Forums have never been so ironic

“learn to counter genji”
Few post below
“Brig is op”

It just feels like genji mains are saying “my hero is fine pls learn how to counter” and when you start countering him “omg this hero broken you’re no skill”



btw I’m not saying every genji main is like this, I’m sure some are chill and some may not even play genji, but still, it feels that way


psst, it’s also the same with support mains. Just saying. It goes both ways.


moral of the story:
It is fine when DPS are oppressive. But if other roles are decent, they get hit with nerf hammer.

(edit: holy shet 70 likes)


Add utility DPS to the nerf hammer too

Only DPS abilities allowed :smiling_imp:


As if every Genji main is also a Brig hater. What a joke.


It’s sad just how fast people generalize here, pretty pathetic.




I actually laughed


No its not even close lmao. Come back when Genji mains face real life violence


Hyperbole, yes? It’s still not a thing you should do. I could’ve used the words straight and white instead of black and lgbt and it would still have been as mean. Or the words Sombra or Sym main. Especially when you know that an opinion is more accepted than another

You never find people more out of touch or lacking awareness than Genji mains.

Genji main “facts”

“He takes the most skill.”

“The fact that he has counters is a sign of bad game design.”

“One tricking is the only way to improve at the game.”

“I don’t need to play [insert healer here] to know that they’re easy to play, if you die to me, you’re just bad.”

I could go on.


Op is very clearly complaining about specific Genji mains who want people to learn how to counter Genji, but dont want to have to counter themselves. It happens and its annoying. So op is allowed to call it as it is. Yes, other mains do that too. But right now theres a lot of Genji mains doing it. Then they said “btw I know its not all Genji mains” because its not.


Yes, he takes a lot of skill.

Brig and Moira, I assume you mean them by ‘‘counters’’, require less positional, mechanical and awareness skills than Genji. Why should a hero that only requires pressing one button and juking easily kill a hero that is constantly juking, in a high risk position and is pressure by time?

Nobody says one-tricking is good. Like the consensus is for one-tricks to git gud and learn other heroes.

Nobody talks about support as if they’re easy. Except for Moira who is considerably easier than most other heroes

Who are reasonable as Genji isn’t OP and countering is essential in this game. Those fabled Genji mains don’t exist. Just like the stereotypical Mercy main doesn’t exist either. It’s ok to poke fun at stereotypes, but OP was clearly serious by thinking about that.

Reasonable? Is that why theres been multiple topics calling healing broken because Genji couldn’t kill an Ashe despite it being a 1 vs 3 and the Ashe being hard pocketed by two healers?




you’re off you’re rocker if you actually believe this. He has a hitbox the size of a toothpick and a kit entirely full of get out of jail free cards. Genji players are the worst players I’ve seen in the game in terms of positional and awareness skills. His kit helps him cover up positional and awareness mistakes.

Kind of proving my point about being out of touch. I’m a full flex player, I play all the characters including Genji. I recently started picking him up in anticipation of the buffs. He is one of the easiest characters to play in terms of positioning and awareness, and he’s not terribly hard mechanically to boot.


I feel like people forget what countering really offers

For brig to hard counter genji, of course she’ll have an easy time, melee character who controls a zone, that’s brig, easy counter for any dive character, as how genji has an easy counter against snipers because of his mobility

Brig is easy? Yeah, if they go into close range, you put a widow in front of her, bam, she feels powerless

The only reason of why a hero is easy is because a hard counter goes into their favor

For example

Ez counter of genji
Goes through deflect
Forgiveable hitboxes

But then you take her into a tank or even torb’s turret

What can she do?
Nothing (or she shouldn’t)
She can just run away because she won’t kill them, she’s not designed for that

Brig and Moira are made to counter dive heroes easily, but struggle with many other things in return, and I think this is something we can agree with



I just can’t even.
If someone says “X mains do x behavior” but you’re an X main and don’t do that behavior, then obviously you’re not the target of the post.
Edit: ohh, I came up with a hashtag


He isn’t broken, only strong. As strong as Ashe or Mccree, yet the forums is making such a big deal out of it as if Genji was the next Mei or release Brig.

Also, for the issue, it isn’t nice to call out a group of people, especially if it’s the dissenting opinion. I agree that my example was pretty bad, but my point still stands. I don’t think there would be as much praise for OP if the thread was talking about Sym, Moira, Brig, Sombra or Mercy mains, who can be equally as annoying. Doesn’t help that this is the 10th hourly post calling out Genji mains. Seriously, move on

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