Genji's pick rate in a tank meta proves he's OP

Im not support main.

But i like to play heros with no high movility… and is terrible to play against Dragon blade.

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Because your McCree example was dumb. McCree has the 2nd worst win rate at GM and consistently has one of the lowest win rates across the board.


and win rate had absolutely nothing to do with your original argument. how convenient :thinking:

not to mention that genji has a win rate within the bottom half of heroes within GM and is beaten by countless heroes that have even higher pick rates than him.


Oh yeah dragon blade is the reason why most dps in this game are bad right? it’s not bad balance decisions, busted tanks and supports like at all right? if dragon blade makes other DPS so useless then why no one even try to running dps against GOATS even considering that Genji isn’t part of it?


When he is.

Blizzard already said genji is not a balance problem a long time ago, and he hasn’t received any buff to become a balance problem since.


Or do you actually mean you can’t win a Genji so you want him to get nerfed instead?


Are you forgetting that 90% of the heroes borderline counter him?


And i think that number (even tho it was an exaggeration by your part) is going to be higher and higher if blizzard doesn’t do something to ‘nerf’ hyper mobile heroes which is the reason we got Moira and Brig in the first place… (more CC more weapons that don’t require much aim)
Of course this is only one problem of OW balance i think

I’d say it’s more to do with his popularity than anything. No matter the rank, no matter the meta, you can count Genji in.


Imagine complaining about dps heroes in a meta without any dps heroes…


did you know that some people play their favorite character because they like them, and not because they are strong? genji is one of if not the most liked character in Overwatch, ofcourse people will still play him even if hes weak

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Funny how people here are saying how goats wasn’t isn’t played till GM and not an issue, but on the same breath have clamoured for dva nerfs because she happens to be part of goats because it apparently makes OWL boring to watch so she needs to be ruined for the ladder players too.

Go figure the doublestandard.

Nanoblade is still far too strong and needs to be nerfed just like boosted dragonstrike.


the irony is that OP is an Ana main which, in tandem with him, is what makes Genji viable

like lol if you just deleted Ana from the game nobody would cry about Genji because Dragonblade would be garbage.

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Is that a joke? Genji has the fewest counters in the game - and he can out play all of them.


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Have you ever played winston just watch any genji try and exist the minute you pick him

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No it doesn’t. lol can we just leave him alone? Wasn’t he garbage a few seasons ago?

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if you think hes that good then play him yourself


Playing Winston then trying to chase down Genji is literally throwing. You’ll just end up feeding and Genji will still get away because he has better mobility.


Yeah obviously it was an exaggeration but you really can’t disagree, Mccree stun around Genji’s deflect, brig stun through deflect, winston tesla, beam heroes, boops, and that pretty common roadhog bug that makes hook pretty much go through deflect. Once they learn to chill with the cc characters than genji should be ok