Forums have never been so ironic

20 characters…

Genji mains just want to be free and feast on supports and pretend it takes skill to press rmb to pat on that ego. =)

You don’t know the pain of genji mains, having had to play with such a mid tier hero with best dps ulti plus combo in the game for so long and getting countered so very hard by 2 characters.


Even Mercy can do it. Just as Zen. All you need is learn to play and improve aim. But Genji doesn’t need aim after buffs if you cannot kill med/long range target with his suricens and climb on Gengu.

After that characters got nerfs after nerfs :smiley:

Ugh. Should have gone with something less strong. I was thinking about something else and made a mistake. But yeah generalization is wrong. Imagine if OP wrote something about Mercy mains instead. It just so happens that Genji mains are in the minority here and there won’t be as much backlash

Have you ever watched any goos Genji player? Because from what you write you clearly didn’t. As I said talking to you is pointless

Heh, I’ve honestly seen Genji mains state how Zen vs Genji is a proper 50/50 matchup which is all about skill. Pfft, wat? Yeah, it’s a totally equal opportunity when the other one has way more tools and other advantages over the other.

Yes yes, not all Genji mains but just gonna say that some of these “skill” arguments are just plain delusional.


I was one of the people in that thread arguing against such a ridiculous notion. According to them, Zen has trans so he’s a fair match up against Genji.



Hard disagree. As an Ana main I’ve always loved the skill match up between Ana and Flankers. Them naturally having an advantage against her, being flankers… but the option to outplay them by baiting abilities and landing skill shots making the dynamic between that interaction still survivable if played properly.

This however stops being the case when they make a hero OP by reducing the TTK by increasing their damage. Tightening their spread allowing them to be more consistent at hitting their targets from further away and remove all counter play from an all in ability that used to be a skill match up allowing that hero to cancel deflect.

But don’t take “support mains” words on how broken they made the hero. The hero literally has the second highest winrate in GM this week since his buffs, and it hasn’t even been a full week.


We love a good hypocrite! We have no choice but to Stan these kind of people!!

That’s Genji one-tricks for you. “Brig stunned me, nerf now”. “I can’t deflect Moira, nerf now”. “Genji got bufffed? Lol, git gud, newb”.

Also, I think you mean hypocritical, not ironic.


A-ha, sure. You mean those same supports who keep getting nerfed and nerfed cause DPS mains say so?


Of course. Gotta keep DPS mains happy, so they buy more smurfs.


how about plat players just stop talking about hero balance like they know better than anyone else

Last month

“learn to counter Moira”
“No! Moira is overpowered and needs a big nerf”

This month

“Learn to counter Genji, he’s very balanced now!”
“Didn’t you say Moira was broken etc when we told you the same?”
“Moira is broken though!!! Genji is still the worst hero in the game because of her!”


Some of Genji’s counters take significantly less effort to counter him than the other way around, though. And I play some of them.

But also he shouldn’t have free reign which is sort of where it’s going now.

Read this. Is he good enough for you?

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yeah sure, one of easiest

u have 1 hour QP playtime with 1.6 KDA…

your ana KDA are kinda the same as your genji KDA

You are “Genji can be overpowered because he requires aim he can deal 100 damage with one shuriken”
With all the conversations I’ve seen your only defense for genji being strong is that he requires aim, and who cares, anyone decent can learn how to aim if they put effort to it, aim isn’t some kind of divine hard technique that requires years of practice, good genes and talent.

Stop typing here like you think you are smart and stop defending Genji when he is clearly stronger than others.

Its… literally been the opposite, for forever.
“Learn to counter Brig”
“Genji is op”
But sure, pretend this hasn’t been the state of the forums for the past year in an attempt to prove an empty point.