Genuine question for Mercy mains

Sorry i really tried but can’t take you seriously with that lmao.

It’s because of ideas like this that we can’t possibly advance as a community.

It’s like you’re not reading any thread about mercy at all. Having a fun hero is the idea here. Yes a lot of people find her fun now but this fun factor has been explained times and times again.

Lucio’s ult is a gigantic temporary shield (750 HP) on every allies in range, allowing for a huge push, a defensive ultimate against burst damage and huge sustain when healing isn’t enough.

Transcendance is one of the best ultimates in the game. Comparing it in the slightest to mercy’s valkyrie is really weird. Zenyatta heals for 300 HP per second in the radius.

This is 50 more HP/s than the spawn. THE SPAWN.
This is six times the power of valkyrie/s healing on a DPS hybrid healer.

How come the pure healer in this game (a hero who spends 95% of the game healing allies is a pure healer) has an ultimate that is six times less powerful in terms of healing.

Zenyatta and Lucio have a huge impact on the teamfight, expanding a 50 (or 60, whatever) healing on multiple allies is like using Amp it up for 12 seconds. (around 47 HP/s I believe during amp it up)

Is it really comparable? In terms of survivability with the ult, Zen and Lucio both gain immense protections, the same as their teammates. (Except for Zen who cannot render everyone immune). Mercy selfishly flies away from danger while healing at her base rate (which is still weaker than Moira’s secondary fire)

This is a really dumb message on your part.

Also, comparing Mercy and Reinhardt because they both ‘‘hold a button’’ ? Maybe it’s somewhat the same in a distant land but reinhardt has an impactful ultimate.

Let me challenge your ideas a bit, why are you calling Mercy a pure healer just because she heals a ton? mind you, she has 3 things that no other support hero has, unparalleled mobility, rez and damage boost, the only real pure healer in the game is Moira

Even though it’s true that Mercy used to be the pure healer in the past, currently blizz decided to balance her around her full kit and not just her left click

I understand that what you liked about mercy was precisely that she was just a healing battery with wings but in my opinion Mercy is a much more interesting character when you get to use every single aspect of her kit effectively, that includes the blaster

fun is subjective, on the other hand you could argue people didn’t like playing against a must pick in S6.

maining mercy must be hard, can’t imagine what symm/bastion/torb mains must feel like.

I mean, I won’t argue on useful or not useful because many people will do that.

What I will say is, I don’t appreciate that it takes skill from me as a player. Mercy’s base kit is mechanically easy, so the better I did at managing a single beam among my whole team, avoided damage and ultimates by managing my GA well and got to use more thought in her kit when it came to using Mass Rez, I feel like the rework took all of her skill ceiling away from her and I don’t like that.

I have been saying this a lot recently but:

She had challenges and weakness outside of mechanical skill that allowed her to be considered a balanced hero before the rework.
After the invulnerability change to Rez it put her in a greater state of unbalance, instead of giving it balance changes that would have made it harder to use and more of a challenge of awareness and game sense instead of mechanical challenges. LoS and cast time would have been the start of limiting complaints from the community.

IMO the lack of her old challenges and making her easier and essentially making it so the kit succeeds for you has made her very boring and unfun.

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Zen isn’t even meta anymore, in fact he’s quite possibly the worst support right now. I see Mercy being used much more.

Tbh it’s Ana>Lúcio>Brig>Mercy/Moira>Zen.


I can say this for literally every other healer.

Lucio has speed boost, insane mobilityand temporary shields.

Ana has a stun that lasts 5.5 seconds, can completely nullify any healing for the enemy team and can buff and insta-heal a teammate.

Brig can passively heal while dealing damage, deal with flankers fairly consistently (compared to the other healers) and gives out permanent armour (until destroyed).

Zen can increase the damage an enemy recieves, dish out a ton of damage and can heal for 300 hp/s in an AoE, giving him one of the best support ults.

Moira has mobility that makes her invincible, can damage and heal at the same time (and being good at both) and extremely strong consistent healing that pierces allies.

Moira has to deal damage to heal.

Her damage boost hasn’t changed though. So, how can current Mercy not be a pure healer because of damage boost, but old Mercy was a pure healer, even with damage boost.

The only new thing that needs getting used to is GA, because of angel-hopping. Rez just requires you to hide somewhere safe, and Valk requires you to not be dumb enough to fly really high if the enemy team has a hitscan.

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What about poor healing capacity compensated by his high burst healing as ultimate ?

