Genuine question for Mercy mains

I’m genuinely and honestly confused about this. Not trying to troll at all. How do you describe an ult that:
A) makes you fly, givr you much much higher mobility.
B) changes you from single target hero to AoE (or chained).
C) actives your self heal for the full duration of the ult making you harder to kill.
D) gives you infinite ammo Incase you decide to do some pew pew.
E) (this is still fresh but still) increases your healing.
As useless? Again, i’m honestly wondering and not trying to troll or offend any mercy mains here. Lets have a discussion about this.


Compare that to trans / barrier / nano and then look at how valkyrie can fully impact a fight vs those ultimates


I would understand that in her CURRENT state, But back before the healing nerf from 60 to 50, she was considered an ok support, and valk pretty much removes all her negative aspects of her, but people still complained it’s useless.

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Because valkyrie literally is just mercy but “more” she can easily be shot out the sky, the chain beam doesn’t do anything, the burst damage still shreds through her healing (both 50 and 60 hps), you’re a flying beacon when resurrecting so you have to play selfishly and not use it

The pistol having unlimited ammo doesn’t even have a use when you need to heal 99% of the time

Valkyrie is a long drawn out ability, it’s not ultimate worthy when compared to the other support ultimates, yay I can fly for 15 seconds, sure wish I could keep my team alive though


I’ll play your game.

A) good for taking out widows, getting back to point
B) chain healing is good, but the other support ults outclass it imo
C) tbh people do not focus fire the moth.
D) People will report, seriously.
E) Eh, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before.


It lacks any impact. It’s not game changing and doesn’t really save your team mates. The most it really puts you in the fight as that was the point (to be more involved) is dodging an aimbot ult, stalling a point, or being a battle Mercy. It sounds good on paper but isn’t really in game. I’m glad they made it slightly better but there’s still a lot to be done to make her actually impactful. I think she was okay when her base heals were 60 hps, although she wasn’t super impactful she could keep her team mates up.


She was considered OP because of Rez.

The thing is that Valk takes out all of the skill from her kit.
High Mobility? She has that in GA, Bunny hopping, and superjumps, but you don’t need them in Valk
AoE healing? That’s juggling the single heal beam from one person to the next to the next, which differentiates good Mercy players from bad players
Infinite ammo? Mercy’s gun is used for self defense; using Valk soley to get a triple kill isn’t how you should be using Valk
Increased healing? We literally just had this amount of healing; it’s an increase, but it’s not a noticable increase, and we already know it’s not enough. 60HPS isn’t enough to save anyone from anything

Imagine you were playing Soldier 76 and you ulted into a ton of barriers. That’s it, there’s nothing more you can do unless the enemy screws up or a barrier breaks or someone else does something major. You’re an add-on to the everything, but you yourself aren’t doing anything. That’s what it’s like to play Mercy; a glorified spectator with no impact on the outcome of the match. You ult, you fly out of the way, and your team dies anyway.


I don’t really find it useless, it’s more ‘cheesy’ to me, rather than useless. It basically takes away a lot of her weaknesses, which makes doing her job much more easier. That’s partly why I think it feels boring to a lot of other people.


This is mercy in valkirie

h ttps://

fly, fly, fly, you can fly!

I don’t care to explain why I think Valk is amazing. If someone really wants me to, by all means I will. I’m just chipping in by saying I actually like Valk. The majority of the forums talking about Mercy call it unimpactful and boring. I really wonder sometimes if we’re playing the same game.


So in a sense, it is impactful, but quite boring and not that game changing compared to other supports ults.

In a sense, kinda.

Because other supports healings are either amplified or they provide something that provides sustain for the team.

Nano turns you into a juggernaut, Rally provides armor for damage reduction, Sound Barrier and Trans can prevent teamwipes and Coalesence can provide a ton of healing while doing damage at the same time.

What about Valkyrie. You cant rez anyone because its a deathtrap during mid-fights, your healing is about the same, same as damage boost but thats AoE and most of the time youre not gonna use your blaster, since, you have to heal your team.


Because most Mercy mains only care about the fun factor. She literally has the most engaging ult out of most supports and they still whine lol.

All Lucio, Ana and Zen do is press Q. Mercy does more than that.

I mean if holding M1 the entire time is engaging, kudos to you.

At east when Lucio, Ana and Zen press Q, they actually have an impact on the game.


Not a mercy main, but a support main. I’ve always seen valk as a super powerful offensive tool.

It is actually bananas to me how more Mercy players don’t see how insane blue beam during valk is. visually it isnt as flashy as other ults, but from a purely numbers perspective its a stupidly high amount of burst damage for a big clump of allies.

People just get deleted when 2 or 3 allies are being simultaneously blue-beamed, its like a discord which also works on shields, has no travel time, and is on every member of the enemy team. It is the correct play the majority of the time to switch to blue beam, even if allies are a little low because of how it changes the time-to-kill of enemy heroes.

You don’t need to constantly be healing low health allies if they just annihilate the enemy team due to the damage amp.

But I am also looking at this through the lens of a higher ranked player who can somewhat trust allies to hit the majority of their shots so who knows.


The fact that you’re flying in the air moving around and GA’ing to teammates pretty quickly is automatically more engaging than Lucio just pressing Q and being done with it, or Ana just pressing Q and being done with it, or Zen just pressing Q and being done with it.


Recruit difficulty never really was fun.

None of the main healers have defensive ultimates, why is Valkyrie compared with a defensive ultimate like Transcendence ?

Moira’s is not defensive, Ana’s as well. The three of them are main healers.

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A: It’s a mobility boost but the effect encourages a static and non-engaging playstyle. Because of the increased beam-length there really isn’t any incentive to move around much, so you just hold spacebar until you reach the skybox where you are safe, and then for 15 seconds you observe people move around below you while you hold your mouse-button.

B: It takes away target prioritization. During Valkyrie your job as a player could effectively be replaced by two clothing-pins, one to hold down the spacebar key, and one to hold down the desired mouse-button. There is little else you need to do during Valkyrie unless you decide to go Battle Mercy.

C: The self heal is great but not really necessary. Good Mercy players have spent a lot of time learning how not to take damage. They can hide behind obstacles or in the skybox and be protected while the beams do the intended work. Back when I still played the game I would die may be twice in a game.

D: Infinite ammo is great, but pulling out your gun instead of healing or boosting is often met by insults and threats. There are many who will falsely report Mercy players who use their guns.

E: Well, I suppose many are still disgruntled of having lost 10 HPS in the first place so for them this is a poor consolation. I personally wish the primary target in the beam-chain would get increased healing (maybe 80 HPS) and the secondary targets would get reduced healing (maybe 40 HPS) so that target prioritization still mattered.

Basically: the problem with Valkyrie is perhaps not the overall power of it. The problem, for me, is that it makes Mercy absolutely horrible and boring to play for 15 seconds. It’s 15 seconds of pure boredom and unengaging play that ruins my enjoyment.


Same people are saying « Valkyrie is mercy but more »


Lucio’s ult ? Doesn’t change his playstyle

Zeny’s ? IT is ZeN BuT mOrE lek.

Anyway, they will never be happy with her state.

Do you hear Reinhardt mains crying because a lot of the job is holding m2 and protecting their mates ? No.

We could cry rivers asking a rework because « how unfun he is! »

The truth at this point is that they want the « mercy must pick » to be back

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