Forced loss streaks - here is your chance

Hey, as my last topic which was sarcastic to joke about forced loss streak ended up with longer discussion i would like to finaly put end to forced loss streak theory or even prove it. I will go that far and say i can accept that theory as real with exception that only certain people are affected by it as i am not one if them. If there will be evidence for sure.

Lets together share the evidence for forced loss streak theory. As anything only said cannot be proven, video proof is needed.

Here you have chance to show us all that forced loss theory is the thing. I will keep updating this first post with evidence provided. There are some requirements and i have to say that i am able to analyze only games up to plat as my own rank is low dia. So what kind of evidence i want to see?

  1. open profile so i can see if you are not trying to manipulate things and where i can see your rank so i know its really you on video
  2. record minimum of 3 games from your forced loss streak as you played these games so i can see your sr changing
  3. share picture from replay so i can see that you played games as you recorded them.
  4. games recorded from replay have less evidence value as there is not chat and voice chat recorded so games could be manipulated by being toxic. But i will watch them too and wrote results too, dont worry.
  5. if you had leaver in more than 1 game, minimum number of games showed is 5 instead of 3. But two additional games dont have to be losses. I simply need sample of how you play in your games in classic games as game with leavers are guaranteed loss almost every time.
  6. dont talk bad about your team mates, simply share your games, I dont want rank or person shaming here. If someone was bad i am able to see it from your gameplay. But you can share some info if you chose to about what happened in recorded games.

I will keep updating this:

Evidence was provided by : 0 forum members



MHz is going to show up with proof, any minuteā€¦


I dont think so, i have seen a lot of posts/topics from him in past, but never video evidence. He doesnt have any probably as he would most likely share it ages ago. But hey, maybe he will suprise us.

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I was being tongue-in-cheek. Thereā€™s no evidence for it, just very vocal tin-foil types.

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I won 4 in a row yesterday. Suddenly the flip switches and i get complete idiot teams for 4 in a row to make up for it.

For the 1,000th time in the history of this game.

And i donā€™t have to record or prove a single thing to you or anyone else. I can see how it works, and so have plenty of other people.

Suddenly tanks donā€™t push.
Suddenly your team is all 1 endorsements
Suddenly you have the ā€œdownrakersā€ aka baby men.

Now, YOU watching a video of this BS isnā€™t going to prove anything. You will sit and pick apart the player. Except, when these teams turn to trashā€¦ you CANā€™T play well. So what good is watching someoneā€™s designated carry games? The entire team is going to suck when the tanks refuse to push. The entire team is going to suck when thereā€™s a soft thrower.

It doesnā€™t help to sit and watch a few games.

You witness the trend over dozens, maybe 100ā€™s of games.


I am really not looking for stories, i seek video evidence of these things.

How do you think coaches coach teams. They analyze the videos.

If i would be able to pick apart player, he was probably doing mistakes which cost him the match. I will take into consideration rank of player vs his mistakes of course .

Sure, you dont have to but i thought you and others actualy want to play without forced loss streaks and because you and others are still creating posts about it, one would asume its important for you guys. And i gave you perfect opportunity to show it here, if you will provide solid evidence, more people in community will try to bring this topic and talk about it. Dont you want that?


In all fairness Iā€™d be happy to just see a non-photoshopped screenshot where your entire team has endorsement lvl 1 while the other team has 3+ because I donā€™t think I have seen that since the endorsement system was put into place and by the sound of it this happens to you all the time. Until then I would categorize your post in the make believe fairy-tale category.


Iā€™m sorry to tell you this, but my view of your mindset over 1000s and 1000s of posts is that I donā€™t think youā€™re mature enough to play cooperatively with other people against other people. PvE cooperative? Maybe. But you donā€™t handle Cooperative Competitive PvP well.


Iā€™ve lost count of how many times youā€™ve blamed your team for losses, but I canā€™t actually recall you ever once claiming that your team carried you and you got undeserved wins.

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one of the main questions is: how do we define a streak?

two games? three games? four or more?

ā€žstreaksā€œ are mostly only 3-5 games long, until the matchmaker turns around. statistically itā€˜s not that relevant in the long run.

but losing 4-5 games in a row will give you 1-1,5 hours of frustrating user experienceā€¦

ā€¦ So winning 4 games in a row is fine but as soon as you lose 4 in a row itā€™s suddenly a rigged system?

All you guys want is constant Ws and wonā€™t be satisfied with anything else.

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Yeah exactly, this all is coming from thinking they are better than their elo. Bronze player believe that if he win 10 games(just being lucky), he suddendly is where he belongs. And when he starts to losing, its the rigged system.

When in reality he is still 1500 guy in 1750 elo and when luck is gone, his skill will make him lose back to where he belongs.

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