Mercy is consistent, it seems more and more clear that Blizzard wants her to be the S76 of support category.

Except as a jack-of-all-trades she has one of the best (the best?) healing output.

You cannot have best mobility, best healing consistency, best kit without counter part.

That’s not realistic.

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Lucio’s mobility is more sustained and less bursty than Mercy’s, she is still way faster than him while GAing even when he amps up, however she does need a target to fly to but her mobility when you meet that requirement is top notch

Exactly, that’s a good thing to have specially when there is no overlap

Because the effectiveness of her healing has changed in order to open up optimal uses of everything else, also, nor Moira nor Ana existed back then and their viability wasn’t a thing, even though we needed a pure healer to fill in and that’s what Mercy did, things change though and I think it’s better to balance her whole kit than start stripping everything away until we have a carcass of just healing

Both rez and valk have several more uses than those, if you choose not to see them I won’t try to convince you otherwise

Her ult is good for Mercy herself not for her allies, which is weird for a support ult.

Also making Mercy near unkillable is not a great design.

Not talking about the fun factor, what I like with most heroes is when their ult is really different from their base kit (It is the case for everyone) if you want a transformation ult then make it fun like Winston.

Not really a Mercy main, more like a support main overall, that’s just how I feel about her.

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Zen’s Average Winrate right now: 52.81%
Mercy’s Average Winrate right now: 49.32%

Um… Care to elaborate on how Zen is the “worst support?” :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

It’s actually a great ultimate, it’s just that a lot of Mercy mains are delusional and don’t really know how to play the game because they never had to learn.


Sure, if you’re a bad Lucio.

Exactly. Meanwhile, Lucio can achieve similar (if not better) mobility than Mercy, while also not requiring an ally to be able to utilize that mobility.

So, what’s the significance of Mercy’s 3 parts to her kit (1 of which just makes her base kit stronger)?

It actually does quite the opposite. Now, Mercy can GA, Rez and Damage boost less often, because her healing is weaker. Meaning unless you want to let your teammate die, you need to hold M1.

Ana definitely existed alongside old Mercy.

Because triple tank meta didn’t happen?

This feels so ironic.

I know what their uses are. However to properly utilize them, there’s not much thought or effort required.


Just holding M1 will get your teammate killed faster than doing literally anything else because you know 50 hps is not enough to keep anyone alive under heavy fire, you’re better off clearing the danger (either dmg boosting him or even pulling your own pistol out to add dps) than trying to sustain a teammate who can’t use cover effectively but if you want to hold M1 and then complain about Mercy state, be my guest

Ana and Mercy never existed in the same space while she had 50 hps

Their viability when mercy had 50 hps before wasn’t a thing because they didn’t exist in the game

no wonder you have no success playing Mercy then and no wonder you find her boring

If they got rid of the infinite ammo and scaled up the healing some then it would be right and the complaints against Valk would cease.

Alternately if they still dropped the infinite ammo and eliminated the cast time on Rez here too it would be right and the complaints against Valk would cease.

What Mercy mains want is to have some kind of glory to Valk than simply it being a “so so it’s okay maybe” kind of ultimate. Same as any hero would want.

You are wrong btw. Ana was released July 19th 2016,_2016

Mercy’s healing was buffed September 1st, 2016,_2016

There was 1.5 months of overlap. Now… neither of them was getting played cause Lucio had +100% speed boost amp and zen had 200 HP and 50% Discord… but still.

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an ult that does that is unfun because its just an easy escape button, youre only flying in the air and holding one (1) button that heals everyone in range (most of the time theyre not) and every time you ult it doesn’t really change the tide of the game. Even after you ult, you’ll probably get rolled if the enemy team has too much damage or if youre team is just bad. No time to rez because of the snails pace cast time (not complaining it just isnt viable in team fights anymore)

But its also because of the 50hps for mercy who is supposed to be a main healer. like we dont want mercy op OR a must pick, we just want something that has the potential to actually save games and teammates while being impactful instead of just an insta loss in some scenarios

I say get rid of Valk. Bring back mass Rez. Give her a WoW discipline priest shield to mitigate burst damage scenarios.

That would befit Mercy better than what she has now I think.

gotcha! however on July 26th Ana received a buff since she obviously paled in comparison to Mercy’s mass rez impact even though her healing afterwards enabled triple tank and even beyblade from nanoboost

Mercy and Mass Resurrect wasn’t what was keeping triple tank with Ana down… 50% discord orb was.