🐐 GOATs could stop new Content

Swap brig with doom.

triple tank isn’t a problem and never has been. quad tank isn’t a problem and never has been. the first triple tank meta, Ana was OP. the short lived triple tank-double sniper meta, mercy was OP. the current tank heavy meta, Brigitte is OP.

if it were a tanking/damage mitigation issue, the strongest comp would be rein-zarya-monkey-dva. but if a team tries quad tank, all you have to do is go full dive and kill the supports.

it is a healing issue and not any hero but brigitte. All of the other supports can be killed. brigitte triple support makes it impossible to kill any of the supports, which makes it impossible to kill any of the tanks.

Is this a joke post?

Yours or mine?
Mine isn’t.
Doom fills the role of brig.

i agree with your assessment that brig created the problem since she can instant heal and aoe heal at the same time. but lucio and Moira isn’t ana, they are much more mobile and can self-sustain much better than ana.

the current goat comp, the two most mobile healer can dodge the dive tank while death ball rein zarya and brig does the heavy lifting of dps and soak damage. Dva alternate between heavy damage dealer and soaking damage.

the actually problem here is that tank does enough damage to any 200 hp targets before they get killed themselves. all the same time brig provides stun and aoe healing to the group.

the only way goats gets brought under control is to either knee cap it so it’s not effective at all or have another meta take it’s place.

The solution has never been “Well this hero or comp can stop a goat comp” being we already had that in game. You could can run all sort of heavy DPS comps that will break a goat comp, but the goat breaking comp is then weak to whatever the goat comp team swaps too next. Something an attack team can do after one team fight.

Then the anti-goat comp that is certain DPS hero based just gets ran over by dive or a more balance team comp. Sort as we saw in that one contenders match where a team ran I think 4 DPS on Route 66 defense but with one swap to widowmaker they fell apart on defense and lost.

Balance wise what needs to happen is a dive meta and death ball meta needs to be close to each other in effectiveness to and fighting each other to have any chance to see both exist at the same time in game.
Maybe that happens with hero bans? Maybe a forced 2-2-2 or 2 healer max, I don’t know.

There will always be balance patches.

The suggestion that people seem to say alot is limit the amount of 1 class you can have, but that will create worse metas and reduce creativity in teams.

True, but fixing GOATs isn’t worth the resources. If it’s even fixable at all.

This stuff though, would be great:
📝 Patch Notes for 2019, idea

Wouldn’t really help, because then it would still be TripleHealer.

But instead it would be SNOATs, maybe SymOATs.

This is jusy my opinion, but if characters are unbalanced and creating an op comp, I would prefer these characters get balanced rather than have some arbitrary limit applied like no more than 2 healers applied, you bring up mercy for instance, what would you have prefered them do, just disable her as a character? She would still need to be balanced, the problem still exists, its just no one could pick her

OATs are problematic

And they should be, in due time.

In the meantime, we got a problem that could ruin the entire game financially by dwindling Twitch streamers to nothing and making OWL fail, and almost no time to fix it.

Please don’t screw the lower ranks again like they did with the performance based SR thing. I assure you GOATs is roflstomping down there too.

I’ve heard of DOATs and GOATs, but what is SNOATs?

And I’m saying they shouldn’t put in an arbitrary restriction in because they failed to balance something in time, its like putting a bandaid on a large cut, the problem still exists it doesn’t just go away, you need to go the doctor and get it fixed right away

Probably sniper goats

There’s a medical practice called Triage.

Duct tape the TripleHealer issue for now. Quick and easy.

Then focus on putting out Content and Features.

Balancing TripleHealer to the point that it’s fully countered or weak can wait.

The game will DEAD if it doesn’t get an infusion of Content and Features soon.

I don’t know that I’ve encountered GOATS much in my lowly rank or in QP, but wouldn’t Sombra mess them up?

I can usually get in behind, hack Rein and kill a support before I need to bug out. If your team is competent I would think that would be enough for them to take down at least 1 or 2 more. And EMP should really cause them trouble, taking down all shields/DM and limiting healing.

New content takes time, it not happening has little to do with GOATs. They have some stuff in the pipeline for 2019 that they said when people see it, they will understand the long wait. It was more complicated than they expected or we would have it already.

It is resolved, it’s just that there is still a screaming minority shouting at an issue that no longer exists

This would cause more problems than it would solve. GOATS is not the only team comp to have more than 2 of a specific hero role. There is the KOTH triple-DPS strategy, the quad-tank point A-rush strategy (which sometimes extends to even penta-tank), and so on. Punishing all of them because 1 of them won’t behave is not the right way to go, and would be harmful to the creativity of team comps.

Again, this would be harmful to gameplay. We already have a soft-role queue system in place; LFT. Actively forcing roles within this system would again suffocate the ability to utilise the aforementioned strategies.

All of these solutions are far too rash. Unfortunately the best way for Blizzard to learn would be to see their OWL Season 2 viewing figures dip, so that they can finally solve the problem of pro play’s 2 most picked heroes; Dva and Brigitte.

Not the way Blizzard tells it. They “think she’s in a good spot”, ignored the massive amount of feedback they got on it and continue to ignore all feedback.

Goats is already dying.

Pros don’t have a chance to try out new things when playing. This is why you see it ran a lot. The practice the thing they know works, even if there is answers to it. But they can’t risk trying something different as it might fail.

I’m contenders we are seeing big meta changes. I belive in the league coming soon we won’t see goats as much.