Genji is too good at 1v1s

Just played tryhard FFA in the game browser and I wasn’t surprised at how easy it is to win 1v1s with Genji. It takes literally no effort whatsoever. Just right click, dash, 180, right click or melee again and you win. Almost zero mechanical skill involved.

His right click is now a shotgun. You don’t even have to aim at the head, just in their general direction and you can easily do massive damage in a short period. Combined with the dash reset you can easily chain kill multiple enemies with little to no effort.

His winrate in comp is high because he is high reward, low risk.

Genji mains often defend him by saying he’s a high skill hero. But this isn’t the truth at all.

In fact, Genji is one of those heroes that doesn’t have a skill curve but rather skill steps. When you first play Genji you’re likely to mistake your poor performance with him as a lack of skill. But in truth you just don’t know how to play him. Once you learn his basic plays you’ll have taken a step in terms of ‘skill’. And this doesn’t take much time.

From here on, you’re pretty much guaranteed to get kills with little effort.

One of the basic plays of Genji is to get up in someone’s face, press deflect, then right click and dash. This is an instakill for heroes with 200 hp or less. It’s really easy to learn this.

Keep in mind this is without his blade. His blade is just broken and takes absolutely no skill whatsoever to use. But Gengu mains are going to defend this so as a concession I’ll agree that it takes a skill step to learn how to use his blade.

But once learned you can’t unlearn it. It’s like riding a bike. At first you can’t, but then suddenly you can. Gengu is a bicycle.


Lmao “Almost zero mechanical skill,” yet you listed five mechanical inputs Genji needs to hit accurately to deal damage rivaling other DPS, where as characters like McCree and Soldier only need one or two inputs to put out the same damage.


Yup, almost zero mechanical skill. How much skill does right click require? Very little, plus it’s spamable. Dash, no skill. Melee, no skill. 180, maybe some skill.

Aim is the only thing I consider a mechanical skill. Everything else is just basic gameplay.

I’m GM and I find Mccree, Hanzo, Ashe, Widowmaker, heck even Bastion to require actual mechanical skill because unlike Genji they actually have to aim. Lol, now that I think about it, even Doomfist takes more mechanical skill to play than Genji.


Then you don’t know what a mechanical skill is.


Hanzo spamming shots through a choke or with storm arrow doesn’t take better mechanics than Genji play. It doesn’t even take better aim.


hes a duelist hero, same as tracer and doomfist. 1v1s are what hes meant to excel at

he also has to put in significantly more effort than his counterparts to secure a kill in that 1v1


I thought my 3 hours on genji wouldn’t be enough to play him in my rank. Well i was wrong, this cheap alt fire is all you need to use. Hit twice? Dash in, hit one again, dash out. I started playing df but why bother? Genji is even better and easier.

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All have pretty solid advantages in a 1v1 or picking a duel during a teamfight.

I would put Genji below McGriddle and above Tracer.


I agree with you with the fact they over buffed genji and that some combos are too rewarding with how easy they are to execute.

Right click from far, dash to the feet, right click melee. Barely takes aim or any skill and almost impossible to counter for any 200HPs heros.

60 (if 2 hits) + 50 + 90 (3 hits since close range) + 30 = 230 damage (without any HS lol)


Hanzo spamming shots through a choke or with storm arrow doesn’t take better mechanics than Genji play. It doesn’t even take better aim.

That’s literally one situation and you only point it out because of confirmation bias. People like you are delusional if you think Hanzo takes no skill. Try spamming shots in GM and see how far you get.


Hanzo was easier than genji in the scatter era. Now hanzo is hard and genji is one of the easiest dps. Skill ceiling is still high but skill floor is really low.

That’s what Hanzos do, predict movement and hope shots hit because, like Genji, Hanzo has a projectile weapon and perfect tracking will never guarantee a hit.

Genji vs Hanzo 1v1 might be harder for the Hanzo now, but Storm arrow can still alleviate a lot of that pressure, especially with the buffs.

Deflect cant be cancelled with right click. You dont know how the hero operates yet you are acting like you are the absolute master. Cant take you seriously

I’m sorry, but that looks like a great deal of mechanical skill.

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You’re basing his need for a nerf based off of an arcade mode?

His winrate is 50.6%… that’s incredibly average


Hanzo requires aim. Current Hanzo is pretty well balanced with the arrow speed nerfs.

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Deflect cant be cancelled with right click. You dont know how the hero operates yet you are acting like you are the absolute master. Cant take you seriously

Way to misunderstand what I said. Just lol.

Outside of Widow, I find Genji the hardest to play. The rest of the DPS I can pick and play semi-competently. Genji though? I have no clue what to do with him (including his ult.)

Me picking Genji instantly turns the game into a 5 v 6. I just have no clue how to play him and live longer than 5 seconds.

genji is about as difficult as doomfist and i see a lot of genji players think they’re better than doomfist players which always makes me laugh

both heroes skill ceiling is a bunch of jargon words but it’ll be the same ppl using those “techs” that will baby rage at super jump

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I can put your 5 mechanical inputs addapted to hitscan shot : Aim is Presision,speed,frame reaction, reading animation, hardflick or track or combo of both, reposition if failed or get success, repeat, don’t tunnel vision to not get collaterated…and so on and so on. Now lets compare : get on head, get enemy attention, press e button, wait if enemy will fail to shoot it, then right click+dash to do free damage and confuse target, press space x 2, do another rclick + melee, dash away to safety. No aim, no brain, just get use.


Hanzo can get by just spamming arrows at the enemy team. He doesn’t require pinpoint tracking and he doesn’t benefit from it anyway. He has to aim the same way Genji does at long ranges and has storm arrow/leap to alleviate close-range pressure.

I’m not saying he doesn’t have to aim at all. I’m just saying he’s a terrible example to use if all you care about is precise hitscan aim. OP listed him with a bunch of hitscan heroes that all require more precise aim than Hanzo (minus Bastion), so I assume he mains Hanzo and wanted to talk him up.