Genji dash sometimes won't deal damage (1.51)

When you’re too close to a wall you dash towards, dash doesn’t move you, but before this update (1.51) it still dealt damage, this is no longer the case, meaning that dashing at an enemy who’s backed into a wall/corner no longer damages them if you’re right in-front of them.
Edit: Also affects dash at the floor (initially seemed like it didn’t), this prevents rmb → dash → rmb combos in-front of the target, as if the nerfed fire rate wasn’t enough.


Video 2:

Edit 2: If someone from Blizzard does see this, fix the rubberbanding too, it’s been brought back a few updates ago and it hasn’t been fixed despite a number of reports regarding the issue. Genji Swift Strike rubberbanding still ongoing

Edit 3: Another video of the issue in a match

i dont have that problem. i treid to replicate but it always works.
maybe its latence issue (yours is 130)
its fixed
its a “you” thing

Reproduced with my standard ping of around 80 as well (second video) as well as by a few friends.
It still happens, walk up in-front of a bot in the practice range as shown in the first video and you won’t deal damage when you dash at it.

Think the only way we can get this heard is if necros or Shadder say something about it.

Enough eyes on the thread usually does the trick too, just need people to keep replying or reporting the same bug until someone from Blizzard decides to take a look at one of the threads.