Genuine question for Mercy mains

A) makes you fly, giving you much much higher mobility.
Flight could be nice but the current version of it in Valk has problems.

The flight speed is slow which at higher levels where hit-scan players are good means you’re dead if you show yourself. Mercy glows like a beacon so she’s not hard to miss. GA is faster than flying.

The activation of the ult isn’t fast enough to avoid enemy ults so it’s not great as an escape mechanism unless you’re already flying. However if you’re already flying then you’re either in the fight being Battle Mercy so take the risk of being caught like any other DPS or you so far behind your own lines that ults won’t catch you.

Having flight removes the quick thinking and positioning needed to stay alive as Mercy though the use of GA. You don’t need to manage your position vs the team vs the enemy vs the environment as you can hide in the sky box. It promotes a duller less risky style of play and removes skill from the character.

The extended range of chain beams means flight is perfectly suited for sitting far back behind your lines and healing. The best thing it’s good for is Battle Mercy to hunt snipers and dart around in the team fight murdering low health targets. However that means you aren’t healing which is your primary task.

Mercy is supposed to be a healer of paramount ability, the best in the game. Having flight as it is actively promotes Battle Mercy which goes against her character design, even if it is the most fun thing about the character at the moment.

B) changes you from single target hero to AoE (or chained).
Chain heals removes an element of skill from the character. Namely juggling your healing from team mate to team mate to keep them topped up in the fight.

The radius of chain healing is small, about the same size as Lucio’s Amp It Up and does a little more healing. It’s not good enough to counter Ults or sustain your team in a fight. It’s not enough healing to be ultimate worthy as it won’t save anyone.

It also goes against her character design as a strong single target healer. Their are plenty of other characters who can AOE heal. Mercy doesn’t need to be like them, she needs her own thing.

C) actives your self heal for the full duration of the ult making you harder to kill.
Self heal is nice but only relevant when you’re playing Battle Mercy. With the length of the chain heal and flight you don’t need it when performing your primary function, healing. You’ll be sat up in the sky box watching the fight.

D) gives you infinite ammo In case you decide to do some pew pew.
Good for Battle Mercy again, not very good in helping you heal and fulfilling your primary role.

E) (this is still fresh but still) increases your healing.
I don’t know of any healing increase. She still does 60hps which Mercy has done for years other than the time she was reduced to 50hps.


The current buffs honestly go a long way to improving her ult

My issue is its boring, and completely reliant on the team using it.

Flight - fine, I go hide behind a light fitting and don’t die - it is however too slow to use reactively, i can often be killed by a genji ult before I get off the ground, so I rarely use valk to contest an ult, unless I wasn’t the first target. Most of the time I’m better off GA-ing to an ally
Infinite ammo - again fine, but often not worth using as opposed to boosting 5 team mates
Aoe - chain - fine, but it’s done better by other ultimates - i can’t outheal a zarya bubble combo unlike zenyatta

My main issue is that Valkyrie feels passive


Wow that was quite a discussion about engagement earlier. Honestly, I would argue that Mercy’s ultimate is easily the least engaging ultimate in the entire game as it essentially has negative engagement. You go from darting from cover to cover and choosing which teammates to heal/boost to holding down a mouse button a mile away for 15 seconds while having negligible effect on the actual fight.


I understand what you mean about being a pure healer.

My point is; she’s a pure healer by definition because that’s her main focus all the time. She doesn’t get to pull out her pistol very fast to finish someone like Moira or to bring CC or offensive capabilities like Ana or Zen/Lucio.

She just heals, she boosts damage for 2 seconds and then goes back to healing. Every 40 seconds or so, she presses ‘‘E’’’ and then she heals again.

You see my point, she’s basically ‘‘only’’ healing, so why not do it properly then?

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For us to be the s76 of supports, we’d need an actual support ability that protects someone or a burst of healing like the helix rockets are a burst of damage.

Mercy doesn’t get to do that, she heals a flat amount all the time and while resurrect could be argued as a healing ability (because it’s a ‘‘heal’’ from zero to full HP) it’s not realistic.

The ally has to die so they completely stop having an impact on the fight for at least 3-4 seconds. Then Mercy needs to swoop in and spend 2 seconds without healing anyone, standing still mind you, to revive the ally which then has to wait 2 seconds before being able to do something.

