GUIDE: How to use the Looking for Group System

Why are the SR ranges in Competitive groups different colors? i.e. red, yellow, green


These are new features when the system launched, green means a very close range to the group average to your SR, yellow means within the rules of Competitive Play, red means its out of the limits of Competitive Play rules or the filter specified by the group leader.

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Does “out of the limits” mean I can group with Master and GM players?

Question (because I can’t find this answer anywhere): On the PS4 Group Finder screen, at the far right is a column that has what looks like a merging arrow. The field is either filled in orange or it’s empty.


Thank you.

interesting paper. I have just one doubt (offtopic). In the first screenshot. there are some information at the right corner about the user (name, rank and new icon right to the 86 :star::star::star::star:). What does it mean this new icon? Is related to groups?)

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I don’t understand one thing. When you look for a competitive group the number (+/- …) is always in a colour (orange to green) what does it mean? Is yellow to orange more difficult or what? I would like to put a link in the title but I apparently can’t.

This is great and all, but how about once you are in a group it doesn’t get instantly stupid and you can still see the other groups in LFG? That would be great. As soon as you are in a group it’s like it goes retarded. You can’t even see your own group most of the time.

I just saw a few LFG titles using only emoji (hero ultimate icons) or different text colors (red, green, blue). Is this new?

(Can’t include links in this post)

Hey blizzard where is the LFG or the group finder how do you expect us to party up with peoples


It was the best way to play comp