Forums have never been so ironic

Genji should never have been strong enough that Moira / Brig needed to be added.

Yeah, you shouldn’t counter a hero by pressing H, but, you should never be put in a position where doing so is for the good of the game.

We are about to be back here, and need MORE mobility counters out of the support lineup, and really? Is THAT the path we want to go down?

And heroes like doom aren’t too good 1v1? You probably forgot you won’t fight 1v1 in real game that much

With current power level he is far from ovepowered. You just don’t like being on the receiving end of buff to hero you don’t like

far from overpowered yet if you press leftclick on training bots head and v it kills him which is literally ability to oneshot more than % of characters in the game

Sad but this is literally one of the if not THE realist statement I’ve ever read on here. It really does work that way, unless you’re a aim reliant hero or flanker nothing is allowed to be strong.

man listen I’ve seen people on here say zen is a genji counter because of discord… like it’s pretty clear that genji main want 0 counters, to be able to flank freely and for supports to be free kills. Honestly genji players right now are getting carried HARD by their character it’s not their " Skill " or " Fundamentals " he’s literally just busted but it’s ok because he takes " Skill " ( he’s not even hard, ow in general is an easy game ) supports are all braindead and require no skill so they shouldn’t be strong. That’s literally the mentality in this forum.


You can’t be serious right? Training bots as argument? Damn it this is just ridiculous

But both of those things are true. Brig is known OP for months now without Genji’s involvement. You shouldn’t HAVE to pick one hero in the game to stand a chance to counter another. Genji is very counterable, even without a Brig, but it’s not the way Overwatch has been played for a while.

Brig is just too strong in almost every facet, in almost any scenario. It really has nothing to do with Genji. I say this as a support main who plays her as well. She’s been like this for months and months now.

and you are delusional

Because i think argument about training bots is stupid?

I’ll tell you it diffrently than, if they were to buff genji’s shurikens to deal 0,35 more damage you can oneshot most of the heroes and all of the supports just with one leftclick.

Genji job: kill supports.

Genji SHOULD win any fair fight with a support unless he gets outskilled.

not really since suports have <1/2 heroes to pick from

Ok NO problem!
Mei - if she so much as touches genji with left click genji is silenced, cant dash double jump wall climb and is frozen 50% faster than tanks
Cree - flashbang cant be deflected, stun is 1.5 seconds long SPECIFICALY on geji and tracer
Reinhard deals 100 dmg SPECIFICALLY to genji and tracer AND genji cant deflect melee hits from him
Winston prolongs genjis cooldowns and after 1 second tuns SPECIFICALLY genji and tracer

See I agree with you, genji is supposed to hard counter ALL supports SO its naturall some tanks and some dps then MUST HARDcounter genji :slight_smile:

Or are you one of dem hypocrites who want to have all the tools for themselves and **** the rest?

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100% agree and i main genji.

PS: i eat enemy rein for breakfast if my own rein backs me up.

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Genjis job - kill low mobility characters that can’t effectively defend themselves. Support doesn’t mean easy kill for flankers support means they support their team, some happen do do that through self peel for the backline.

By outskilled I’m assuming you mean outaimed and the things that come to mind for you are zen hitting two headshots and Ana sleep. But guess what if a brig notices you keep rushing the backline and changes their playstyle to defend them and you continue to run into the backline then you’ve been read like a book and outplayed

Or a hog hooking me from nowhere, or a junkrat having a seizure over his keyboard, or that one tracer that actually peels -i fight this guy at least twice a year- one clipping me…

Fair criticism to be honest