I have come to terms with Mercy

I have realized that Mercy isn’t actually that bad.
I was so caught up in advocating for a Mercy rework that I didn’t even take the time to play the hero for what she is now.
I got angry when people used the term, fun is subjective, but they were always right.
If you as a player don’t enjoy Mercy anymore, just don’t play her.
I have over 100 hours on Mercy and this new perspective really turns my attitude towards Blizzard around.
Valkyrie is actually fun to use if things are happening.
Rez actually feels like you did something important (which you did).
Although I still think her healing needs a slight buff, Mercy is good as she right now (for the most part).
Take the time to breathe and actually play the hero and really get a feel for it without all of the bias thoughts in your head.
And if you still do not enjoy Mercy, find another hero that suits you.


This is honestly a breath of fresh air


I think this would probably be the easiest way to put some more fun into Mercy’s kit:
🕊[Mercy] TwoHanded Blaster & Staff

And this one would work pretty well to put some spice back in:
🕊 [Mercy] Heal Boost, Damage Pierce

That said I don’t really expect Devs to look at Mercy balance until GOATs isn’t a problem for OWL, and they’ve taken a first swipe at whatever this new “super secret social feature” is. Also maybe put out a new map, and some Blizzard game crossover skins.


Thanks for sharing this. I hope more Mercy players adopt your attitude.


This honestly is a breath of fresh air in the forums, but Im still on the edge about her.

I’ve been playing Mercy lately because of my garbage computer as my good one needs repairs that I cant afford as Christmas spent everything I had, and she is still viable. Maybe not at the highest tier, as other healers can do better and it’s not her meta, but she is still viable. I still feel like she has issues, I still feel as thouth Valk is boring, and I still want rez off e. But it’s all subjective to different people. There are hardcore Mercy mains who believe with all their hearts that she needs a rework, and others who dont want blizzard to touch her anymore, and still more who feel like just a tweak would be good. Personally, I think she still needs something done with her, but I’m still glad that I’ve stopped maining her as I stopped having fun on her. Im enjoying Moira and Ana so much more, I feel like I’m far more impactful with them, and I’ve been climbing with them faster than i did with Mercy. Maybe its because they clicked with me more than she did, but it’s all personal preference.


I’ll take anything I can get at this point. Gimme


I agree with the post.

Allow me to say though that it is not wrong to want something more for mercy. Just be aware of what effect it will have on not just her, but the entire roster. People can continue to advocate for change, but they need to do so from a position of calm, patient and responsible integrity.

All in all… :+1:



glad to hear you are Pro-Mercy now

well stated

I too am pro-Mercy and would like anyone who feels this way but might consider a change to make even more folks happy with her to take a look at the simple change I am discussing here:


Cool, I’m glad you realized you like the character after all, I still think she needs a rework but to each their own


I mean to be brutally honest, too many Mercy players just refuse to get to the last stage of dealing with loss/grief.


by any chance is that either “peace” or “acceptance”?

I will never miss the days where support mains were synonomous with Mercy mains, because you HAD to play Mercy or you lost. If you picked Lucio or Ana instead of Mercy, you were throwing. I’m guilty of it as well.
I would see 30 hours on Lucio and say " OH GOOD, HE PLAYS HEALER, SO HE CAN PLAY MERCY TOO!" or “Hey Ana, can you play Mercy? I want to win.”

Mercy mains had the nerve to act like the nerfs weren’t warranted. Imagine telling DPS mains they can only pick Hanzo or we lose. She was not balanced in any way, shape, or form.


That’s not really the issue, and claiming that it is seems rather ignorant. I complained Mercy had become boring to play 13 months ago while she was still a must-pick. Mercy was absolutely too powerful and needed a change from what she was, but Valkyrie was a big mistake in my view. It’s an ultimate that does most things for you and it’s 15 second long. So, for 10% of my total game-time I’m dreadfully bored because I, as a player, hardly matter unless I want to go Battle Mercy during valkyrie and face the wrath of my team.


Don’t. I was here. The first few posts already prove you wrong.

I need healing.


Well, let me counter your quote by two of my own:



I am glad that you enjoy her though and keep having fun. Good for you but I still feel that she needs more impact given how she is the most impotent healer in the roster as of now, even something as small as reverting her standard heals to 60hps would be something. It wouldn’t make me crazy happy but at least I’d be able to sustain a 222 comp without an Ana or a Moira.


I’m pretty sure not everyone was dumb enough to knee-jerk without actually playing her.

My biggest issue with Mercy, right now, is that her heals are so low that … for the first time ever… you feel like you cannot stop healing to use your pistol. No other healer is so incapacitated like this.


That’s not countering anything I said. I said Mercy mains, not ALL Mercy mains. If you don’t apply, then great, but it was and is still to this day heavily complained about. This isn’t up for debate because it’s visible on the front page literally every day.