Im really tired of ( while playing at a consisten 50ish ms ping) constantly getting killed through walls or around corners, only for the kill cam to show me somewhere radically different than where I actually was.
It’s stupid broken. It’s broken on another level. How are we supposed to play a shooter where, at any time, someone can shoot where you are not, and kill you?
How does anyone look at netcode where you can be inside of attacker’s 1st spawn on kings row, and …
…this is critical…
This issue needs to have been fixed years ago, and it’s still here! Breaking matches again and again with no fix on the horizon. I dont understand how this has gone un-addressed for so long. It doesn’t seem like it should be possible for a game thats in active development. An arena shooter from 2004? Yeah, I could see that, but a live game in the scifi space-year 2020!?
More importantly I dont understand why, between me and the developers, why Im the one that cares more.
It is nowhere near as bad as you exaggerate it to be.
And I consistently am at 70-80ms ping playing the worst hero to play at higher latencies In a game with favor the shooter:Junkrat
It is exactly as bad as I described. If you spend your time standing in, mostly, one spot lobbing bombs, it wont seem as bad because you’ll probably die where you were standing because thats the only place you’ve been in the last 5-10 seconds.
If you get good with Lucio’s movement, and build up speed you can go from the front of the bus out side the attcker’s spawn, to being inside said spawn in less than a second.
Putting all that aside, you can google and find hundreds of examples of hit ditection just flat out not working the way it should. Playing widow and gettings the “splash” effects of landing the shot dead on, but no hitmarkers because the server just couldn’t be bothered.
Putting that aside again, the tick rate (which if you were unaware, is how often a game checks to see if something has updated, and needs to be consistent to work well) is tied to your frame rate! With so many things popping off at any given time your frame rate can fluctuate immensely.
Going from a 60hz display to a 144hz display, I can flat out jump further, and move faster because of the variable tick rate. The implications are insane.
“less”? I’ve never seen a game with this issue, this bad before. You can die litterally, litterally dozens of yards away from where you were. Call of Duty used to have it on the scale of inches, maybe as much a foot in the most extreme example I ever witnessed.
Yes. Easily. Hence the whole “how has this not been fixed yet?” Thing.
I usually die around 12 feet around the corner, but when it’s bad I can be behind the Windmill on Ilios Well, and die at the choke. (Like where Orisa’s put there shield.)
Or on Oasis University, I can get back to the mega health-pack (near the stairs down) on my side, and then die on point.
The 10 (or was it 15) hz tickrate servers were so amazing… High RPM rifles hitting with 3-4 bullets in a single tick. Those were the days <3
But on the topic, given how online games operates, dying behind corner will be a thing forever. Sure they could just raise the server tickrate and have servers in more locations to mitigate the problem, but I don’t see it happening unless OW2 becomes hyper successful.
When you died in the spawn were you INSIDE the yellow health boundary completely, or were you inside the building but not inside the actual yellow spawn? you cannot die through those yellow walls (where they put the Christmas tree) but you can 100% die when you step into the short hallway area.
I got headshot through the bin at the last point on Hollywood by a Widowmaker that was way down the bottom inside and wasn’t using her ult.
Before that in comp I got killed by Barrage through a wall inside a building that didn’t have windows or doors where I was standing. She ulted outside and it killed me.
Reminds me of a streamer who got accused of hacking because they were shooting a bit of the enemy’s model that was poking through the walls of a Kings Row hallway.
Some weird stuff happens in games but I have never heard the sort of stuff OP is describing being a regular problem that wasn’t causes by bad internet or client-side packet loss. Blizzard also gets commended surprisingly often for their server management by outside computer engineers, certainly more than I’ve seen compared to other game devs.
They removed the advantages of people turning their graphics down to low so they could see better, but the game is rammed full of bugs. Especially audio bugs. Footsteps still haven’t been fixed and animation audio hasn’t been fixed either, some games it randomly dies.
I thought it was just me at first but every so often it’ll happen again where I’m inside, completely concealed and not pressed up against the wall and get killed by a D.Va bomb. SD and Barrage are the most common ones I’ve been killed by, or snipers.
Oasis is pretty common in my opinion for these bugs.
Hollywood is another I’ve experienced them on a high number of times.
King’s Row I’ve also had the bug
It’s at, what I’d call low latentcy. Roughly 50ms. My usual latentcy is 53ms, but fluctuates 4 or 5 either way. I also usually play Lucio, and can really get some speed up.