Gold guns missing

Really? Still not acknowledged?

That’s fine, we can do this forever.

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Fix and acknowledge the missing Golden Weapons issue.

Can keep this up as long as it takes blizzard

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Same for me… pls blizzard. give back my golden skins!

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Acknowledge and fix the issue.

an answer please. Its the only "free"thing, (but a lot of time needed to play) , and now its missing.

They finally acknowledged it and added to the list of Known Issues.

But “some players” lol.

Apparently according to the Blizzard GM I am talking to this massive Triple AAA game company can’t do anything to give you back your golden weapon so if you’re like me and spent around about 2 months grinding Competitive since OW1 to buy new golden guns when the game came out. Guess you can just shove it where the sun don’t shine and start again.

Same my gold gun for Sojourn is missing too

Well guess what you’re not getting it back according to Blizz. :upside_down_face:

Still missing my sojourn gold gun since the 25th of Oct as well as my cyber detective bundle had no idea those were even getting locked by this bug too.

Same issue here aswell

Lost my JunkerQueen golden guns too

i have gold weapons on all heroes and 6k saved but today kiriko weapons disappeared. I had it yesterday. who will be next. sojourn, junker queen ? i tried relog but still nothing. i can´t send ticket, it sends me to forum :sleepy:

It is a well known bug


It’s a well-known bug that Blizzard said they can’t do anything to give you back your lost golden weapons or comp points sooo…

where did they say that?

Bought the Halloween junker queen,and my golden gun was taken away.

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I was told to report my issue here, I have lost my gold gun.

same for more then 10 days now

Simply another player affected by this bug. Kiriko golden gun gone!