Geoff appreciation thread

Sorry I got here late…he explained his statement in another interview…he’s saying that just having 3 tanks and 3 supports on a team does isn’t of itself playing goats…it’s how that comp is played that defines whether it’s goats or not…for example: your 3 tanks are Zarya, Winston, and D. Va…Zarya goes up the middle, Winston jumps to the backline, and D. Va flies way back to near the enemy spawn. The first 2 are ok, but D. Va being far away disqualifies as goats play. “Proper” goats is the each team stays pretty much together and fights head to head…no real “flanking” or such goes on.
tl;dr reminder: the goats comp in and of itself is not playing goats.

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it has to do with the licensing agreement with microsoft and sony, blizz legally can’t do anything about it

Geoff, if you stop by this thread again, are you guys planning on reworking Brigitte? If not, I feel like it’s definitely something you should try to look into. Alot of people agree that she’s really bad outside of the dreaded GOATS comp. Keeping her anti-dive capabilities while removing her high-damage combo potential would definitely shift her in a better direction. I’m not saying “nerf her damage more please” but it’d be nice if maybe whipshot was replaced with something equally effective at range without being instant, like a chain extension ability that increases her mace range for a short duration.

Oh man, I feel like my Mama Hong concept would fit right down your alley :slight_smile:

Mama Hong (Main Tank)

Stats: 200 health, 200 shields

Affiliation: Herself (I guess)

Playstyle: Mama Hong could be considered the Junkrat of tanks. Basically a deadly heavy hitter. Her barrier could help her be considered as a main tank.

Look and Feel: You already know the concept art. I’d give her the overall look and body type of Topaz from Thor Ragnarok maintaining the face and head from the concept art.


LMB - Sticky Bomb Launcher / Mama Hong shoots sticky bombs from a grenade launcher. Fire rate 0.5 seconds. Each bomb will detonate after 3.2 seconds of attaching itself to an enemy hero or a surface. Ammo 6. Reload time 1.5 seconds. Explosion does 60 damage and 40 splash damage.

RMB - Detonate Sticky Bombs / Detonate all active sticky bombs. (detonate all for burst damage).

E - Shield Drain / Throws a deployable that drains 100 shields (affects barriers and personal shields) per second in an area. Can be destroyed by enemies. 1 second to deploy. Lasts for 3 seconds.8 second cooldown

Shift - Bubble Barrier / Mama Hong raises her left arm over her head, and out of her gauntlet she can project a bubble barrier roughly half the radius of Winton’s Barrier Projector. Mama Hong can move with the barrier, but cannot shoot while barrier is active. Activates 3rd person view. 500 health, lasts for 5 seconds. Cooldown 6 seconds after barrier deactivates or is destroyed.

Ult - Massacre / Throws a Grav Bomb to a targeted location (Q swaps weapon for Ult interface and left click releases the bomb (like the old way of deploying Torb’s turret). Upon landing the bomb will create a gravity field that starts expanding from the center up until 8 meter radius over 3 seconds. After 3 second all enemies caught in the gravity field will be pulled towards the bomb, that will detonate doing damage similar to Junk’s rip tire.

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Actually… Overlord feels like the perfect candidate to have free perma-flight.

How the ingame change affecting to Sony and Microsoft? It’s like balancing changes.

sony and microsoft need to approve EVERY change that happens, in a game like overwatch i guess they (the consoles) feel it needs to be a feature to be able to make more accounts

I don’t say that they need to disable account creation or something like that. I want them to up minimum level of accessing to competitive mode from 25 to 100-150.

well that’s certainly something they can do however i doubt it’s something they’re going to fix overnight. i did hear they are attempting to allow you to declare a main account or something

Thank you for even considering changes to my favorite hero, I try to provide much input about her on the forums. I definitely see your reasoning behind not buffing dmg boost, which is why I never recommended a dmg boost buff. I agree that 50 hps seems fine, but if you were to change Mercy I would prefer changing her in a way to increase her skill ceiling rather than buffing her healing; maybe small buff something else in a way that requires more skill to use its potential? I’m not sure, but thanks for this post. :slight_smile:

Is that so? :thinking:

Because the track record of the past “balance” changes show otherwise. If you buff, they become OPAF. If you nerf, they become the lowest tier of heroes nobody wants.

