Holy Light [A Mercy Ultimate Concept]

New Ultimate: Holy Light

-Mercy places a 10 meter circular aura of light

-Does 60 healing per second

-Makes team 25% faster

-Applies cleanse status effect removal to all inside (Venom mine, Sleep, Anti, Freeze, etc.)

-Lasts 10 seconds

-Ultimate voiceline

English: May the light protect you

German: Möge das Licht dich beschützen

-Animation: Caduceus


Creator Comments: This ult is supposed to make her team push to wherever Mercy places her light. This means her ultimate would be very strong on 2CP and control while being weak on payload. Though the healing might seem low, she can still heal with her staff while inside her aura meaning a 115 healing per second. This ultimate will be incredibly strong with Lucio or Brig.

I posted this idea in a previous forum


I like this.
I mean I’m not a Mercy Main but I do go to her when I end up solo healing.

The idea of a cleanse seems more fitting for what OW has provided and the fact that Blizzard likes to keep the idea that it’s a fast paced game (ie why they scrapped Symm healing turrets) the ability to have the burst effect is what Mercy lacks.

Yeah rez CAN be and HAS BEEN balanced in other FPS games. The only things that set those games apart from OW are;

  1. Larger Teams
  2. Longer Matches
  3. More than ONE CHARACTER can rez.

With OW giving you a smaller team and shorter match times really makes it difficult to balance an ability like rez.

I don’t think as an ult it’s as powerful as many are saying that it is; since I barely had to ever face it (started playing since the first Uprising and that was pretty much the much I ever experienced it).

However if they do decide to remove rez as a whole, I think replacing it with something like this would be nice.

I could deal without the speed boost since I think that’s not necessary, but the burst healing and the cleanse are both things I think are great for her.

Mass res wasn’t broken, but did encourage hiding and suicide plays.

It could be balanced, but once something is gone, it never comes back.

Rip shields, shield gen, 4 second DM, ult charge from HP, bastion crits, mass res, instant res, 6 turrets, and more.


Sounds wonderful. Wouldn’t be horrible to play against, since it isn’t even a moira ult with a healing beam. Something like an ana with it and a beam would be madness. However:
It would have to have an hp pool. (something reasonable like 150/200

Idk if this is a good idea.

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Eh if you didn’t know valk used to be mercys ult back in early beta or whatever so saying things never come back is abit false.

(we also did get a reversion on her healing rate.)

So I wouldn’t say never just uncommonly.

but yea your idea is pretty neat though im not sure how useful it would actually be.

Oh yeah. They removed it because it was “not fun to use”. Wonder why it’s still here?

I don’t mind this idea but the question is would Blizz be willing to get rid of Rez.
I mean I think it can be balanced in some way but if mass rez as we saw it or E rez as we’ve seen it are the only idea’s they’re willing to entertain then I guess it should just go
but are blizz smart enough to rework her. doubt it or they’d have gotten to work on a rework the moment the cast time nerf proved ineffective

How long do you think the buff should last? I would say around 8-10 seconds?

Also what do you think of the idea of Mercy becoming the light so to speak? So the buff follows her around instead of her team having to fight in a specific area.

Here’s my personal take on the idea, let me know what you think.

Holy Light

  • Mercy brandishes her glowing wings, creating a 10m radius of light energy around her for 8 seconds.
  • While teammates are in the light, they heal for an additional 55 HP/s, gain a 20% speed boost, and CC immunity. They also get cleansed of any status effects they might have upon casting. Mercy’s regen rate stays the same but she also gains the speed boost and immunity to CC.

If rez is removed, she needs something like burst to compensate.

I never seen the hiding tactic since I mainly play arcade so there was never anything to really gain from using it that way. Even when I played QP, since Lucio main, nobody really picked Mercy.

Like legit the only times I played with a Mercy was with one of my friends who was a Mercy main but now a Moira main since she enjoys how she handles over Mercy nowadays.

The light is simply placeable and lasts 10 seconds.

Blizzard be like:


I really just want Blizzard to leave Mercy alone…
They already stabbed her with nerfs, anything else would be twisting the knife in the wound.

Idk I’ve asked myself that question at least a thousand times lol but honestly I couldn’t be anymore ready for 3.0 to get here though I suppose after torbs rework bastion is more likely though mercy could easily fit in right after that tbh.

A lot of people have been begging for the removal of Valk. I thought this could be a good way to go, while not drifting into Mass res

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I know that
but do blizzard
they seem perfectly fine with Mercy’s only burst being a skill check of everyone else and letting that ability which is so Powerful you need to nerf her actual healing to make room for it in her power budget

look it’s not worth your time to really argue with me on this, I’m just voicing a bit of salt at the fact Blizz still thinks this rework is a success and spent 4 monthes since the last sledgehammer nerfs twiddling their thumbs only to give Mercy the most bare bones nerf

The normal thing to do when you make a mess is to clean it up.

Ya know not just leaving it there for someone else to trudge through and have the displeasure of working around.

I’d actually be pretty okay with this. It would get her back a unique ultimate, and get rid of the lackluster ultimate she has now. I feel as though every support needs a unique ultimate and right now Mercy doesn’t really have one? I’d even be down to remove Rez and give her a cleansing ability so that Mercy and her ultimate become the Crowd control counter. This game needs one with all the crowd control ults.

OR!!! You know how Mercy has the Caduceus emote where she slams her staff on the ground? What do you think of that as like a cast animation?

(I’m just spitballing thematic ideas here, feel free to ignore me lol)

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Exactly! See everyone? Sandity gets it! :smiley: