Geoff appreciation thread

this is the kind of transparency we’ve been begging for for months and i’m so grateful.

“We’re looking into it. We don’t know if it willl work though.”

all we wanted


Could we ever see a possible change to Mercy’s resurrect while in Valkyrie. Her ultimates description says “All abilities enhanced” not word for word but everything is enhanced Healing and Damage boost chain beams, free flight, 10hps more healing, and faster GA speed. The only ability not enhanced is resurrect. Could that ever be changed?

Very glad to hear that our concerns about Symmetra are at least being investigated. Thank you for saying. It does alleviate a bit of the frustration.

I get what you’re saying about bypassing choke points. The teleporter really does need to spawn faster but if you’re too worried about whole teams bypassing the chokes, why not make it so that the teleporter can’t transport whole teams? Rather than give the teleporter unlimited uses for its duration, put a cap on how many times it can be used. The old teleporter could only be used 6 times before it was destroyed. Have the new teleporter be destroyed after either a set amount of time has passed or it’s been used 3 or 4 times. It might not be able to save whole teams from a Graviton Surge but it can at least save some and give defending teams a fighting chance at choke points.

If Reaper needs anything, it’s to be more difficult/have something to master.


tbh i’ve always thought the negativity towards Geoff and getting kinda singled out for dev mistakes is hella unfair

and i’m saying that as a DVa main

This has been a fantastic thread. Just wanted to say it.

One of those people being me.

Also, Jeff Kaplan apparently things Brigitte feels terrible outside of GOATS too, so please don’t act like this is set in stone. Apparently, even the dev team aren’t sure.

Are we ever going to have the moment you say, “When Symmetera was in Meta and a valuable asset to the team”?

Cause I am still waiting for that memory.

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She is bad outside of GOATs… and she’s also still strong, the two are not non-sequitur… and she was over-tuned at introduction. Geoff is sure of her state, not sure why you think they don’t.

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Please explain?

Because every time they’ve said something about Brigitte’s state, they’ve gone back on it not long after.

Even at her launched state, I’ve never seen a case where a player/team lost to Brigitte for any reason besides they made some kind of mistake that deserved a loss.

What Jeff meant by the GOATs statement is that she works well right now in that meta with her current kit capabilities. Outside of that, sort of just being in game, she’s strong enough but doesn’t really work well with others in any decent synergy, at least that is what I think he meant. He would need to elaborate, but he thought enough to make a statement about her including admission she was over-tuned on release.

All I can say is you guys are in denial on this one. It’s a “everyone must be wrong but me” kind of situation… not buying it, sorry. I would almost guarantee you she is headed for a rework in time.

Thanks for the positivity. :3

The dev team has my respect as well.

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He said that Brigitte feels pretty terrible to play outside of GOATS. I think we’d need to take major stretches of logic and guesswork to extrapolate further.

An opinion being popular doesn’t mean it’s correct. If you want to dismiss my opinion as “everyone is wrong but me”, then I can be just as dismissive and just claim yours is groupthink.

She is still strong because with her armor pack versus dive heroes. But her problem is she need to hit some guys for the inspire proc.

Have you guys considered or tried a projectile speed buff for Junkrat? It’s been a common buff idea for him around here, and it would help him feel less clunky/rely less on concussion mine when dueling outside of point blank range (especially against hitscans). Another idea thrown around here was reverting his .3 projectile hitbox size until it hits a surface, whereupon it shrinks to its current size.

Thanks for the response, Geoff! It’s great to know that Sym is actually being looked at. I’m sure all Sym mains will be happy to know she’s still in your purview and that you’re actively investigating and working on her issues.

In addition to the railing and build speed issues, have you considered increasing the interaction radius?

A common and incredibly frustrating issue for Sym is teleporting out of a Zarya Grav. When caught in one, the damn ult moves you around at random, effectively displacing you out of reach from your TP. So even if you’re aware and quick enough to place one down to attempt an escape, you simply can’t interact with it. Couple that with the slow build speed, and the inconsistent placement of the TP at Sym’s feet, the ability to TP out of grav (as was highlighted for her THIRD rework) simply isn’t reliable at all for the Sym player or her team.

Increasing the interaction radius (while decreasing the build time) would solve this issue. Is this at all possible?

Thanks, Geoff!

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just to say what geoff said doesn’t necessarily constitute into a buff, it might just be another change like the damage boost change that’s coming

I think Reaper needs something to make up for his short range, and I was thinking a Smoke Grenade lasting like 5 seconds. This could allow him to escape, engage, close the distance. It could also be combo’d with the team to set up engages. I think it also fits with his smokey aesthetic and edginess, and some of the horror that Reaper is supposed to bring.

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Thank you and the devs for the changes you’ve made thus far. The game will never be “perfect”, but I applaud you strive for excellence nonetheless! I’ve been part of the community for a little over a year and play religiously. I’ve logged over 1,000 hours in that time frame and despite some of the toxicity that remains, it’s the sense of team and fellowship among fellow players that keeps me coming back. The game has been stale as of late and many of my friends have jumped ship over to Apex Legends. I play it as well, but I keep coming back to Overwatch. I’m genuinely excited for this patch and Baptiste to be released on console. I also await future lore and look forward to the next new archives event. It would be really cool to start to tie the characters together whether they are affiliated with Overwatch 2.0 or Talon…Keep up the good work!