Teach me how to dodge a firestrike

Since so many people offered to help me be a better Moira (albeit in an angry, ego-inflated “abusive coach” way), I figured I’d put up a short clip from a recent match and ask for advice because I genuinely do not know how I could have possibly dodged this Firestrike.

It’s Eichenwalde, last point. I’m on defense:

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From his clip :

“Clip of a “Silent Aim” hack redirecting a Firestrike through a wall to hit a target out of LOS.”


This video hurt my brain.

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Excuse me, but I’m not accusing anyone of cheating. Even if one or two or three or four or five or six people on the other team were obviously cheating, Forum Wisdom says that I must blame myself and learn to play better.

So I’m only interested in advice that tells me how I can improve my gameplay to avoid getting hit by Firestrikes like this.

I would also like advice on how to avoid McCree flashbangs that travel 10m, and Junkrat traps that can be placed out of LOS and out of range. Obviously I don’t know what I’m doing, so I need all kinds of help because It Is Clearly My Fault ™


dodge duck dip dive and dodge


RiP Patches

I havent heard of a Silent Aim hack, and I would more or less presume this was a latency issue if anything. Worst case it would be a Latency Hack, which few of those have been making their rounds again, but this doesnt look like one.


I’m not accusing anyone of cheating. That would be ridiculous, even for me. What I’m asking is: How could I have played better here?

More context: this was their second push, after a wipe. I didn’t know who exactly was behind the corner except Solider on the far ledge, Genji YOLOing out front, and Reinhardt. I feel I played this as well as possible, so I’m hoping some Forum God can come along and educate me as to how I could possibly have avoided this because literally every one of the past ~40 matches I’ve played in Gold has multiple similar situations like this one with Firestrikes, Charges, Junk traps, Flashbangs, Sleep Darts (from out of LOS!) etc., etc., all from low-level accounts. This is by far the most obvious one. They’re usually more subtle until the end of the match (this clip is the end of the match).

Clearly I need to play better. Tell me how.

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Sorry I thought i clicked reply initially to @Krisi

Went on further to mainly respond to @Jåsz

But I see what you are doing here and unfortunately we dont have the option to rate matches anymore since what, season 6? 8? and cant report servers for instability since that time either. Clearly Your Fault ™.

So it’s a latency issue? My ping is never above 60, usually closer to 50, and I don’t have trouble with hits registering or anything like that.

It has to be me being a Bad Player™. I’m puzzled as to how it could be latency because, as is shown, Genji’s crosshair was never on me, and he only had LOS to about 1/5 of my body for about 1/4 of a second. That isn’t even enough time for him to have hit me with his primary fire. It’s not like I was standing there in a perfect line behind Rein waiting for something to happen. The line of attack never existed at all.

Even slowed down to x0.25, he only has a split second of vision on me, and when he deflects it’s directly into Rein. Then the Matrix glitches and the Firestrike jumps about 5m into a wall and proceeds to hit me in the face, which is Clearly My Fault™ because I am a Bad Player™. Interestingly, it was actually leading the target – it was timed perfectly to hit me center of mass in the direction I was moving (to the left, into cover). I did the exact wrong thing, obviously, so I want someone who is better at Moira to come and tell me how I should adjust my gameplay.

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Well, you dont necessarily have to have a latency issue, it only takes the other client (Genji) in this case to have a latency spike. If your Ping never went up then you can rule out the Server Ping Spiking because that would cause you and everyone else to spike up. The Genji may have had 100+ ping to your 50-60 ping and if the Servers have any sort of Lag Interpolation and/or Lag Compensation adjustment, it may have briefly boosted him a few extra frames and jutted back to where he was initially without you even seeing it.

Move that’s how you dodge


This is obviously some kind of glitch in the map, now you know where to not stand next time :smile:

K. So that’s what I did. It didn’t work. The firestrike followed me.

(You didnt watch the video, did you?)

Eh, flukey glitch that wont happen often. If you want actual advice on how to improve, send in a full vod of a decent game

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I find lots of this BS in the game, its only adds to the frustration.

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I’m losing games because of these “flukey glitches.” That’s what I need help with. Nothing else I could possibly change could possibly matter more than projectiles coming out of the wall to hit me in the face.

If you aren’t skilled enough to help solve this problem, then you’ve got nothing for me.

You… You think the reason you’re losing games in gold is due to the fact that a minor glitch happen every now and then? There’s nothing wrong with your gameplay? An OWL-level player wouldn’t be able to win these games?

Rhetorical questions. Obviously there’s more you could be doing, and the first step to climbing is realizing that YOU are the reason you aren’t winning, not flukey glitches.

I’m 2000 SR above you. When you say “help solve this problem”, sure, i could help you get better, through a traditional vod, not a 10 second game clip. If you’d like my help, im willing to offer it. My discord is Nickdarick#7021.


You can’t help, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m asking you how to patch a hole in the ship’s hull, and you’re telling me that the deck chairs could be aligned a little better.

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No, it’s more like you’re worried about the paint job on the car, while im trying to fix the engine.

Dude, trust me, YOU are the reason you’re stuck in gold after 700+ levels. It isn’t the game’s fault. Again, if you wanna improve, you have to change your mentality. If you wanna keep your same “blame something else” attitude, then have fun staying in your rank.


Trying to change the subject like always. His question was clear. Try answering it.

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