Gutting Mercy Isn't The Play

Now her healing AND Guardian Angel is bad. That’s neat thanks Blizzard. Oh and the elephant in the room is that her Damage Boost and Rez weren’t even addressed. But it won’t matter since she’ll be so easy to kill and can’t save anyone basically so love that for her.


Well, she’s keeping the lifeleech passive. And I suspect they won’t remove that.

What other way would you like to increase her deaths-per-match statistics, in trade for a full removal of the GA nerfs?


I’d argue that they should lower the frustration levels on counterplay vs Widow, Hanzo, Sojourn, and Pharah.

That they would need to deal with those issues eventually regardless of what they do to Mercy.

So they might as well save themselves the headache of otherwise endlessly tweaking Mercy.

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Mercy isnt a problem… Its all the dps orientated support that are


So she will heal herself a whooping 13.5 HPS by healing targets. It’s not good and does cause more downtime than her previous passive since you know… You need to something to heal and you can’t use GA if you’re very low on health.

Also why does she needs her death per match increased? She’s not crazy good to the point where she should be the first to die every fight. She has less impact on the game than pretty much anyone else in the game, even if she never dies.


Her deaths per 10 isn’t the issue. She is meant to be a hard to kill support by nature. The issue people have is her pocketing nature along with her boring and uninteractive current GA. That’s the problem with Mercy as of now.

13.5 HPS where she is forced to do something that isn’t her main value isn’t great


Well as somebody who has “guessed” a lot of the major changes to Mercy, I very much think that’s the statistic they are balancing around.

Because undoing the GA nerfs would lower her deaths rate, relative to where she is now.

So the devs probably want something to compensate to increase those deaths back up to where they are.

Get your facts straight. Her death rate didn’t increase this season. They made it so her survivability was tied to her new passive. So this season is a double nerf since her new passive was effectively nerfed and her GA was nerfed even more than it was previously (3s vs 2.5s last season).


I’m saying

  1. Take the start of season 4 as your starting point
  2. Anything before that doesn’t count
  3. Then try to convince the devs to make a nerf+buff from there that doesn’t lower her overall death rate.

And that anything besides that is probably going to be 100% ignored by the devs.

I genuinely think the Mercy community is shooting themselves in the foot, repeatedly, constantly, by not doing that.

But what do I know, right?

[OW2] Mercy should get a "LifeSteal"

[OW2] Mercy, simplified SuperJump+Slingshot

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🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

I don’t think the nerfs need to be removed I just think they need to be implemented more smart and simple

Just do it like this:

Normal GA has a CD of 1.5 sec
GA + Slingshot has a CD of 2 seconds, starts when you stop slingshotting
GA + Crouch has a CD of 2.5 seconds, starts when you stop superjumping

The way they are implementing it in season 4 means that

Normal GA has a CD of 1.5 sec
Full length slingshot has a CD of 2 seconds
Short-Medium length Slingshot has a CD of 2.5-3 seconds ??

So you have a longer CD on shorter distance GA tech than longer distance ones…which makes no sense


Literally they probably just don’t want this stuff.

If anything, I suspect that if they just slowed down the GA travel speed in Valk, down to the GA travel speed normally, that would be enough to get all the cooldown nerfs reverted.

But TBH, I’m not a Mercy main, and it’s ridiculously difficult to get Mercy mains to engage with the concept of trading nerfs for buffs.

It’s just so frustrating to see an approach that appears to work, telling Mercy players “Do this and you’re likely to be successful”.

Only to get almost a unanimous response of “ZERO COMPROMISE, ONLY REVERT”. As if they’d rather suffer than even try to be flexible.

My personal preference would be a bruef snare if her healing target dies. Gives more weight to her pocketing.

Stats wise she’s already contributing the least damage and kills, even when you include damage boost.

Her HPS is not impressive, and requires her to be close to her target. Unlike other supports, she cannot heal from across the map.

Rez is a niche ability and is rarely useful. Its effectiveness is almost completely out of Mercy’s control.

GA is fun, but is completely reliant on the presence and position of teammates.

Valkyrie is one of the weakest and most non-impactful ults in the game. It got a lot better with the healing boost to critical allies, but that’s going away.

Her abilities overall lack autonomy, which is a considerable disadvantage that has never really addressed.

If a non-autonomous character performs at the same level as an autonomous character, why would anyone ever pick the former if the goal is to win?

Mercy should not be giving up anything.


And the Mercy community continues to prefer suffering over making the character more fun.

To be honest, somedays it just feels like you guys honestly deserve what you get with that kind of uncompromising and past focused mindset.

Mercy mains don’t deserve happiness --(some player on blizzard forum)

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well the nerf to her hps actually made the passive worse in general. ofc it’s still neat, but the HPs it gave her is nowhere near on the levels of where it used to be.

i’d rather have it be like

normal GA is 1.5s
slingshot is 1.5s
superjump is 3s

slingshot doesn’t need a cooldown increase, but superjump should. it’ll stop being spammed and used less often so mery players who don’t know that SJing ever 10s is a bad idea, they won’t be dead so much because they can’t spam superjump


Kinda yeah.

Refusing to negotiate in a way the devs would listen to, then get butthurt that the devs don’t listen.

Just an endless cycle of unneeded suffering, because they can’t be bothered to cooperate with the devs.

so now because of 1 singular person, you believe all mercy mains should never be happy with the hero. um…….okayyy…

just ignoring the fact that there’s a ton of us that LITERALLY would gladly trade resurrect if it means we can get an ability to use more often and makes her proactive, and less of a pocket bot, including with letting us get our mobility back.

i never expected this from you greyfalcon lmao

oh and btw the devs don’t cooperate with us, we said countless times “remove/nerf/rework dmg boost and rez just keep our mobility the same” and they slap us in the face and say “F you we don’t care” and nerfed her mobility anyway

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