Forums have never been so ironic

This from the forums that argued for like 4 months that Brig wasn’t overpowered and everyone just needed to get good and stop playing Tracer (even when the person saying Brig was op had 0 playtime on flankers lol). Even when she was 6% pickrate, 64% wr gm and folded dive over night (which to this day we’ve never had a true dive meta since). And who now a year later will actually mostly admit she was overtuned on release?

And when people had to all literally stop playing characters entirely (like Tracer who disappeared completely from league for the next 12 months) and like most dps who had no role in a game where chip damage was worthless, the forums main take aways were:

-Brig is balanced just learn how to counter lol.
-The only dps viable into Brig are clearly broken and the reason for the meta. They need to be nerfed.

You’re gonna call some Genji one tricks saying he’s fine the peak of forum irony? There was a solid half year here where the forum wasn’t worth using because 2/3 of the serious posts were as dumb as I just described.

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Also the same who says “learn how to counter” is the person who in the game will blame you for playing off meta heroes saying that theyre trash.

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The irony is support mains are salty because they can’t 1v1 flanker. It goes both ways

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The irony is supports need far more skill to 1v1 flanker, but flankers think they are skillful.

I generalize. Show me Genji main’s quote “Genji is OP”/“Genji is broken”/“Genji must be nerfed”. They vere salty about him being “weak” even in times of jump bugs.
Show me Genji admitting his hero OP and I will change my mind.

Well, that goes without saying. Genji could reliably duel against Brig or Moira prior to the buffs, but they still wanted nerfs. They just tend to be hypocritical people. I am sure some are just using it ironically, though, because that is what a lot of Brig and Moira mains told them to do.

Tell me how much skill pressing one button as moira is, with brig it actually is very skillfull because you need to press 3 buttons! Then tell me what’s from with Genji who’s killing mercy, lucio zen or ana?

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I dont play Moira. I learned how to 1vs1 her as Mercy.

Just as Genji. Oh… He presses 4 buttons instead of 3 and does more damage, and moblity, and resets shift after kill. I’d rather fight Moira or Brig in 1v1, but not Genji.


You probably forgot neither moira or brig requires aiming

So does Genji? With RMB stuff and combo?
What a joke… Sad and fun at the same time.

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Did you just say Genji does not require aiming?

He does (LMB). As much as Mercy or Lucio or baby Dva. But he gets too much value from that kind of aim.

Also: his combo doesn’t.

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Too much value from getting into point blank range to be any effective?

Do you not understand what generalization is? He’s very clearly showing you why generalizing people is stupid and the point has gone way over your head.

I dont complain about Genji’s surikens as separate thing. Just as shift/E (as separate thing).
But Genji using both kinds of damage and gettings buffs… It’s broken.

His LMB and RMB has no damage reduction. So he can just spam from any range.
He has a lot of mobility to escape duel/battle he cannot win.

RMB? Spam from any range? Into what, like Rein’s shield? You realize you can’t really hit anyone yet actually kill anyone with those shurikens unless you go into point blank range? I don’t really want to know the answer because there is no point in talking to you anymore. If Genji can kill by spamming his shurikens from long range when you don’t have very low hp you deserve it

Yes, and he does so with real life minorities

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It’s literally the same with support mains lol. One post is genji is very very very op and the other one is saying that immortality is thrash

I say about both versions of surikens. Thats all

Remember Moira orb?

Moira’s orb basically sticks to you, literally nobody can consistently hit targets at even medium range as Genji unless your target is someone’s shield

As if there aren’t 15 times more threads saying he Jo’s op. Gimme a break