of only 30% accuracy to the pool and 0 CD management and you have the perfect coctail of “not being able to hit or anticipate Mercy rez”. I know I can’t snipe her flying in for a rez (old Mercy), I might have used my flashbang to stop the ulting Genji before, I have to reload right now etc. are all things that can happen too.
I played from ranks silver- high masters. I’ve seen it all. I played on a second DPS account with friends when old Mercy was still a thing. Even with them making me the shot caller (because I was mid diamond on my main acc) and me constantly calling the Mercy, it was usually me who had to spawncamp her in order to hinder her from rezzing. Because in the heat of the moment, my average ranked friends were not able to stop her. Which I honestly understand, it was not easy chasing her, killing her, especially when she got backup from her team.
I agree with this post, yet I still understand why they make no statement towards her. They originally said they are going to revert her when the changes turn out bad. And the people here take it like it was a sentence delivered by god himself, making it a necessity to revert her now, because they feel like the rework was unsuccessful. Eventhough they have posted a thread some while ago that they do not want to revert her and want to further balance her in this direction they chose.