Genji's Swift Strike rubberbanding after the latest update (1.44)

Bump, this issue has returned since 1.47 and has yet to be resolved as of 1.51 despite a number of threads regarding the issue.

1.47 thread: Genji Swift Strike rubberbanding has returned with 1.47
1.47.1-1.48.1 thread: Genji Swift Strike rubberbanding still ongoing
Video 1:
Video 2:

I’ve also noticed that hits and eliminations don’t properly register with packet loss since 1.44, thread: Hits and Eliminations won't always register client-side since 1.44
Yes I know this video is an extreme scenario but I’ve had connection issues in the past, and before 1.44 the hits that actually hit always registered on the client, so did eliminations. But ever since 1.44 every once in a while in a match a hit or an elimination won’t register if a packet happens to drop at the “right” time.

Additional issues:

1.46 changed how Swift Strike’s first person animation appears, causing it to be off the screen when looking up, all over the screen when looking down, and only appearing normally when looking forward, thread: Genji's Swift Strike first person animation behaves strangely since 1.46

1.51 broke dash by making “no movement” dashes which happen when you’re too close to the ground/wall to no longer deal damage, making combos such as rmb->dash->rmb unreliable, thread:
