🐐 GOATs could stop new Content

It’s not just that, even if you have rehearsed a way to counter GOATS (such as Sombra + Doomfist), those counter comps are extremely high risk and require huge amounts of coordination.

1 slip up too many and you will lose the team fight, and like get snowballed. GOATS on the other hand gives you far more leeway with individual player’s mistakes. It’s not just that it’s powerful, it’s that the very nature of the comp relies upon preventing the enemy from capitalising on your mistakes. Much like the old Mercy meta. Running GOATS is so much safer in this aspect too.

I might have been the guy who convinced devs to nerf mercy to 50hps, and I think she could use these buffs.
I have come to terms with Mercy - #2 by Selauriel-1801

I agree, Role Queue is problematic in some ways. But whether “Social Feature” they got, they are probably going to push it out.

As for making to a team can’t pick 3 or more healers. I don’t see why this would be a problem when no common team composition that existed before Brig would be affected.

If we’re two weeks through OWL and GOATs is solved by itself. Then do nothing. Agreed.

But if it’s a problem, then announce “No TripleHealers” for Stage 2.

Something problematic about the piercing bullets mechanic would be that while Mercy is in Valkyrie, the entire team will have piercing bullets. Damage boost is still a very strong ability, it’s the same as discord orb except applied to team mates and can’t be purged by Zarya bubbles.

Well, piercing multiple enemy players, not shields. But yeah, it would kick up the value of Valkyrie by a good amount.

But it is an Ultimate after all. And it has to compare to NanoBlade Genjis.

Something I would be especially concerned about is how it would open the door for an Ashe + Widowmaker double sniper meta. You have 2 snipers receiving Mercy damage boost, who both have piercing rounds.

They would only be able to do it twice during Valk. For 2 seconds each.

And if they trim Valk down to 12 seconds, from 15, they could only do it once.

You say that like adding the new social features didnt take away from both balance and cosmetics, too many things ran rampent and our skin releases got reduced when they decided to add new features, meanwhile balance has never taken away from the cosmetics, we shouldn’t even be putting balance on the back burner in the first place that should always be the first and foremost of any patch

Than let it die, content and features only serve to distract from the balance of the game and as we’ve seen recently features also hurt the content

You’d risk letting the game die financially, instead of limiting a team composition that didn’t even exist a few months ago?

Yes if it means balancing the game. Shiny new features and content only serves to bring players back temporarily and its starting do to that even less if the amount of disgruntled comments I’ve seen saying the new skins or whatever have you isn’t enough to bring them back says anything, because the game is still unbalanced, if you want the playerbase to stay you need balance, no one wants to play in a game dominated by op heroes, skins arent enough to keep them there.

This is a competitive game, balance should ALWAYS come first, balance does not interfere with the creation of new features and content because they are not the same department, the only time I can even think of balance interfering with it is when they rework a hero, but they’ve already said they aren’t doing that

Okay, limit Healers to 2 maximum, then do all these first. Then go back to not limiting Healers, maybe a year from now, at best.

📝 Patch Notes for 2019, idea

You can always nerf tank damage

Again I wouldn’t like having restrictions on a class because the devs failed at doing their job, I would prefer them to fix the problem not put a band aid on it and call it a night especially for a year at best, that just screams burning pile of failure if it takes them upwards of a year to fix this problem

Am I the only one who doesn’t see GOATs a lot?

I don’t care about making the devs feel guilt or shame.

I care about making the game not die financially, the game becoming more popular, and making the game as fun as it can be as soon as possible.

I care about results.

And the best results would be from balancing the game, not plugging their ears to the problem for upwards of a year, also again balance does not effect the flow of content or features, the flow of content and features affects each other

But not all balance is equally important.
Some balance can wait a year or more.

But this balance doesnt need to wait because its the biggest problem, and you say it needs to wait because of content and features when the balance department does not interfere at all with them, Geoff wasnt going into the department in charge of making lfg and telling them they have to wait because some characters need balancing, he was busy balancing characters because they don’t affect each other in a way that would slow each other down