It’s a powerful ability but its drawbacks go completely against Mercy’s philosophy and gameplay. You said it yourself, she’s a consistent healer, the s76 of supports.

Why does she get a such power-spike ability on a huge cooldown? This is the power of ultimates. This isn’t consistent. And if she’s supposed to have a high mobility, and she does, why does this same powerful ability stops her in her tracks?

It really isn’t logic in the end.

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Nonetheless she is the S76 of support category when Reinhardt is the S76 of tank category :slight_smile:

I don’t claim he is unfun because most of his job is holding M2 (M1 for mercy) time to time fire strike (dmg amp for mercy) and some melee when supported and at range (pew pew for mercy). She has been the most looked at heroe since day 1, give it time to get used to this buff (because it is) let them focus on someone else (bastion for example) and let’s discuss it back in a couple of months.

The problem is that most of non mercy players are pis$ed because there are ONLY mercy threads on the forum, we would like to discuss about the 27 others :wink:

And even now with the buff going through it’s still usless. We know how it already feels, and is used. Also, how effective it js. Nothing has changed. Nothing is diffrent.

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Well it takes away almost any thought required to play her and it doesn’t help your team very much. I guess we aren’t playing the same game.

It doesn’t intrude on your playstyle and you get to watch some tank or dps or whatever pulverize things so yea i’d say that’s far more fun and engaging then valk.

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I’m just answering now because I haven’t been on the forum, sorry for the delay.

I know Mercy threads are annoying. I think it’s come to the point where people think… in this sea of threads, what’s one more?

Then they voice their opinion which sounds a lot like other players’ opinions but what can you do? It’s not the community’s job to make them stop, we all know whose job it is. In the meantime I chose to avoid the forum myself.

Nice nick name btw, French ?

Thanks! Yes it’s a wordplay in french. Nobody even knows what it means or how to pronounce it.

Comte is a count like… count Dracula (it doesn’t come from him)
Harebourgs doesn’t mean anything, but it’s wordplay on ‘‘à rebours’’
Which, spelled differently would say ‘‘Compte à rebours’’
Which in turn means a countdown.

ComteHarebourg is a boss that’s time-related in a videogame.

It’s not useless it’s underpowered. And until resurrect is removed and replaced (which I highly doubt will ever happen) she will always have a lower impact ultimate compared to the rest of the roster. Also it’s hard to ever justify utilizing her infinite ammo during ult unless it’s to quickly hunt a lone widow. In every other case it’s best to heal and damage boost. Her ult also charges very quickly through doing damage now after the buff, but again, hard to justify doing damage as Mercy when you’d get more value out of healing/dmgboost because of how passively she was built to play.

I would describe it as:

“Sounds fun on paper, but the healing increasment is barely existent. You can’t switch targets and toggle beam, cause everybody is healed for the same amount, so it’s really boring.
Other than that, I do like Valk, it’s just the HPS I strongly despise and compared to Nano, Trans, Soundbarrier this ultimate is weak af.”

I'd like valk if
  • main target/beam was increased to 75-90 HPS
  • chain healing was decreased to 40-55 HPS
  • uninterruptible self-regen was reduced to 10 HPS

trans and barrier is used by off supports

mercy is a main healer and nano is not stronger than valk

valk is more defensive while nano is more offensive, nano doesn’t save ana while valk saves mercy in most cases, they have different goals

so you can potentially be more alive than ana in team fights

Also there’s the fact that with Mercy your ult entitles you to float in the sky and hold a button down while your team attempts to kill stuff. While with Moira you’re healing for 140hps and doing 70dps while healing yourself for 50hps and have a movespeed buff, Lucio and Zen can save a whole team with their ults, Brigitte can make her whole team tanky and make her an unstoppable dps machine, and Ana’s makes a single target an almost unkillable dps machine. She could have an ultimate with these sorts of power levels. But she can’t because of rez.

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Oui je sais :slight_smile: merci malgré tout pour le petit cours :wink:

Oh :stuck_out_tongue: Au moins d’autres gens peuvent le savoir maintenant haha

Yep :slight_smile: