Summary of the LFG
The Looking for Group system is a new feature for Overwatch to give players the option to permit any player to group up with you in the lobby of the game prior to queuing for a match. This DOES NOT replace the matchmaking features of any game mode and players may still enter any game mode alone or group up manually with friends. The features of the LFG system allow you to declare which game mode you want to play and mandate group rules such as voice comms, skill rating restrictions, and role selection restrictions.
To get started with the Looking for Group tool, simply either click on the orange icon next to your BattleTag or on the orange “Find Group” button displayed below the game mode option on the play menu.
Joining Another Group
The faster way to get into a preformed group is to join one that is currently forming. Obviously, the advantages of joining another group are to get with a group quickly. Disadvantages are that you can’t define your own rules or you may have to play a role that you are not used to playing. There are several fields in the listing table so follow along with the key in this screenshot.
- Title - Here you can find a description of the group and what it intends. I will have good naming tips below when you name your group.
- Leader - The BattleTag of the group’s leader is here. Also if they have an established endorsement reputation, it will show up in the listing there. Finally you can click the icon to the right of the BattleTag to bring up available social menu options including the ability to view that player’s profile or report the group title for offensive content.
- Minimum Endorsement - This the minimum endorsement level you must be in order to join that group. Note that the leader can only select a level high enough that meets their own endorsement level. ANY means any player of any endorsement level may join.
- Queue - This indicates the general activity of that group. ANY means any game mode will be played.
- Enforced Roles - If you see a checkmark in this column. That group’s leader will enforce roles for each member of that group.
- Hero Slots - Here you can currently see the current status of the group that is forming including how many players are entered for each role. Roles include:
Damage Hero | Tank Hero | Support Hero | Flex Hero |
- Role Filled/Filling - A white hero icon indicates that role is filled. If there is a blue icon below the role icon, that means the player has selected multiple slots. If another player wants to join into the slot they occupy, they can and the occupant will be moved to the next slots they’d selected.
- Role Available - A shaded hero icon indicates that role is available if you join.
- Requires Voice Chat - The microphone icon indicates that the group leader is mandating that all players enter the group voice chat channel.
- Group Has Left - This indicates the group listing has left the LFG lobby and is no longer available to join.
- Group Filled - This indicates the group listing has all roles filled, but has not yet left the LFG lobby.
- Refresh - Pressing this button will remove any Group Has Left listings and bring in any new listings that have appeared.
- Filter - Pressing this button will allow you to search for listings with specific parameters. See instructions below.
- Search Bar - You can type in descriptions or BattleTags to search for here.
- + Create - Here you can create your own listing for a group. See instructions below.
- Join - After you click a group listing you can click this button to join that group if you are qualified. The Invite button allows a group leader of their own LFG group to invite the members of another listing to join your group instead.
When you join or create a group you will then be prompted to select one or more roles based on the roles available for that group.
Filtering Groups
During peak times there many be many listings for groups. As such you may find it useful to instead filter out specific listings based on your own perferences.
As you can see you can filter out by game mode, role restrictions, voice chat restrictions, minimum players, minimum endorsement level, minimum role slots, and show when specific roles are available. If you have a specific plan to what sort of a group you want to be in, this is a very handy tool to use. I also recommend using it before attempting to create your own group.
Creating Your Own Group
If you can’t find a group to meet your needs, then the next best option is to create your own. Follow these steps for setting up your perfect group.
- Group Title - This is the part where you can describe your group. You only have about 50 characters to work with, so use it wisely. A group such as “Jeff’s Group” or “Carry me to Plat!” is not likely to get much attention. Instead use the title to describe a bit about yourself. See below for good examples for attractive titles for your LFG Group. Remember your group title is reportable so make sure your title is within the “Naming Guidelines” of the Blizzard Code-of-Conduct.
- Game Mode - Here you can select your intended game mode that you wish to play. You can select All, Quick Play, Competitive, Arcade, or Vs. AI. If you select Competitive the Skill Rating Range option will be made available.
- Skill Rating Range - When Competitive is the intended game mode, the group leader can specify a maximum skill rating spread from their own current skill rating. Any members wishing to join must be within that rating above or below in order to join that group.
- Wants Voice Chat - When enabled, players will be immediately logged into the voice chat for the group when they join.
- Enforce Roles - When enabled, a player will be restricted to heroes of their chosen role (Flex, Damage, Tank, Support) when they select it.
- Allow Players to Invite Your Group - If this is enabled, other groups in the LFG listings will be able to invite your group to their own if the conditions of both groups are in line with each other.
- Minimum Endorsement Level - Here you can specify a minimum endorsement level for players to have in order to join your group. Please note, you can only choose a level equal to or less than your own endorsement level.
- Group Member # Role Preference - Finally for each of the six roles, you can specify how many members are of each role. Remember the more restrictive you are, the less attractive your group will be especially for Competitive Modes.
Attractive Titles for your LFG Group
Here are a few examples of good titles to call your LFG Group
In this example for a Quick Play listing, I am looking to complete my “The Dragon is Sated” Achievement, as such I am looking to pair with a good Zayra main to help me get that needed achievement.
In this example for an Arcade listing, I am looking to pair with other players specifically to play Junkenstein’s Revenge on Hard Difficulty so that we can get the Not A Scratch achievement together.
In this example for a Competitive Listing, I have specified that I play Zenyatta or Mercy and that I like to make shotcalls. I have a rank of 2250 and seeking anyone 400 below or above me to join me. Finally, I have listed my usual server location that I connect to. This is important as I wish to play with the lowest amount of latency possible in the game.
Click here to find out how to identify your closest servers.
Each of the three account regions (North America, Europe, Korea/Asia) have several server locations in that region. For example, there are servers in Irvine, California for the western half of the North American continent, and there are servers in Chicago, Illinois for the eastern half. So some players may need to figure out which server they are if they can’t tell which half they belong in.
Here is how to find out:
- Open Overwatch and go to the Training Range. Select a hero and enter the range.
- Press Ctrl+Shift+N to open your in-game NetGraph tool (same key combination to close it).
- Look in the upper left corner of the shaded area to find the IP address. Next to the IP address, there is a three letter code. This is an airport code to describe the geographical location of those servers.
Then just post your Server code to describe your closest server location. This allows you to meet other players who are connecting to a similar server set and all players will have the lowest latency possible!
- Remember to check for other groups before starting your own. This way everyone can get into the game faster. Don’t forget using the Filter tools are a faster way to go if you like to play a specific role with specific conditions, rather than starting your own group.
- Before starting a Competitive Session, try to introduce yourself to your team and provide any important information before you queue for the match. Also make sure that everyone is ready to play before you queue.
- Remember to make friends! If someone really was special when you played together, remember to send them a friend invitation. Eventually check your friends list before heading for the LFG listings to get your most trusted players on your side!
- If you are creating your own group, set your career profile to public. This will give an idea of what your potiential allies can expect of you. If you rather keep that private, then try just searching for available groups.
- Play Nice, Play Fair!
Q. Does the Looking for Group function replace matchmaking team allies or being able to play the game as a solo queue player?
A. No this does not replace matchmaking if you enter queue as a partial group or as a solo queue player.
Q. Isn’t going in as a group a disadvantage in Overwatch Competitive?
A. No it is not. Principal Director Scott Mercer made a post that details many facts and myths about Grouping Up and Competitive Matchmaking in Overwatch. Read that post here:
Thanks for reading, I appreciate any suggestions for this guide as I hope to continue to develop it throughout the months to come! Cheers! (^^)v