All of your changes are too “rounded” and too big.
You don’t seem to be able to buff something by 6%, so to speak, which could be a theoretical ‘perfect’ buff. No, you buff things with 20%. Then it turns out they’re too stronk, and you still want this buff, so instead you nerf something else, rework an entire mechanic that worked FINE for the past 2-3 years, because god forbid your buff or nerf was “wrong”.
Could you STOP doing that? If any buffs or nerfs are too strong/unfun, then reduce the impact and revert. It’s okay to adjust in smaller steps.


They are for the forums, but not in-game to my knowledge.

Maybe that’s what you’re thinking of?

Maybe Mercy damage buff could add a “% target MAX HP” on top of the flat %? Say 5-10% of targets MAX health so damage to Tracer would only be 10-20 extra to prevent 1-shotting, but still help take down Shields and Tanks. The flat % would most likely need to be tuned as well.

This would be hard to tune for both hard hitting projectiles like Pharah and high tick guns like Winston, but there may be a way to tune it. Based on fire rate or something. 1 shot per second gets an extra 7% MAX HP while 0.1 shots per second would do 0.5% MAX HP per tick. Getting the math right and clearly letting players know how it works might be difficult …

if you can’t shorten the deployment time can you implement some of those buffs:

  • bigger interaction radius
  • TP constantly spawns at symmetra’s feet
  • TP existing longer
  • being able to destroy TP manually (by pressing E, similar to sombra’s translocator)

I have to aknowledge you that the Take Breather buff was an amazing way to buff Roadhog while giving him a identity: the stall king tank. Thanks.

However, most of Hog playerd feels that Roadhog lacks a bit of impact compared to Dva or Zarya, specially because he feeds too much ult charge.

Have you discussed a way to buff him to counter the ultimate battery issue?
Being a big ult battery is part of his identity but his kit lacks in something to compensate this.

Thanks again!

Would like to hear more about that RTS hero that spawn zerglings type monsters i remember hearing about. I thought it would sort of like overun team with those AI bots from Overwatch Rising Event

Thank you for all your effort and hard work to you and the team.
I look forward to good updates and changes, and more frequent hero releases if possible.
However, about the 1st point about the bomblet gun, I understand that other competitors are there who are stealing ideas from Overwatch but there is already a character in another fps hero shooter who does this.

I understand these ideas are interchangeable and we can certainly be inspired. But we may also need unique designs, which I commend for Baptitse because his gun feels like traditional FPS.

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Though I doubt Geoff will see this: -👓 Sym and Reaper "Proper" changes (3rd Person Placement) (Non Beyblade) (How I would change Reaper’s Shadow Step and Sym’s Teleporter)

Basically making 3rd person placement happen with Reaper’s Shadow Step and Sym’s Teleporter. (Think Doomfist’s Ult)

(Unlike Doomfist 's Ult) There would be some important differences.

Placement effect would basically happen same as 1st person placement happens, though 3rd Person would give them more range and ease to place the placement.

They would be vulnerable while using the ability. (think of Junkrat during his ult, remember to hide.)

(Optional) Whatever they are using for the 3rd person placement, either Black cloud (Reaper) or Camera made of Light (Sym). It can be destroyed. (Optional)

They would be able to see the enemy from a safe distance and relay it to their team like current Sombra

They can place the placement anywhere within a 50 meter radius. (Even if it’s behind walls, on roofs, etc…)

Everything else still happens the same.

(3/8/19 Edit: Limit Sym’s to 3 people cause Geoff seems to have a problem with the whole team going though Sym’s Teleporter.)

Bonus for Sym: Instead of her summoning Flying Turrets.

Have her Summon Flying Barriers again

and when the Barriers hit a wall or a surface have then turn into Turrets.

Basically the return of Proton Barrier (or a lesser version of it, Or greater depending on the situation) but doesn’t let her lose anything else.

Some of those changes are actually good. Some people complain because they don’t make the character OP anymore.

Any word on the game editor?