[Concept]: Mercy Valkyrie Rework 3.0

Hey! This video has some of my ideas for a Mercy rework, including changes to her Valkyrie.

I don’t think Mercy is terrible or useless. However, I find her super boring to play and feel she lost the character fantasy Blizzard created when they reworked her. I would love to get some constructive feedback and share some more ideas on how to return Mercy to her roots. Take a look and tell me what you think below.


Anything that doesn’t radically change her identity as the entry level healer and still raises her skill cap seems pretty good to me. The third one particularly makes resurrection something that you need to use well rather than just pressing a button, but doesn’t have to make the rest of her kit weak to compensate.

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I agree, though I didn’t want to draw too far away from her original concept, so maybe the intervention ability was a little too different? I don’t know lol.

Can’t watch it, mind explaining it in text?

I will do a write up in the morning!

While I don’t agree with your ideas, I do appreciate the time and effort taken to describe your thoughts in a civil and objective manner, you are an example of how discussions should be had, thank you for the video!


Thank you I appreciate it!