Gold gun skin missing in Overwatch 2

ive got 12 items when its says i got 14

One of em is probably the golden gun

Same here
lost my Kiriko’s golden weapon after buying BP and set new skin

same here, my Junkqueen’s gold weapon is gone.

Admin on here have said that blizzard are investigating the missing gold guns and will address it. It’s on the list of bugs they’re working on right now (:


same here i also send a ticket it’s opend and i got no response at all i just want my kiriko gold weapons back wtf

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SAME!! My kiriko golden weapon skin is locked when i bought it at launch… I’m upset because the witch skin looks nice with the golden weapon…

same. This freaking suuuuuuuucks

Same. I lost my golden weapon for Sojorn

@xDjames did they say so on twitter? I hope this gets fixed asap because i have only played kiriko since launch. She is the best support and her golden weapon is super nice especially with the witch skin

Yes, the issue of the golden guns disappearing has been recognised in the official list of bugs here. I believe we’ll get our gold guns back soon:

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@bézou me too i have a PS5 trophy video capture using Kiriko’s golden weapon skin. I feel like i got robbed now that i somehow got locked out of the golden weapon… I hope this gets fixed.

Same for me since hame luanch for pharah and bastion

I lost mine too! It was just gone all of a sudden and have to buy it again. I thought I was the only one that lost their Junker Queen golden gun skin. I sent a ticket to support on this issue. Blizzard should just refund 3000 competitive points for each golden gun skin that was lost.

same here… lost JQ and Sojourn…

My golden gun on sojourn is missing and drop of OWL is broken to…

The golden weapon on Kiriko disappeared today, please return it!

Same for me, fortunately I have a screen shot of me using my junker queen golden weapon.

Golden gun for kiriko disappeared today Lesss gooo blizzard

I lost my widow gold gun, but honestly its a bit strange to me since the trend has been with the new characters, anyone know why?